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  1. <?php // Thanks to http://www.tonymarston.net/php-mysql/errorhandler.html // set_error_handler('errorHandler'); function get_sql_error($sQuery, $hDb_conn, $sError, $bDebug) { if(!$rQuery = @mysql_query($sQuery, $hDb_conn)) { $sMssql_get_last_message = mysql_get_last_message(); $sQuery_added = "BEGIN TRY\n"; $sQuery_added .= "\t".$sQuery."\n"; $sQuery_added .= "END TRY\n"; $sQuery_added .= "BEGIN CATCH\n"; $sQuery_added .= "\tSELECT 'Error: ' + ERROR_MESSAGE()\n"; $sQuery_added .= "END CATCH"; $rRun2= @mysql_query($sQuery_added, $hDb_conn); $aReturn = @mysql_fetch_assoc($rRun2); if(empty($aReturn)) { echo $sError.'. MYSQL returned: '.$sMysql_get_last_message.'.<br>Executed query: '.nl2br($sQuery); } elseif(isset($aReturn['computed'])) { echo $sError.'. MYSQL returned: '.$aReturn['computed'].'.<br>Executed query: '.nl2br($sQuery); } return FALSE; } else { return $rQuery; } } function errorHandler ($errno, $errstr) { // echo "<br>Entered errorHandler()<br>"; // echo $errno." ".$errstr; switch ($errno) { case E_USER_WARNING: case E_USER_NOTICE: case E_WARNING: case E_NOTICE: case E_CORE_WARNING: case E_COMPILE_WARNING: break; case E_USER_ERROR: case E_ERROR: case E_PARSE: case E_CORE_ERROR: case E_COMPILE_ERROR: global $query; echo '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">'; echo '<head>'; echo '<title>Message</title>'; echo '<style>'; echo '<!--'; echo '.normalcopy { font-family: Verdana, Arial; font-size: 11px; color: Black; }'; echo '.bottomlinks { color: #666666; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; }'; echo '-->'; echo '</style>'; echo '</head>'; echo '<body bgcolor="#ffffff">'; $errorstring = "<align=center>" .date('Y-m-d H:i:s') .""; // $errstr .= " " . $erroruser; echo '<center>'; echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="748">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td align left = "" valign="top" height="73" class="normalcopy">'; echo '<p align="center"><strong>'.$errstr.'</p>'; echo '</td></align></tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</center>'; $logfile = "errorlog.html"; $client = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $errorstring .= " "; $errorstring .= $errstr; $errorstring .= " on "; $errorstring .= $client; $errorstring .= " by "; $errorstring .= $erroruser; $errorstring .= "<br>"; $Boodskap = "<br><align=left>" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " " . $errstr; error_log($Boodskap, 3, $logfile); $headers = 'From: es-master@stockton.co.za' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: alf.stockton@telkomsa.net' . "\r\n"; mail("alf@stockton.co.za","Error log",$Boodskap,$headers); default: break; } // switch // get_sql_error($insert, $link, NULL, NULL); // echo "<a href=index.php><img src=images/Back.png>"; echo "</BODY>"; echo "</HTML>"; } // errorHandler ?>
  2. I do not understand the ".inc files will NOT be parsed unless you add the .inc as a php handler on the apache server" as all other commands in the included file work fine. The included file contains a function which accepts a string as a parameter, builds a HTML page and also writes the string to a text file and then attempts to send an email, so saying it will not be parsed is going over my head and I do not understand. It is just the mail() command that fails but if I include the same mail() call directly in the parent php it works fine. BTW The "it does not work" means that the email is not sent.
  3. I do have <?php and ?> at the beginning and end of my error-handler.inc ?
  4. If I issue the following from my logon.php the mail get sent correctly $mailstring = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " ".$erroruser." Logged on from ". $client; $headers = 'From: es-master@stockton.co.za' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: alf.stockton@telkomsa.net' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail("alf@stockton.co.za","Dinner Event",$mailstring,$headers); but if I include it as require_once('includes/error-handler.inc'); from the logon.php it does not work. All variables are populated in both cases. Please explain why this is happening.
