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  1. Thank you Guru for that. I kept missing that even though i kept looking at it. And also, thank you @gingerjm. I'm going to get some sleep and then clean up my mistakes.
  2. The screenshots were there when I joined. I'm lost with what you said on the p.s.
  3. First off, thanks for your assistance in advance. I attempted to use an array, userFullName, which is equal to userFName and userLName, to search the database for existing users. I tried the setup that you see in the screenshots with a whole slew of other variations from concatenation of the userFName.userLName variables in the signup-inc PHP file to what you see in the bottom screenshot. The fatal errors went from expects exactly 1 argument, given 2 to low count, given 3 arguments expecting 4. I can use an assist here. I am relatively new to PHP, so laid back laymen terms would be well appreciated. I have a column in the database for all three variables and need the userFullNAME for other features that will come later on. Thanks.
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