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Everything posted by Canman2005

  1. Basically what I want to do is, if I pass (1,2) in my QUERY, I want it to only return `staff` values from the `classes` table where it matches every ID passed. So with my table `classes` (`id`, `class`, `staff`) (3, 1, 1), (4, 2, 1), (5, 2, 2); If I ran (1,2) in my QUERY, it would only return `staff` id 1 from the above table, because only `staff` id 1 has `class` values "1" and "2" in the above table. If I ran just (2), then it would return, ID numbers 1 and 2, because both contain `class` values "2" If I ran (1,2,10), then it would return nothing, as non of the staff ID's have a matching "1","2" and "10" IDs I might not be explaining this very well Does it make any sense?
  2. But even if I run SELECT s.name FROM staff s JOIN classes c ON s.id = c.staff WHERE c.class IN (1,3,10) GROUP BY c.staff it finds a result, where as it should not find anything, as id 3 and 10 don't exist under the "class" field in the "classes" table. If the QUERY was SELECT s.name FROM staff s JOIN classes c ON s.id = c.staff WHERE c.class IN (1,2) GROUP BY c.staff then it should find something, as id 1 and 2 exist does that kind of make any sense? any help would be great thanks ed
  3. Hi all I have a series of tick boxes on my PHP form, they look like <input name="cat" value="Math" type="checkbox"> <input name="cat" value="Art" type="checkbox"> <input name="cat" value="Dance" type="checkbox"> if I submit those fields, then my URL looks like find.php?key=&cat=Math&cat=Art&cat=Dance For search engine reasons, whats the best way in Javascript to Re-Write the URL so that it's SEO friendly URL I was thinking when the form is posted, to re-write that URL so that it looks like find.php?key=&cat=Math%7CArt%7CDance So it basically only shows 1 "cat=" and any other are replaced with "%7C" to allow me to seperate the vars with PHP Any advice would be top Thanks Ed
  4. Can anyone help? I cannot work out the corrct QUERY and I have tried so many variations. I'm sure its really simple Thanks Ed
  5. My new table structure looks like `classes` (`id`, `class`, `staff`) (1, 0, 0), (2, 0, 0), (3, 1, 1), (4, 2, 1), (5, 2, 2); `staff` (`id`, `name`) (1, 'Dave'), (2, 'Sarah'), (3, 'Brian');
  6. Sure, I have changed my db fields a little, but the QUERY I use is SELECT s.name FROM staff s JOIN classes c ON s.id = c.staff WHERE c.class IN (1,3,10) GROUP BY c.staff basically I only want it to return a result if "c.class" equals all the values passed, so it must match ID 1,3,10. At the moment it returns a result if any of ID (1,3,10) exist, I only want it to return a result if all the IDs exist Can anyone help? Thanks very much
  7. Hi I tried "IN" but it seems to return a result if just one of the ID's passed in the URL exist in the table. How can I make sure it only returns rows which match every ID passed in the URL Thanks guys
  8. Sorted, thanks anyway to anyone reading this
  9. I managed with SELECT u.id, l.type1,l.type2,l.type3, (select Count(*) from log l WHERE l.type1 = 1 || l.type2 = 1) AS tot1,(select Count(*) from log l WHERE l.type3 = 1) AS tot2 FROM log l JOIN users u ON l.userid = u.id WHERE u.place = 1 GROUP BY u.id to output id type1 type2 type3 tot1 tot2 1 1 1 1 233 244 2 1 1 1 200 201 3 1 1 1 123 143 4 1 1 1 89 99 5 1 1 1 2 4 which is excellent is it possible to add up "tot1" and "tot2" and output them as "total"
