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Everything posted by alexandre

  1. about shufling a number generated randomly using range , i thought that if i shuffled the number it would give a new number in that range but , it seems like we cant do this. what would be your way of doing this ? i find it intriguing since this seems quite a simple solution if i make it right no?
  2. yes i think i should have asked what would work if this is not the good way to go about it ,. and i am always trying to understand whats wrong from where i asked what was wrong with the code it would help to identify an error that i dont want to make again..
  3. yeah you are right but i have the bad habit to always encounter unprobable things so i was just trying to prevent in case this happens. but what would not work in this code as it is? i know there might be errors i just did this quickly trying to figure the most suitable way to handle this.
  4. so i have this here: $voucher_code = rand(1, 100000000000000000); if ($stmt = $con->prepare('SELECT voucher_code FROM voucher_codes')) { $stmt->bind_param('i', $voucher_code); $stmt->execute(); $voucher_codes = mysqli_query($con, $stmt); while (mysqli_num_rows($voucher_codes) > 0) { shuffle($voucher_code); } if (mysqli_num_rows($voucher_codes) == 0) { $voucher_code_unique = $voucher_code; }} i did not tested it yet , i wanted to know some opinions (if posible for mysqli extension), so what i doubt about this code would be that the query doesnt compare with the shuffled voucher code after it is getting shuffled in case of a duplicated record. if so i would end in a endless loop of same queries to redo and recompare the new generated voucher code from the shuffle function.
  5. no no .. thank you i was just sharing an idea if anyone happen to fall onto it 😂 you can delete my messages if it goes against any guideline
  6. and this was without mentioning the fact that the bank printing money in united state are owned by the biggest oil and faussile energy companies .. i think it should tell you a lot just with that ..
  7. this means nothing to me, a lot of things can lead to a company going banckrupt. if things are handled well this wont affect at all ,the value of a currency is defined by the belief of the people into it and nothing else. when people will realize that, if they was all trying to get all their money out of the banks , all at the same time , there would never be enough physical money for everyone. banks are functioning on the concept that they owe you money if you deposit. if they give you credits or you have a mortgage to pay then you owe them money that doesnt even exist in the first place this money is reinjected in the system when you pay your interests on it. most of people are stuck in a endless loophole where they can always pay only the minimum so in the end they end up paying forever that same amount of money over and over again ... yes people need to wake up and pull out something transparent safe and secure to use, to give people access to their actual money without them paying everytime they need to spend. a lots of things are to be done but i am telling you , there is no other futur for an economy than a digital currency. you can also think about the price it cost just to print physical money , if i am right they spent five times what they printed in value last time to create and print this new plastic paper.. i am really trying to find any logical reason for everyone to still be so blind about the society and governments , there is so much to say but so little tolerance about negativity that it becomes useless to even try to reason others.
  8. yeah i understand what you mean, and thank you for the advice , also i read the manual and i try to learn new stuff from time to time but mysqli just gotten into me, the functions and parameter setups are way simpler in my opinion. and until now i didnt really fell onto something that i could not achieve with mysqli. if i ever get something that i would need pdo absolutely i will learn how to do what i need to do but if my brain doesnt judge it vital, there is no way i retain any informations even if wanted. i know myself. i have three features left to code into my website and i hope that i wont need pdo 🤣 shopping cart, voucher code system and a wallet of my creation for managing their currency on my website. if anyone needs inspiration about something to create, there is this other project i have been thinking since i was launching crypto currencies with a friend. i obviously doesnt have the knowledge to realize it so if anyone see this, feel free to dive in. so here is the idea long story short, i despise social networks but i cant help but imagining a better platform for users. when you look at the actual biggest social networks, you think of a profile page for anyone that you want to have access, so it is suitable for normal users who just use example messenger and never go on the actual social network. My idea here is to make a platform for the influencers , the one trying to build something out of their name or companies. from there i thought about a way to give a value to each users account. for doing so you imagine a normal account creation but on a main blockchain(representing the social network itself and its currency) where each account would be built on a fork of the main blockchain. if you succeed to achieve this then all you have to do is to work on a strong algorithm to calculate the value of the main currency of the platform from which the forked currencie's values will be defined by the demand and how many of the coins are in circulation for each account. so when you think of the influencers doing their things to try to make their own values out of nothing. so a platform like that would provide a safe and secure way to establish a personal value, as in every single human beings should have the equal chances of success and decide if they have the will to do something of their lifes, if you provide them the right tool a huge economy could run after that. that governments likes it or not crypto-currencies are the future of the actual economy and i think its better to start doing it yourself right now then letting facebook doing it in 20 years. it is a pretty simple concept but out of reach for me.
  9. yes it was the purpose too, since i am planning to make this a community based platform, there are strong chances that loyal users will end up being lifted to simple admin or stuff like that also for now the only admin is my account that i added and i have total control over who is going to have access to that admin status. and about making two different pages it just seemed extremely simple compared to what i had to do to get to almost the same result, its just that i am still too much uncomfortable with pdo to merge all my code to it, but my main issue is that i have to use code samples that i didnt write and it makes it a lot more complicated for myself to find a way around issues created by changing things as simple as a coma in the other person code. all in all i appreciate your advices and will try to make it better for my further developping experiences.
