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Everything posted by .josh

  1. $venues_field_15_filename = $_FILES['venues_field_15']['name'];
  2. umm, no... according to the OP $find is supposed to be a table name, not some random piece of data in some column.
  3. ...like pulling your own teeth with a pair of pliers and no drugs? ...like squeezing blood from a turnip?
  4. wrap it in parenthesis.
  5. if you insist on sticking to how things are now, an alternative to roopurt's suggestion would be to first select the info, use php to concat it and then update.
  6. well using setlocale is fine and dandy within php environment but from a portability perspective....
  7. I used to like the shortcut char classes but then I found out about potential locality discrepancies in interpretation, so I usually use a char class explicitly writing the stuff out.
  8. This was done intentionally, though its been so long ago that I don't remember why.
  9. while ($singlearray = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { $array[] = $singlearray[0]; } print_r($array);
  10. thread closed. You already have a thread asking the same question. The answer was already given to you, to boot. Go back and reread it. Again. And again.
  11. But I'm sure we are all talented enough to style that ourselves. We're not named phpfreaks for nothing. that's not really the point. We don't want to have to constantly keep up with it every time there's a new version of SMF released.
  12. That's because preg_match returns an array, just like the manual says.
  13. You mean, other than telling you why what you did won't work, what you should do, and providing you a reference link? Sorry, think that's about the end of the line.
  14. That's because preg_match returns true on match, false on not match, if you assign it to a variable. The 3rd argument is where it assigns what it matched. Coincidentally, that's where I put $match. One of the great things about the php manual is that you can do for instance, http://www.php.net/preg_match and it will take you straight to the manual entry for the function. And one of the great things about the manual is that it tells you all kinds of neat things like what functions there are, what they do, how to use them, etc... it's a revolutionary concept that I hope catches on, because of its superb usefulness.
  15. Your server is the computer you are running the script on, as it requires a server to run it. And I thought that the concept of something blowing up was rather straight forward.
  16. it's a good thing you went ahead and asked instead of just trying it out, because running that code would have blown up your server.
  17. well evidently you don't know how to use any of the other methods either, so you may as well learn the best way to begin with.
  18. $file = file_get_contents('filename.txt'); preg_match('~501#[^#]*#~s',$file,$match);
  19. dude that's brilliant! That's going to change the internet as we know it!
  20. ask the smf developers. We didn't make this forum software, we just use it.
  21. i hear making honey pots are all the rage these days.
  22. except that headers can be faked.
  23. .josh

    A Bank

    type r = rob lol.
  24. <script language="Javascript"> function submitInfo(x) { document.getElementById('someField').value = x; document.getElementById('someForm').submit(); } </script> <a href='javascript: void(0);' onclick="submitInfo('someValue');">do something</a> <form id='someForm' method='post' action='someplace.php'> <input type='hidden' id='someField' name='someField' value='' /> </form>
  25. .josh

    A Bank

    yes. also, instead of all of those OR's, you can do SELECT SUM(`amount`) as loanSum FROM bank WHERE owner = '$this->owner' AND type IN ('l','d','w')
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