  5. I have a stored procedure that I wish to use to update two tables reliably. In other words either both tables are updated or neither. How do I achieve this? CREATE PROCEDURE spIssueScannedTickets @iEventID int, @MemberNum nvarchar(12), @BatchSize int, @FirstNumber nvarchar(12), @LastNumber nvarchar(12), @SlotsBalance int, @TableBalance int, @BonusBalance int, @UserID int AS DECLARE @Result int SET @Result = 0 BEGIN TRANSACTION INSERT INTO BundlesIssued (MemberNumber, EventID, BundleSize, FirstNumber, LastNumber, DateIssued, UserID, Invalid) VALUES (@MemberNum, @iEventID, @BatchSize, @FirstNumber, @LastNumber, GETDATE(), @UserID , 0x00) if (@SlotsBalance>0) INSERT INTO TicketsIssued (Date, EventID, MemberNumber, EarnType, NumTicketsIssued, Turnover, UserID) VALUES (GETDATE(),@iEventID,@MemberNum, 'Slots', @SlotsBalance, 0, @UserID) if (@TableBalance>0) INSERT INTO TicketsIssued (Date, EventID, MemberNumber, EarnType, NumTicketsIssued, Turnover, UserID) VALUES (GETDATE(),@iEventID,@MemberNum, 'Tables', @TableBalance, 0, @UserID) if (@BonusBalance>0) INSERT INTO TicketsIssued (Date, EventID, MemberNumber, EarnType, NumTicketsIssued, Turnover, UserID) VALUES (GETDATE(),@iEventID,@MemberNum, 'Bonus', @BonusBalance, 0, @UserID) COMMIT TRANSACTION SET @Result = @BatchSize RETURN @Result GO ???
  6. Please tell me how I got the following wrong:- <form name="GetTicket" id="GetTicket" method="post" action="Winner.php?Event="<?php echo $Event ?>"> <table border="1" frame="box" cellpadding="3" align="center" width="300"> <tr><td align=left>Ticket Number</td> <td colspan="2" width=65%> <input type="submit" style="width:0px;height:0px;border:none"> <input type=text name="TicketNumber" id="TicketNumber" value=<?php echo $TicketNumber ?> > </td></tr> <tr><td align=left>Member Number</td> <td align=left><input type="text" readonly name=MemberNommer id=MemberNommer value=<?php echo $MemberNommer ?> ></td></tr> <tr><td align=left>Member Name</td> <td align=left><input type="text" readonly value=<?php echo $Naam ?> ></td></tr> The TicketNumber displays fine but neither the MemberNommer nor Naam display even though I have proved that the php variables contain valid data.
  7. I have written the following Stored Procedure in an attempt to update two tables in the same database reliably but unfortunately it is not too successful. I ocassionaly end up with only the BundlesIssued tables updated and nothing in TicketsIssued. Please make suggestions on how I could make this stored procedure update both tables reliably. ALTER PROCEDURE spIssueScannedTickets @iEventID int, @MemberNum nvarchar(12), @BatchSize int, @FirstNumber nvarchar(12), @LastNumber nvarchar(12), @SlotsBalance int, @TableBalance int, @BonusBalance int, @UserID int AS DECLARE @Result int -- Declare variables used in error checking. DECLARE @error_var int, @rowcount_var int SET @Result = 0 BEGIN TRANSACTION INSERT INTO BundlesIssued (MemberNumber, EventID, BundleSize, FirstNumber, LastNumber, DateIssued, UserID, Invalid) VALUES (@MemberNum, @iEventID, @BatchSize, @FirstNumber, @LastNumber, GETDATE(), @UserID , 0x00) if (@SlotsBalance>0) -- Save the @@ERROR and @@ROWCOUNT values in local -- variables before they are cleared. SELECT @error_var = @@ERROR, @rowcount_var = @@ROWCOUNT -- check if an error occured and if the expected number of records were affected IF @error_var <> 0 or @rowcount_var <> 1 BEGIN ROLLBACK -- PRINT "Warning: Error on Insert 1" RETURN(-1) END INSERT INTO TicketsIssued (Date, EventID, MemberNumber, EarnType, NumTicketsIssued, Turnover, UserID) VALUES (GETDATE(),@iEventID,@MemberNum, 'Slots', @SlotsBalance, 0, @UserID) if (@TableBalance>0) -- Save the @@ERROR and @@ROWCOUNT values in local -- variables before they are cleared. SELECT @error_var = @@ERROR, @rowcount_var = @@ROWCOUNT -- check if an error occured and if the expected number of records were affected IF @error_var <> 0 or @rowcount_var <> 1 BEGIN ROLLBACK -- PRINT "Warning: Error on Insert 2" RETURN(-2) END INSERT INTO TicketsIssued (Date, EventID, MemberNumber, EarnType, NumTicketsIssued, Turnover, UserID) VALUES (GETDATE(),@iEventID,@MemberNum, 'Tables', @TableBalance, 0, @UserID) if (@BonusBalance>0) INSERT INTO TicketsIssued (Date, EventID, MemberNumber, EarnType, NumTicketsIssued, Turnover, UserID) VALUES (GETDATE(),@iEventID,@MemberNum, 'Bonus', @BonusBalance, 0, @UserID) -- Save the @@ERROR and @@ROWCOUNT values in local -- variables before they are cleared. SELECT @error_var = @@ERROR, @rowcount_var = @@ROWCOUNT -- check if an error occured and if the expected number of records were affected IF @error_var <> 0 or @rowcount_var <> 1 BEGIN ROLLBACK -- PRINT "Warning: Error on Insert 3" RETURN(-3) END COMMIT TRANSACTION SET @Result = @BatchSize RETURN @Result GO -- The function will return your batchSize (that was passed to it, or a Negative number if an error occured
