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Everything posted by RyanEricW

  1. I installed the script from where I got the includes from and they said: Notice: fwrite() [function.fwrite]: send of 25 bytes failed with errno=1 Operation not permitted in /home/convictg/public_html/phgstats/classes/hl.class.php on line 78 Notice: fwrite() [function.fwrite]: send of 5 bytes failed with errno=1 Operation not permitted in /home/convictg/public_html/phgstats/classes/hl.class.php on line 59 Notice: fwrite() [function.fwrite]: send of 5 bytes failed with errno=1 Operation not permitted in /home/convictg/public_html/phgstats/classes/hl.class.php on line 100
  2. Basically the problem lies within connecting or writing using sockets. Here's the weird thing, this works perfectly on windows based server, but when I use it on a linux server, it's like linux doesn't even want to work with UDP stuff. I'm very frusted and been pulling hairs out for 5 hours now... Hopefully someone can help. This connects to a Half-Life 2 server and pulls data like (server name, max players, current players, etc). index.php <? require("CServerInfo.php"); $sinfo = array(); $sinfo = $ServerInfo->getInfo("","27015"); ?> CServerInfo.php <?php if(!isset($_SESSION)) // We are using AJAX so need a new session, as we bypass some stuff before session_start(); define('INFO_RESPONSE_HL1',0x6D); define('CHALLENGE_RESPONSE',0x41); include 'hexdump.php'; class CServerInfo { var $raw; function getInfo($address,$port) { if (isset($_SESSION['getInfo.' . $address . '.' . $port]) && is_array($_SESSION['getInfo.' . $address . '.' . $port])) { return $_SESSION['getInfo.' . $address . '.' . $port]; } $ret = array(); $s = fsockopen("udp://".$address,$port,$errno,$errstring,1); if (!$s) echo "$errstring ($errno)<br />\n"; stream_set_timeout($s,1); if(!fwrite($s,"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x54Source Engine Query",39)) { echo "Error Writing Data. $errstring ($errno)"; } $packet = fread($s,1024); echo "Packet: $packet"; if(empty($packet)) { $_SESSION['getInfo.' . $address . '.' . $port] = $this->getInfoProxy($address, $port); return $this->getInfoProxy($address, $port); } $parr = explode("\x00",substr($packet,6)); if(!isset($packet[4])) { $_SESSION['getInfo.' . $address . '.' . $port] = array(); return $_SESSION['getInfo.' . $address . '.' . $port]; } if (ord($packet[4]) == INFO_RESPONSE_HL1) { //HL1 Response $packet = substr($packet,strpos($packet,"\x00")+1); $parr = explode("\x00",$packet); $ret['hostname'] = $parr[0]; $ret['map'] = $parr[1]; $ret['gamename'] = $parr[2]; $ret['gamedesc'] = $parr[3]; $packet = substr($packet,strlen($ret['hostname'])+1+strlen($ret['map'])+1+strlen($ret['gamename'])+1+strlen($ret['gamedesc'])+1); $ret['numplayers'] = ord($packet[0]); $ret['maxplayers'] = ord($packet[1]); //$version = ord($packet[2]); $ret['dedicated'] = $packet[3]; $ret['os'] = $packet[4]; $ret['password'] = ord($packet[5]); if (ord($packet[6])) { //Skip mod info $packet = substr($packet,strpos($packet,"\x00")+1); $packet = substr($packet,strpos($packet,"\x00")+3); } else { $packet = substr($packet,6); } $ret['secure'] = ord($packet[0]); $ret['botcount'] = ord($packet[1]); } else { //HL2 Response $ret['hostname'] = $parr[0]; $ret['map'] = $parr[1]; $ret['gamename'] = $parr[2]; $ret['gamedesc'] = $parr[3]; $packet = substr($packet,6+strlen($ret['hostname'])+1+strlen($ret['map'])+1+strlen($ret['gamename'])+1+strlen($ret['gamedesc'])+1+2); $ret['numplayers'] = ord($packet[0]); $ret['maxplayers'] = ord($packet[1]); $ret['botcount'] = ord($packet[2]); $ret['dedicated'] = ord($packet[3]); $ret['os'] = $packet[4]; $ret['password'] = ord($packet[5]); $ret['secure'] = $packet[6]; } $_SESSION['getInfo.' . $address . '.' . $port] = $ret; return $ret; } function getPlayers($address,$port) { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); $ret = array(); $s = fsockopen("udp://".$address,$port,$errno,$errstring,1); stream_set_timeout($s,1); // 1 second timeout on read/write operations fwrite($s,"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x57"); //Get challenge # $packet = fread($s,1024); $chalId = $this->getChallenge($packet); fwrite($s,"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x55".