  10. even simpler and better solution was to make two files one for the user and one for the admin output and then verify at the very start if they are an admin or not then redirect the user to the user output page if he is not admin. this way i just had to remove the two undesired links for the simple users page and it fixes my issue. everything is working perfectly now. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); session_start(); // If the user is not logged in redirect to the login page... if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { header('Location: index.html'); exit; } require_once '../donation-clash/includes/connect_db2.php'; $stmt = $con->prepare('SELECT admin_id, admin_name, admin_balance, admin_status FROM admins WHERE admin_id = ?'); $stmt->bind_param('i', $_SESSION['id']); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($admin_id, $admin_name, $admin_balance, $admin_status); $stmt->fetch(); $stmt->close(); if ($_SESSION['id'] != $admin_id) { header('location: user_poll.php'); exit; } else { include 'functions.php'; // Connect to MySQL $pdo = pdo_connect_mysql(); // MySQL query that retrieves all the polls and poll answers $stmt = $pdo->query('SELECT p.*, GROUP_CONCAT(pa.title ORDER BY pa.id) AS answers FROM polls p LEFT JOIN poll_answers pa ON pa.poll_id = p.id GROUP BY p.id'); $polls = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } ?> <?=template_header('Polls')?> <div class="content home"> <h2>Polls</h2> <p>Welcome to the home page! You can view the list of polls below.</p> <a href="create.php" class="create-poll">Create Poll</a> <table> <thead> <tr> <td>#</td> <td>Title</td> <td>Answers</td> <td></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach($polls as $poll): ?> <tr> <td><?=$poll['id']?></td> <td><?=$poll['title']?></td> <td><?=$poll['answers']?></td> <td class="actions"> <a href="vote.php?id=<?=$poll['id']?>" class="view" title="View Poll"><i class="fas fa-eye fa-xs"></i></a> <a href="delete.php?id=<?=$poll['id']?>" class="trash" title="Delete Poll"><i class="fas fa-trash fa-xs"></i></a> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <?=template_footer()?> .
  11. fixed it but i still have to display something in the place of the buttons or this will display a undefined variable error. i just compared the session id with the id fetched and this does it for now. if ($stmt = $con->prepare('SELECT admin_id, admin_name, admin_balance, admin_status FROM admins WHERE admin_id = ?')) { $stmt->bind_param('i', $_SESSION['id']); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($id, $admin_name, $admin_balance, $admin_status); $stmt->fetch(); if ($_SESSION['id'] == $id) { $create = '<a href="create.php" class="create-poll">Create Poll</a>'; $delete = "<a href='delete.php?id={$poll['id']} class='trash' title='Delete Poll'><i class='fas fa-trash fa-xs'></i></a>"; } else if ($_SESSION['id'] != $id) { $create = "<div class='annonce'>only admins can create polls</div>"; $delete = "<div class='announce'>only admins can delete polls</div>"; } }
  12. if anyone wants to try the poll you can find the code there https://codeshack.io/poll-voting-system-php-mysql/ it is amazingly made in my opinion , at least the output and features is simple and decent.
  13. if i use those fetched variables in this same script , it will be fine right? when i say later , i mean that later i will add more features. i always fetch the data i need right before using it, so this will mostly be for the sidebar displaying links and the balance and user levels etc..
  14. for you it seem to be simple , but when you actually dont know this stuf , it is another story 😅
  15. what i do at this line is simply to verify if there is data with this session id to then hide or show the links on condition. the data fetched will be used later for other stuff.
  16. no the instruction was in another code sorry , just the code is important not the instructions since there might be different parts of different tutorials that i used. i should have removed them a while ago i usualy dont use instructions and just read the code.
  17. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); session_start(); // If the user is not logged in redirect to the login page... if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { header('Location: index.html'); exit; } include 'functions.php'; // Connect to MySQL $pdo = pdo_connect_mysql(); // MySQL query that retrieves all the polls and poll answers $stmt = $pdo->query('SELECT p.*, GROUP_CONCAT(pa.title ORDER BY pa.id) AS answers FROM polls p LEFT JOIN poll_answers pa ON pa.poll_id = p.id GROUP BY p.id'); $polls = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); require_once '../donation-clash/includes/connect_db2.php'; if ($stmt = $con->prepare('SELECT admin_id, admin_name, admin_balance, admin_status FROM admins WHERE admin_id = ?')) { $stmt->bind_param('i', $_SESSION['id']); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($id, $admin_name, $admin_balance, $admin_status); $stmt->fetch(); // Store the result so we can check if the account exists in the database. $admin = mysqli_query($con, $stmt); if (isset($admin)) { $create = '<a href="create.php" class="create-poll">Create Poll</a>'; $delete = "<a href='delete.php?id=<?=$poll['id']?>' class='trash' title='Delete Poll'><i class='fas fa-trash fa-xs'></i></a>"; } else if (!isset($admin)) { unset($create); unset($delete); } } ?> <?=template_header('Polls')?> <div class="content home"> <h2>Polls</h2> <p>Welcome to the home page! You can view the list of polls below.</p> <?=$create?> <table> <thead> <tr> <td>#</td> <td>Title</td> <td>Answers</td> <td></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach($polls as $poll): ?> <tr> <td><?=$poll['id']?></td> <td><?=$poll['title']?></td> <td><?=$poll['answers']?></td> <td class="actions"> <a href="vote.php?id=<?=$poll['id']?>" class="view" title="View Poll"><i class="fas fa-eye fa-xs"></i></a> <?=$delete?> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <?=template_footer()?> i have this php poll code that i found and i am trying to implement it into my website. my issue here, is that i cant seem to be able to store the links into variables without changing its php code inside it. also the person was using pdo and his logic is way above my knowledge right now so the mysqli extension you can see is my test i am trying to implement the "create" button and "delete" button to disapear if the user is not admin. there are other files to this poll but i think the required code is all on this page. i am getting unexpected string content error on this try.
