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Everything posted by ignace

  1. You mean like MSN? http://messenger.mslivelabs.com/ Or a full overview of all services can be found here: http://dev.live.com/Messenger/
  2. http://www.checkupdown.com/status/E403.html
  3. You included (or required) the class twice in your code. Similar to: include('Class.php'); include('Class.php');//Cannot redeclare class Class ..
  4. zend guard is not safe, it can easily be reverse engineered... As easy as when you would write it yourself?
  5. Not sure I entirely understand what you are asking but maybe you want to a look at ExtJS then it allows you put any kind of data onto the toolbar. Yes.
  6. print_r($value['children'][12]);
  7. SELECT admin_id, server_id, nickname, hostname FROM amx_amxadmins a, amx_serverinfo s, amx_admin_servers c WHERE c.admin_id = a.id AND c.server_id = s.id AND a.id = $admin_id
  8. Have you tried: http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Tabs
  9. Try either ExtJS or YUI http://www.extjs.com/ http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/
  10. You can do that by using a simple join: SELECT amx_amxadmins.id, amx_amxadmins.nickname FROM amx_amxadmins JOIN amx_admin_servers ON id = admin_id WHERE server_id = $server_id
  11. Alex you can't return anything in your constructor. if(empty($im)) return true; Doesn't work.
  12. print_r($value['children']);
  13. And what do you want to change?
  14. This is easy enough to create. I can think of a few ways, here's one: CREATE TABLE comment_notification ( id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, comment TEXT, KEY fk_user_id (user_id), PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE friend_notification ( id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, accept_link VARCHAR(255), deny_link VARCHAR(255), KEY fk_user_id (user_id), PRIMARY KEY (id) ); This is just one but there are other ways you can do this but this depends on what you want to display and your program flow.
  15. Don't write it yourself unless you have had CS101 use Zend Guard instead.
  16. 1. What do you mean by tabs? (tabs in browser? some javascript generated tabs?) 2. If using javascript are you using a framework for this? And which one?
  17. What do you have now in both tables and how does it need to be?
  18. http://www.webcheatsheet.com/PHP/send_email_text_html_attachment.php#attachment
  19. print date('t') - date('j');
  20. How does that form looks like and how does it have to fit in the form?
  21. From where do you get the data? A form?
  22. Both your function and your code is wrong: Your function should be: function GetJumpMAC($block_id) { $get_jump_query = "SELECT strMAC FROM tblMACJumpPool WHERE intBlockID = '$block_id'"; $get_jump_result = mssql_query($get_jump_query) or die('Error, select query failed'); $row = mssql_fetch_array($get_jump_result, MSSQL_ASSOC); return $row['strMac']; } And your code should be: $get_b_id=12; $jumpmac = GetJumpMAC($get_b_id); $delete_query = "DELETE FROM tblMACJumpPool WHERE strMac = '$jumpmac'"; mssql_query($delete_query) or die('Error, delete query failed'); As a result you'd get: include("connect.php"); include("head.php"); function GetJumpMAC($block_id) { $get_jump_query = "SELECT strMAC FROM tblMACJumpPool WHERE intBlockID = '$block_id'"; $get_jump_result = mssql_query($get_jump_query) or die('Error, select query failed'); $row = mssql_fetch_array($get_jump_result, MSSQL_ASSOC); return $row['strMac']; } $get_b_id=12; $jumpmac = GetJumpMAC($get_b_id); $delete_query = "DELETE FROM tblMACJumpPool WHERE strMac = '$jumpmac'"; mssql_query($delete_query) or die('Error, delete query failed');
  24. $db1 = 10 * log($power, 10)); or $db1 = 10 * log10($power);
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