$chalId); $packet = fread($s,2048); if(empty($packet)) { return $this->getPlayersProxy($address, $port); } $packet = substr($packet,5); $nump = ord($packet[0]); $packet = substr($packet,1); $this->raw = $packet; for ($i=0;$i<$nump;$i++) { $temp = array(); $temp['index'] = $this->_getbyte(); $temp['name']= $this->_getnullstr(); $temp['kills']= $this->_getlong(); $temp['time']= SecondsToString((int)$this->_getfloat(),true); if(!empty($temp['name'])) array_push($ret,$temp); } array_qsort($ret, 'kills', SORT_DESC); return $ret; } function getChallenge($packet) { if(isset($packet[4]) && ord($packet[4]) == CHALLENGE_RESPONSE) { return substr($packet,5); } return "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF"; } /* Proxy functions are used when there is a problem with blocked ports, or firewalls like with some webhosts. */ function getInfoProxy($address,$port) { if(!(isset($address) && isset($port))) return false; $ret = array(); $info = @file_get_contents(SERVER_QUERY . "?ip=" . $address . "&port=" .$port."&type=info"); if(strstr($info, "Page not found")) return false; if($info) { $inf = explode("\t", $info); $ret['hostname'] = $inf[0]; $ret['numplayers'] = $inf[1]; $ret['maxplayers'] = $inf[2]; $ret['map'] = $inf[3]; $_SESSION['getInfo.' . $address . '.' . $port] = $ret; return $ret; } else return false; } function getPlayersProxy($address,$port) { if(!(isset($address) && isset($port))) return false; $ret = array(); $players = @file_get_contents(SERVER_QUERY . "?ip=" . $address . "&port=" .$port."&type=players"); if(strstr($players, "Page not found")) return false; if($players) { $plr = explode("\n", $players); foreach($plr AS $player) { $items = explode("\t", $player); if(!isset($items[1])) { continue; } $row = array(); $row['index'] = $items[0]; $row['name'] = $items[1]; $row['kills'] = $items[2]; $row['time'] = $items[3]; array_push($ret, $row); } return $ret; } else return false; } function _getnullstr() { if (empty($this->raw)) return ''; $end = strpos($this->raw, "\0"); $str = substr($this->raw, 0, $end); $this->raw = substr($this->raw, $end+1); return $str; } function _getchar() { return sprintf("%c", $this->_getbyte()); } function _getbyte() { $byte = substr($this->raw, 0, 1); $this->raw = substr($this->raw, 1); return ord($byte); } function _getshort() { $lo = $this->_getbyte(); $hi = $this->_getbyte(); $short = ($hi << | $lo; return $short; } function _getlong() { $lo = $this->_getshort(); $hi = $this->_getshort(); $long = ($hi << 16) | $lo; return $long; } function _getfloat() { $f = @unpack("f1float", $this->raw); $this->raw = substr($this->raw, 4); return $f['float']; } } $ServerInfo = new CServerInfo(); ?> hexdump.php <?php function hexdump ($data, $htmloutput = true, $uppercase = false, $return = false) { // Init $hexi = ''; $ascii = ''; $dump = ($htmloutput === true) ? '<pre>' : ''; $offset = 0; $len = strlen($data); // Upper or lower case hexidecimal $x = ($uppercase === false) ? 'x' : 'X'; // Iterate string for ($i = $j = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { // Convert to hexidecimal $hexi .= sprintf("%02$x ", ord($data[$i])); // Replace non-viewable bytes with '.' if (ord($data[$i]) >= 32) { $ascii .= ($htmloutput === true) ? htmlentities($data[$i]) : $data[$i]; } else { $ascii .= '.'; } // Add extra column spacing if ($j === 7) { $hexi .= ' '; $ascii .= ' '; } // Add row if (++$j === 16 || $i === $len - 1) { // Join the hexi / ascii output $dump .= sprintf("%04$x %-49s %s", $offset, $hexi, $ascii); // Reset vars $hexi = $ascii = ''; $offset += 16; $j = 0; // Add newline if ($i !== $len - 1) { $dump .= "\n"; } } } // Finish dump $dump .= $htmloutput === true ? '</pre>' : ''; $dump .= "\n"; // Output method if ($return === false) { echo $dump; } else { return $dump; } } ?>
  3. Nvrm, I fixed it. [code]     function nav_toggle($i)     {         settype($i,"integer");         $variable = "show_nav_menu_$i";                  if($_SESSION[$variable] == "0" || !isset($_SESSION[$variable]))         {             $_SESSION[$variable] = 1;             session_commit();         }         else         {             $_SESSION[$variable] = 0;         }     } [/code]
  4. [code]     function nav_toggle($i)     {         settype($i,"integer");         if($_SESSION['show_nav_menu_'.'$i'] == "0")         {             $_SESSION['show_nav_menu_'.'$i'] = 1;             session_commit();         }         else         {             $_SESSION['show_nav_menu_'.'$i'] = 0;         }         echo $_SESSION['show_nav_menu_'.'$i'];         echo $i;     } [/code] Now this is supposed to work as a navigation toggle, it initially sets the value for the session of the user, so the menu reads the session variable and pulls back to determine whether the links are to be shown or not. This does not work, and I'm sure there is probably a stupid reason behind it, but can anyone help me? Thank you.
