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  1. Hi. Right now I spotted that a lot of time I spend changing something about how to launch a project with docker. I use Yii2 Framework . It gives a lot of misleading configs, part of them outdated, docs are wrong sometimes. I am backend developer, but for this I need to dive into docker and webserver configs Say there is a team around some web project. This project has backend, frontend, api. Who in this team is usually responsible for such work? Devops if there is one? And if there is no devops, then it should be senior backend developer of who? Say I am a new person to project, I clone it, see docker config there, and no instruction, run docker compose build/up and it does not result in working example. Whose fault is this?
  2. I will need to use any of such swarm libraries as a basis for my own tasks, they do not perform them, they concentrate on TSP.
  3. rector is what chatgpt proposed too. missing types of the arguments, properties is obvious sign. or code like : = array()
  4. man, your website looks like it came from years about 1990-2000
  5. running is not enough. Code will be watched by teacher, code should not be that old looking
  6. https://github.com/pheroh/TSP-GA-PHP need this lib for my lab , is there a way to automatically upgrade it to modern php8 version?
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