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  1. Thanks, could you explain how to do it? Happy to make a donation! The file names are "XXX-XXXX.pdf" separated by a comma
  2. Code below is used on a Magento 2 website to display a download link for product instructions etc. We have some products that require more than one PDF, we can enter these is the Download attribute (dz_downloads) separated by a comma, but only one displays? If anyone could help amend the code so that we can display more than one PDF download per product it would be appriciated. <?php $product = $block->getProduct(); $blockObj = $block->getLayout()->createBlock('Dzinehub\Core\Block\Main'); $mediaUrl = $blockObj->getMediaUrl().'pdf_upload/'; $BaseUrl = $blockObj->getBaseUrl(); $mediapath = $blockObj->getMediaDir(); $pdfOption = 'dz_downloads'; $pdfoptionvalue = $product->getData($pdfOption); $pdf_files = explode(',', $pdfoptionvalue); foreach ($pdf_files as $pdf_file) { $pdfURL = $mediaUrl."".$pdf_file; $pdfPath = $mediapath .'/pdf_upload/' .$pdf_file; } ?> <?php if($pdf_file != "" && file_exists($pdfPath)){ ?> <div class="dz_pdf"> <a href="<?php echo $pdfURL; ?>" download><?php echo $pdf_file; ?></a> </div> <?php } ?>
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