  5. [!--quoteo(post=384244:date=Jun 15 2006, 11:04 AM:name=poirot)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(poirot @ Jun 15 2006, 11:04 AM) [snapback]384244[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--] As thorpe said, RTFM. I'd be a little more polite when asking questions because most of the people would just ignore you for less than that. [/quote] RTFM is an acronym that includes foul language. I'm suprised the mod/admins haven't done anything about that*. You guys just don't understand though, I'm using global arrays, and I'm trying to edit it's content and distribute it through to index.php as the final product, but that doesn't happen because of the way my files are included. I do admire you guys for trying, but not a one of you helped, and it may have been possibly due to me not explaining it well enough, but answers such as RTFM don't help me much. Not only is this agrivating, but when I go someone to ask for help I get even more argrivated due to lack of maturity amongst some. A simple "Try taking a look at the manual" or "I believe it's included in the manual, try there" would have been just fine. For those who tried to help me without being ignorant. Thank you, it is greatly appreciated. [img src=\"style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/smile.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":smile:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"smile.gif\" /] As for you others, I hope you one day mature a bit better.
  6. require_once('src/src_skin_macros.src'); contains the array. [code] <? $skin = array(); //Administration $skin['loginbox']        = "login();"; //Layout - Center $skin['title']            = ""; $skin['content']        = ""; ?> [/code] On a side note, I've noticed many scripters use [code]$this->[/code] before something. I wanted to know exactly that does, because whenever I try looking for it through a search engine, nothing shows up.
  7. I've spent hours trying to debug this situation which I put my-self into. The problem is, for some ODD reason, this stupid function does not want to add the error string to it. MAKES NO [i]FOUR KING[/i] SENSE. I'm so mad right now because I don't understand WHY?! Here's my index.php [code] <? session_start(); //------------------------------------------------------> //--------------------> Initialization //> //Initialize the data for the layout require_once('src/src_skin_macros.src'); //Include Custom Error Handlers require_once('src/src_messeges.src'); //Loading configuration require_once('src/src_config.php'); //Including Global Functions require_once('src/src_globals.src'); //------------------------------------------------------> function sql_connect_real($database) {     $connect = sql_connect($database);     if($connect == -1)     {         $skin['content'] = $skin['content'].$error['mysql_generic'];     }     if($connect == 0)     {         $skin['content'] = $skin['content'].$error['mysql_db'];     } } // Load Page Data if(isset($_GET['idx']) == 1) {     $pagename = $_GET['idx'];     if(file_exists("pages/page_$pagename.src") == 1)     {         include("pages/page_$pagename.src");     }     else     {         $skin['content'] = $skin['content'].$error['file_inexistant'];         sql_connect_real("FORKYOU");     } } if(isset($_GET['src']) == 1) {     $srcfile = $_GET['src'];     if(file_exists("src/src_$srcfile.src") == 1)     {         include("src/src_$srcfile.src");     }     else     {         trigger_error($error[file_inexistant],E_USER_ERROR);     } } //Load the layout if(!file_exists($config[skin_layout])) {     trigger_error($error[skin_notfound].$config[skin_name],E_USER_ERROR); } else {     require_once($config[skin_layout]); } ?> [/code] Now what I'm doing is triggering a not found page, which leads me to [code]         $skin['content'] = $skin['content'].$error['file_inexistant'];         sql_connect_real("FORKYOU"); [/code] Now I put that name for the DB to make sure it does not connect to the DB to test it. It returns the correct number "0" for not connecting to the DB, but it does NOT format the $skin[content]!!!!!! WTF?! But yet below that, it'll add things to the skin content. IF anyone is serious about helping me, I can send you the files over aim and describe it a bit better. Thanks. AIM: ryanericw [b]SA: Edited unnecessary swearing from post[/b]
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