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Everything posted by Kahif

  1. I am adding it diectly in cpanel and it is using a DB, ok let me to see if the "updateview" work or not BTW, please tel me how to embed updateview in this code??
  2. The line below is showing the actual number of count without addition of 1000 and working fine <li><span class="cmp_button_wire" ><i class="fa fa.eye"></i>{$article->getViews()}</span></li> but how to add 1000 in each count
  3. @ginerjmI am really grateful for your great help but unfortunately its not working........
  4. i have used the segment as below {$cnt = $article->getViews; $newcnt = $cnt + 1000;} echo "<li> <span class='cmp_button_wire'> <i class='fa fa.eye'>$newcnt</i> </span> </li>" but its not working😴
  5. Everyone I am really thankful for the nice help I am going to share the complete code as below {** * templates/frontend/objects/article_summary.tpl * * Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Simon Fraser University * Copyright (c) 2003-2021 John Willinsky * Distributed under the GNU GPL v3. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING. * * @brief View of an Article summary which is shown within a list of articles. * * @uses $article Article The article * @uses $hasAccess bool Can this user access galleys for this context? The * context may be an issue or an article * @uses $showDatePublished bool Show the date this article was published? * @uses $hideGalleys bool Hide the article galleys for this article? * @uses $primaryGenreIds array List of file genre ids for primary file types * @uses $heading string HTML heading element, default: h2 *} {assign var=articlePath value=$article->getBestId()} {if !$heading} {assign var="heading" value="h2"} {/if} {if (!$section.hideAuthor && $article->getHideAuthor() == $smarty.const.AUTHOR_TOC_DEFAULT) || $article->getHideAuthor() == $smarty.const.AUTHOR_TOC_SHOW} {assign var="showAuthor" value=true} {/if} {assign var=publication value=$article->getCurrentPublication()} <div class="obj_article_summary"> {if $publication->getLocalizedData('coverImage')} <div class="cover"> <a {if $journal}href="{url journal=$journal->getPath() page="article" op="view" path=$articlePath}"{else}href="{url page="article" op="view" path=$articlePath}"{/if} class="file"> {assign var="coverImage" value=$article->getCurrentPublication()->getLocalizedData('coverImage')} <img src="{$article->getCurrentPublication()->getLocalizedCoverImageUrl($article->getData('contextId'))|escape}" alt="{$coverImage.altText|escape|default:''}" > </a> </div> {/if} <{$heading} class="title"> <a id="article-{$article->getId()}" {if $journal}href="{url journal=$journal->getPath() page="article" op="view" path=$articlePath}"{else}href="{url page="article" op="view" path=$articlePath}"{/if}> {$article->getLocalizedTitle()|strip_unsafe_html} {if $article->getLocalizedSubtitle()} <span class="subtitle"> {$article->getLocalizedSubtitle()|escape} </span> {/if} </a> </{$heading}> {if $showAuthor || $article->getPages() || ($article->getDatePublished() && $showDatePublished)} <div class="meta"> {if $showAuthor} <div class="authors"> {$article->getAuthorString()|escape} </div> {/if} {* Page numbers for this article *} {if $article->getPages()} <div class="pages"> {$article->getPages()|escape} </div> {/if} {if $showDatePublished && $article->getDatePublished()} <div class="published"> {$article->getDatePublished()|date_format:$dateFormatShort} </div> {/if} </div> {/if} {if !$hideGalleys} <ul class="galleys_links"> {$cnt = $article->getViews; $newcnt = $cnt + 1000;} echo "<li> <span class='cmp_button_wire'> <i class='fa fa.eye'>$newcnt</i> </span> </li>"; {foreach from=$article->getGalleys() item=galley} {if $primaryGenreIds} {assign var="file" value=$galley->getFile()} {if !$galley->getRemoteUrl() && !($file && in_array($file->getGenreId(), $primaryGenreIds))} {continue} {/if} {/if} <li> {assign var="hasArticleAccess" value=$hasAccess} {if $currentContext->getSetting('publishingMode') == $smarty.const.PUBLISHING_MODE_OPEN || $publication->getData('accessStatus') == $smarty.const.ARTICLE_ACCESS_OPEN} {assign var="hasArticleAccess" value=1} {/if} {include file="frontend/objects/galley_link.tpl" parent=$article labelledBy="article-{$article->getId()}" hasAccess=$hasArticleAccess purchaseFee=$currentJournal->getData('purchaseArticleFee') purchaseCurrency=$currentJournal->getData('currency')} </li> {/foreach} </ul> {/if} {call_hook name="Templates::Issue::Issue::Article"} </div>
  6. where i have to put the "+" operator in the code <li><span class="cmp_button_wire" ><i class="fa fa.eye"></i>{$article->getViews()}</span></li>
  7. can you please guide the exact code that i will replace
  8. Helo everyone i am using the following code to get views regarding visits <li><span class="cmp_button_wire" ><i class="fa fa.eye"></i>{$article->getViews()}</span></li> please help me how to add 1000 in each view, i mean the display must show a number (views count) with addition of 1000 e.g., if there are 34 views in actual, it should show 1034 Regards.
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