  8. I understand what maexus had to say and if one must allow for users who have javascript disallowed, why use it at all? I am also confused as to why it would "allows for websites to behave more like traditional desktop applications" I can see the advantage on large web pages(I think) but if one has to allow for user with javascript switched off, then why use it at all?
  9. I need to understand why one needs or wants to use Ajax. I do understand that moving a large amount of data across a network(and the internet is a network) when only one or two pieces of data are needed is a waste. I am assuming that when a user clicks a button on a form based web page the whole form is moved.
  10. The thing that is confusing me is that there is a C# application on the client(this is an intranet) that prints directly to the default printer without involving the Window's print dialog and the user want their webapp to do the same.
  11. Sorry, I did not explain myself clearly enough. The user has already on a previous screen clicked print.
  12. Would it make any difference if I used something other than JavaScript? VBScript? Java?
  13. I have an application running on Windows XP & IE7 which currently displays a screen of information and then uses javascript self.print(); to print same to locally connected printer. Two things wrong with this and they are:- 1) I want my application to print directly to the default printer without the Windows select printer dialog coming up and 2) I really dont need to display the screen. All the user wants is a printout, receipt. Suggestions please.
  14. Where, on phpfreaks, would you want me to ask that question?
  15. I have a MSSQL database with a table containing a row defined as Column Name Data Type Length Turnover decimal 5 also in Enterprise Manager I see Precision is set to 7 and Scale is set to 2. Is it possibly that the max value could be limited to 9999,99 and if so what needs altering to allow up to 1000000,00?
  16. Thank you again and sorry that you needed to point out my stupid error of using $Winner rather than $Winners
  17. Ben, The code to populate the array looks like:- $Count = 0; // Here we populate array of previous winners $Winners = array(); while ($row = mssql_fetch_array($rs)) { $Winners[$Count] = array('Date Won'=>$row['DateWon'], 'MemberNumber'=>$row['MemberNumber'], 'TicketNumber'=>$row['TicketNumber'], 'UserID'=>$row['UserID'], 'RoundCounter'=>$row['RoundCounter']); $Count++; } echo '<pre>'.print_r($Winners,1).'</pre>'; and the print_r gives me the correct data as follows:- Array ( [0] => Array ( [Date Won] => 2008-01-01 00:00:00 [MemberNumber] => 2020119011 [TicketNumber] => 0100018481 [userID] => 37 [RoundCounter] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [Date Won] => 2008-01-02 00:00:00 [MemberNumber] => 2020119011 [TicketNumber] => 0100018481 [userID] => 37 [RoundCounter] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [Date Won] => 2008-01-03 00:00:00 [MemberNumber] => 2020119011 [TicketNumber] => 0100018481 [userID] => 37 [RoundCounter] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [Date Won] => 2008-01-01 00:00:00 [MemberNumber] => 2 [TicketNumber] => 0100018481 [userID] => 37 [RoundCounter] => 4 ) ) Now how do I populate my HTML page? The closest I have got is:- <?php for ($Nommer = 0; $Nommer < $Count; $Nommer++) { $Name = Get_Member_Name($Winner[$Nommer][MemberNumber]); echo "<tr bgcolor='#C0A062' onMouseover=this.bgColor='#FFF7DF' onMouseout=this.bgColor='#C0A062'> <td align='center'>.$Winner[$Nommer][Date Won].</td> <td align='center'>.$Winner[$Nommer][MemberNumber].</td> <td align='center'>.$Name.</td> <td align='center'>.$Winner[$Nommer][TicketNumber].</td> <td align='center'>.$Winner[$Nommer][userID].</td> </tr>\n"; } ?> but this displays the key not the data/value. Date MemberNumber Member Name TicketNumber User .[Date Won]. .[MemberNumber]. .Client [] not found!. .[TicketNumber]. .[userID]. .[Date Won]. .[MemberNumber]. .Client [] not found!. .[TicketNumber]. .[userID]. .[Date Won]. .[MemberNumber]. .Client [] not found!. .[TicketNumber]. .[userID]. .[Date Won]. .[MemberNumber]. .Client [] not found!. .[TicketNumber]. .[userID].