  10. Hi all Wonder if someone can help. I have the following QUERY which contains a COUNT statement SELECT u.id , COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM log l JOIN users u ON l.userid = u.id WHERE u.place = 1 GROUP BY u.id ORDER BY `total` DESC this works great and returns a result such as 1 877 2 455 3 232 4 199 but is it possible to do a WHERE statement in my COUNT, so it would look something like COUNT(*) WHERE l.type1 = 1 || l.type2 = 1 but then also include another COUNT statement which would look like COUNT(*) WHERE l.type3 = 1 but multiple the above COUNT number by 2, I know it's totally wrong, but something like COUNT(*) WHERE l.type3 = 1 * 2 but then ADD the numbers from the 1st COUNT and 2nd COUNT together and output them as the ORDER BY `total` DESC value so it would look something like 1 ((COUNT 2 * 2) + COUNT 1) 2 ((COUNT 2 * 2) + COUNT 1) 3 ((COUNT 2 * 2) + COUNT 1) 4 ((COUNT 2 * 2) + COUNT 1) Any help would be great, been trying to crack this for the last few hours but having no luck
  11. Hi all I have a table called `classes` which looks like 'id','name' 1,English 2,French I also have a table called `staff` which looks like 'id','name','class' 1,Dave,2 2,Sarah,2 3,Brian,1 in my URL string I am using staff[]=2&staff[]=1 how can I write a QUERY to return a list of all `classes` which staff are attending. In my example (staff[]=2&staff[]=1) it would return just French because in the URL string I am geting "staff ID 1" (staff[]=1) and "staff ID 2" (staff[]=2) which are Dave & Sarah which both attend the "French" class but if for example I passed the URL string staff[]=2&staff[]=5 it would return nothing, as there is no staff with ID number 5 (staff[]=5) Any help would be brill thanks ed
  12. Hi All I wonder if someone can help me out. Basically I have 3 tables, they are `products` , `product_categories`, `categories` So the tables might for example look like `products` (`id`,`title`) `1`,`iphone` `2`,`microsoft mouse` `categories` (`id`,`title`,`level`,`parentid`) `1`,`mouses`,`1`,`0` `2`,`microsoft`,`2`,`1` `3`,`mp3`,`1`,`0` `4`,`apple`,`2`,`3` So `level` basically says that `mouses` is a top level category and `microsoft` is a sub category of `mouses` and `mp3` is a top level category) and `apple` is a sub category of `mp3` `product_categories` `id`,`product_id`,`category_id` `1`,`1`,`4` `2`,`2`,`2` hopefully that makes sense, but it's basically saying that product id number 1 (iphone) belongs to category number 2 (apple) and product number 2 (microsoft mouse) belongs to category number (microsoft) I then have a series of tick boxes through PHP and it outputs in HTML something like the following <input name="category1[]" value="1">Mouses <input name="category2[]" value="2">Microsoft <input name="category1[]" value="3">MP3 <input name="category2[]" value="4">Apple Now at the moment I run a QUERY which looks like SELECT * FROM products p JOIN products_categories pc ON p.id = pc.product_id WHERE (pc.category_id = 2 || pc.category_id = 4) which returns me a result, perfect. I wonder though, how easy is it to further that QUERY and if I select "Mouses" (ID 1) tickbox, then I would find a result, even though I don't store the top level category id (ie: 1 = Mouses) within the `product_categories` table. My only option is to also store the top level category id (ie: 1 = Mouses) within the `product_categories` table. Is there a way without me doing this? Thanks in advance Dave
  13. Hi all I have the following QUERY $sql = "SELECT bm.who, pl.bmid , COUNT( * ) AS `score` FROM log pl JOIN usr bm ON pl.bmid = bm.id GROUP BY pl.bmid ORDER BY `score` DESC"; $show = @mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($show)) { print 'Total: '.$row['score']; } This works great. My question is, how can I get the previous`score`, so I can do something like Total: 100 Previous: Total: 75 Previous: 100 Total: 50 Previous: 75 Total: 25 Previous: 50 I tried doing it using LIMIT but I can only get the next rows score and not the previous score. Can anyone help? Thanks tons in advance Dave
  14. nice job, thanks. is it possible to attach that to a form field so when the user clicks out of a form field, it runs that?