  18. got it the format was wrong for my target variable value .. my bad , but thank you for your help.
  19. $stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT subscriptiondate, sub_status FROM accounts WHERE id = ?"); $stmt->bind_param('i', $_SESSION['id']); $stmt->bind_result($sub_date, $sub_status); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->fetch(); $stmt->close(); $subscription_time = strtotime($sub_date); $current_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $current_time = strtotime($current_date); $diff2 = $current_time + 2592000; $rem_time = date('d M Y H:i:s', $diff2); $target = $rem_time; // SET OR GET TARGET TIME HERE $targ = new DateTime($target); $target_time = $targ->format('g:ia'); $target_date = $targ->format('F jS Y'); $remain = ['days' => 0, 'hrs' => 0, 'mins' => 0, 'secs' => 0]; #$dt1 = new DateTime( $_GET['target'] ); $dt2 = new DateTime('now'); if ($targ > $dt2) { $diff = $targ->diff($dt2); $remain['days'] = $diff->days; $remain['hrs'] = $diff->h; $remain['mins'] = $diff->i; $remain['secs'] = $diff->s; } ?> i changed it back like it was and now i just use the current time and calculate + a month in seconds which gives + 2592000, and if the current date minus the subscription date value is equal to 2592000 then they are unsbscribed but, right now calculating the month is working , simply the countdown isnt counting down anymore and i dont know why. i didnt touched to the countdown code except the target variable value..
  20. i am making this subscription system which will be based on a remaining time collumn , and i also have this sub status and sub_date as collumns. what i want to do is to update the sub_time_rem collumn at some point for the countdown to actually "count down" because the countdown itself is based on the sub_time_rem. should i just be updating the sub_time_rem once a day based on the difference between two dates or there is a way to do this without hammering the database server with constant updates of the database ? even there i am unable to get this work the closest i got, was to have the countdown displaying a month left but without ever going down since its based on the remaining time of their subscription. if the remaining time doesnt get updated then the time left wont change .. if anyone got an advice it would be appreciated i was trying something like this but it is refusing to work. even by doing this i lost the month displaying and is now displaying a time left of 130k days .. $stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT subscriptiondate, sub_time_remaining, sub_status FROM accounts WHERE id = ?"); $stmt->bind_param('i', $_SESSION['id']); $stmt->bind_result($sub_date, $sub_time_rem, $sub_status); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->fetch(); $stmt->close(); $subscription_time = strtotime($sub_date); $current_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $current_time = strtotime($current_date); $diff2 = $current_time + $sub_time_rem; $rem_time = date('d M Y H:i:s', $diff2); $target = $rem_time; // SET OR GET TARGET TIME HERE $targ = new DateTime($target); $target_time = $targ->format('g:ia'); $target_date = $targ->format('F jS Y'); $remain = ['days' => 0, 'hrs' => 0, 'mins' => 0, 'secs' => 0]; #$dt1 = new DateTime( $_GET['target'] ); $dt2 = new DateTime('now'); if ($targ > $dt2) { $diff = $targ->diff($dt2); $remain['days'] = $diff->days; $remain['hrs'] = $diff->h; $remain['mins'] = $diff->i; $remain['secs'] = $diff->s; } if ($diff2 == $diff2 - 1) { $sub_time_rem2 = $diff2 - 1; $stmt = $con->prepare('UPDATE accounts SET sub_time_remaining = ? WHERE id = ?'); $stmt->bind_param('ii', $sub_time_rem2, $_SESSION['id']); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); }
  21. ok so in other words it is again people showing how to code uncovered for sql injection. but i understand now , thank you.
  22. so this is not an issue or anything but i was just wondering a bit about the use of variables in a query. with php i thought i had to use the bind parameter to be able to bind a variable value in the query. somehow i saw this in some code example : $query = "SELECT * FROM student LIMIT $start_from, $per_page_record"; and is not using any binding parameter, so my question is , what is the difference of use between using bind_param and directly using variables in the query , personaly i never was able to put a variable just like that in a query not that i tried a lot but once i found the bind_param function i only used this method.
  23. alright, thank you very much.
  24. thats awesome , so just to be sure , this query doesnt create the pagination links right ? because i read about an automatic pagination but i cant remember where .. this is kinda frustrating 😅
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