  18. I now have:- <?php for ($Nommer = 0; $Nommer <= $Count; $Nommer++) { echo "<tr bgcolor='#C0A062' onMouseover=this.bgColor='#FFF7DF' onMouseout=this.bgColor='#C0A062'> <td align='center'>.$Winner[$Nommer][Date Won].</td> <td align='center'>.$Winner[$Nommer][MemberNumber].</td> <td align='center'>.$Winner[$Nommer][TicketNumber].</td> <td align='center'>.$Winner[$Nommer][userID].</td> </tr>\n"; } ?> but it displays the key not the value?
  19. In fact what I need to populate from that array is a table as follows:- <tr bgcolor="#C0A062" onMouseover=this.bgColor="#FFF7DF" onMouseout=this.bgColor="#C0A062" > <td align=\"center\"><?php echo $Winner[0]['Date Won'] ?></td> <td align=\"center\"><?php echo $Winner[0]['MemberNumber'] ?></td> <td align=\"center\"><?php echo $Winner[0]['TicketNumber'] ?></td> <td align=\"center\"><?php echo $Winner[0]['UserID'] ?></td> </tr>
  20. OK I got part of it:- $Winners[$row[$Count]] should read $Winners[$Count]. Now how do I extract the data? Would it be something like $Winners[0][Date Won] and $Winners[1][Date Won] etc?
  21. I have eventually got correct data in my array as follows:- $Count = 0; // Here we populate array of previous winners $Winners = array(); while ($row = mssql_fetch_array($rs)) { echo '<pre>'.print_r($row,1).'</pre>'; $Winners[$row[$Count]] = array('Date Won'=>$row['DateWon'], 'MemberNumber'=>$row['MemberNumber'], 'TicketNumber'=>$row['TicketNumber'], 'UserID'=>$row['UserID'], 'RoundCounter'=>$row['RoundCounter']); $Count++; } echo '<pre>'.print_r($Winners,1).'</pre>'; but it displays incorrectly:- Array ( [1] => Array <------- Looks OK except I would expect to start @ 0 ( [Date Won] => 2008-01-01 00:00:00 [MemberNumber] => 2020119011 [TicketNumber] => 0100018481 [userID] => 37 [RoundCounter] => 1 ) [2020119011] => Array <------- Where did this come from ( [Date Won] => 2008-01-02 00:00:00 [MemberNumber] => 2020119011 [TicketNumber] => 0100018481 [userID] => 37 [RoundCounter] => 2 ) [WCC] => Array <------- Where did this come from ( [Date Won] => 2008-01-03 00:00:00 [MemberNumber] => 2020119011 [TicketNumber] => 0100018481 [userID] => 37 [RoundCounter] => 3 ) and finally how do I extract this data from my array?
  22. What I have done is:- $Winners = array(); while ($row = mssql_fetch_array($sr)) { $Winners[$row['UserNum']] = array('First Name'=>$row['FirstName'], 'Last Name'=>$row['LastName']); $Count++; } echo '<pre>'.print_r($Winners,1).'</pre>'; but all I get printed is :- Array { } Please tell me what I have misunderstood.
  23. Thank you. I did not know that the key was being given a name by the =>, but now I know....:-)
  24. Thank you for your reply. An item in your reply that I do not understand is what the => means. I understand = and >= but please tell me what the => in the context of your suggestion means.
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