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Everything posted by jaymc

  1. paste this into a file called 'mainsite.htm' [code]<html> <head> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- function audiosearch(url) { newwindow=window.open(url,'name','height=106,width=378'); if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()} return false; } // --> </SCRIPT> </head> <body> <a href=# Onclick="javascript:audiosearch('search.htm')"><u>Search</u></a> <BR><BR> <iframe src=http://google.co.uk height=400 width=600 name='framer'></iframe> </body> </html>[/code] And this into a file called 'search.htm' [code]<a href='http://yahoo.com' target='framer' OnClick="javascript: self.close()"><b><u>Load and close</u></b></a> [/code]
  2. jaymc

    PM system

    Oh. Well, im not going to allow 'carbon copying' messages for anyone.. However, I will have a mass PM for admin. Obviously it would be pointless having the same message in x amount of rows for each member So, I was going to set the QUERY to look for all rows which have the TO field matching their username, aswell as querying for any FROM rows that contain 'admin' In other words, the query searches for matches to their username and messages from Admin Sound the logic? Here is the Structure [code] ID TO FROM DATE MESSAGE IP ATTATCH[/code] Any suggestions for another field I may want to include?
  3. Here is the link code [code] <a href='searchresults.php?viewresults=yes&criteria=g&searchby=SONGNAME' target='songs' OnClick="javascript: self.close()"><b><u>Load results in main site</u></b></a>[/code] That code is inside of popup that was loaded from the parent site. The target 'songs' it is referring to is an iframe that is nested in the parent site
  4. jaymc

    PM system

    I wouldnt allow normal users to send out mass mails, But I am going to have it allowed for admin
  5. jaymc

    PM system

    I dont get what you mean? Like a mass mail?
  6. Ive tried that, it doesnt work. I do recall it saying something about object non existant I had window.parent.songs.location
  7. [b]Any ideas?[/b]
  8. jaymc

    PM system

    replies would be sent into the same table send = senders ID to = to ID That would be logical right?
  9. I think firefox cant pickup the iframe name because its in a popup I was thinking about using window.location window.artistnalbums.location But it cant find that either, so how could i add in the _parent so it knows to look for the main page with the iframe on. Maybe like window.parent.artistnalbums.location (not sure of syntax)
  10. <a href='searchresults.php' target='artistnalbums' OnClick="javascript: self.close()"><b><u>Load results in main site</u></b></a> That works in IE, loads the searchresults.php in artistnalbums iframe and closes the window popup In firefox it just closes the window popup
  11. Its not sent anywhere, it just doesnt load
  12. jaymc

    PM system

    I'm about to start making a PM system for my website Before I do, just wondering if anyone has any tips or things to concidered before creating the database structure To put it simply, Every message sent by a user goes into the 1 table. The way a user gets their own messages is query the database for rows that match their User ID is that the best way?
  13. Just imagine a webpage with an iframe on it You click a link from within that webpage and that brings up a popup In that popup you have a link with a target to the iframe name, and on clicking that link it also uses an OnClick handler to initiate self.close It works 100% in IE. In firefox the popup closes but the request is not sent to the target
  14. Ah I see So basically I can set the embed/object to invisible but use a javascript 'front end' to control the media? If so, where can i get this exact info
  15. You all know what the embed and onbject tags do, display media content within a webpage Well as you will know, it uses the default media player installed on the machine for the associated file type. So it will load in quicktime, windows media player etc.. Well, I want to make my own media player, so its a standard. I think this can be done with javascript... It will need a play button, stop, fast forwarded, change volume Its this achievable, if so, any examples of a working one Thanks!
  16. 100% sure its in the head
  17. It needs the target though, as its loading the website inside an iframe
  18. Link ammended: oops
  19. Nope! Still doesnt work [code]<script language="JavaScript"> var valid; function validate_form ( ) {     if ( document.form.artistnametxt.value == "If not, write it here" || document.form.artistnametxt.value == "")     {         alert ( "You must select an artist name!!\n\nEither do so from the drop down list or input it manually" );         valid = false;     } else { valid = true; }     return valid; } //--> </script>[/code] I cant see how the hell I could be going wrong !
  20. Right, Take a look at this link [code]<A href=http://www.google.com target=iframe "OnClick=javascript: self.close()"><b><u>Close this window</u></b></a>[/code] That link is in a popup, when someone clicks the link it will load google in the iframe window and close the window This works fine in IE, however, in firefox, after clicking the link the window closes but google.com does not load in iframe Obviously a cross browser issue But, is their a way around this or an alternitive to achieve the same aspect Thanks
  21. Yeh thats what I thought. However, it still isnt working Is it ok to to call the valid var up like this later down in the body of the document. If so its definetly not working OnClick="if(valid==true){do what ever}"
  22. jaymc


    Its working now. For some reason it wasnt allowing me to use the WILD CARD
  23. jaymc


    Here is my query [code]$query = "SELECT distinct * FROM `songs` WHERE `$searchby` LIKE '%$searccriteria%'";[/code] It isnt working, its still returning all occurances
  24. jaymc


    Right, I'm making a search to query my table and display results Ive hit a bit of a problem though Basically, I have a table that my look like the following (in row display form) [b]1 Jamie Member Hello Yes 2 Jamie Member Hello Yes 3 Kev Member Hello Yes 4 Kev Member Hello Yes[/b] Now, my query is going to query the table to find all fields that are [b]Yes[/b]. As you can see in that table, each row has a [b]Yes[/b] field The way I want it displayed, is return the username once if a row has a [b]Yes[/b] So, the query would return Jamie Kev Thats the problem I have, I can only get it to return: [b]Jamie Jamie Kev Kev[/b] So in other words, once it finds [b]Yes[/b] it only echoes the username once regardless of how many rows its in How?
  25. Ah I see. Well, if I put var valid=false At the begining of the script, how can it ever change to true if its not part of the function which of course allows valid to be dynamic
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