  15. Dear All I have a standard page which has a HTML form doing a "POST" method. What I want to do is have 3 buttons on my page doing the following Button 1; Posts data as normal Button 2: Posts data to an alternative URL (pageone.php) with the target frame being an iframe called "iframeone" Button 3: Posts data to an alternative URL (pagetwo.php) with the target frame being an iframe called "iframetwo" I've looked all over and I cannot find anything like this, which I thought I would be able to find tons. Can anyone help? Thanks very much Dave
  16. Hi all I have the following in my .htaccess file RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f RewriteRule \.(gif|jpeg|jpg|png)$ functions/watermark_wrapper.php [QSA,NC] at the moment this affects all image files Is it possible to have it just take effect on images within the folder ROOT/myphotos and any sub folders within that Thanks in advance
  17. that would be far too easy thanks man, that really helped tons, you got it spot on I can finally sleep now LOL thanks again
  18. Hi all Wonder if anyone can help. Basically I have a bunch of form fields which look like <input name="fullname" type="text"> <input name="1-value[]" type="text" value="Apple"> <input name="4-value[]" type="text" value="Microsoft"> <input name="6-value[]" type="text" value="IBM"> <input name="12-value[]" type="text" value="1to1"> sometimes there is just 1 field, sometimes 4 fields and sometimes 20 or so fields. what I want to do is run an INSERT INTO for each form field that exists that has "-value[]" set as its "name=" tag but also, I want to be able to extract 2 things, firstly the numeric value which is defined before the "-value[]" and also the actual value of each form field (ie: IBM \ Apple). This means I would then be able to do something like INSERT INTO `items` SET `idnumber`="[b]NUMERIC VALUE[/b]", `value`="[b]FIELD VALUE (ie: IBM \ Apple)[/b]" for each form field returned. Can anyone advise? Thanks very much
  19. Hi all I have a ASP problem i'm wondering if anyone can help with. I have a form which has the following field on it <input type="file" NAME="image2"> I then have the following code to upload the image dim filename2 filename2 = UploadRequest("image2").Item("filename2") filename2 = Right(filename2,Len(filename2)-InstrRev(filename2,"\")) if not filename2="" then if instr(ucase(filename2),".GIF")>0 or instr(ucase(filename2),".JPG")>0 or instr(ucase(filename2),".PNG")>0 then UploadPath=server.mappath("../prod_images/")&"\" if not filename2="" then if instr(ucase(filename2),".GIF") then filename2=imageID &"-2.gif" elseif instr(ucase(filename2),".JPG") then filename2=imageID &"-2.jpg" elseif instr(ucase(filename2),".PNG") then filename2=imageID &"-2.png" end if UploadPathFN=UploadPath&filename2 ImgKBSize=savefile("image2",UploadPathFN)/1024 if ImgKBSize>250 then deleteFile(UploadPathFN) msg=msg &" You can only upload images under 250kb." end if end if else msg=msg &" You can only upload *.gif, *.jpg and *.png files." end if end if but for some reason this has stopped working and I cannot figure out why. Can anyone figure out why this is happening? Thanks everyone in advance
  20. HI all I have been battling with making a SELECT funtion and wonder if anyone can help. To pull the function, i'm using $data = select("members",array("id"),"id='1'"); foreach($data as $d){ print $d["id"]; } and the function code is function select($table, $fields=array(), $where=NULL, $limit=NULL, $order=array(), $group=array()) { $string .= "SELECT ".implode(", ", $fields)." FROM ".$table; $string .= ($where) ? " WHERE ".$where : NULL ; $string .= (count($group) > 0) ? " GROUP BY ".implode(", ", $group) : NULL ; $string .= (count($order) > 0) ? " ORDER BY ".implode(", ", $order) : NULL ; $string .= ($limit) ? " LIMIT ".$limit : NULL ; $result = mysql_query($string); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $row = array_map('stripslashes', $row); } } Can anyone help? Thanks in advance Dave
  21. Thanks guys, code was in wrong place, works fine now, thanks again
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