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Everything posted by .josh

  1. Well I learned something new about simplexml, as well.
  2. Did you learn the rules of grammar before learning to read? Did you learn to read sentences before you learned individual letters? Did you learn how to write letters before realizing that pens and pencils make marks on paper when you hold it a certain way and apply pressure and movement? Did you learn to write before learning to hold a pen? City planners do not include instructions on how to build houses in plans for laying out and building cities. Construction people do not include instructions on how to make bricks and cut wood etc.. for house blueprints. You do not learn by starting with abstract ideas and working your way down. You just think you do but in fact, you are just back tracking all the way to the beginning. You can't see that because you don't understand the steps involved or what any of it means. I don't think you are going to find anybody willing to hold your hand through all the steps it takes to make a social networking site, especially when each step involves the general, basic concepts. I don't think you're going to even find a tutorial like that. It's just not practical. You are not going to find a single tutorial that simultaneously contains "hello world" material and more advanced, more abstract concepts. As mentioned, I'm not trying to offend, and I know you aren't taking it as such. I just feel that the best way to help you is to get you to recognize that you are not looking at it 'right;' that you are approaching this whole programming thing 'wrong.' I use quotes because we aren't talking morals here. We're talking whether your system of learning is working or is effective or not.
  3. dunno what format you're wanting to make your file overall, but you might consider adding a newline char on the end of the text you want to pre-pend.
  4. She's just raising your self-esteem because that's what good mothers (and friends of mothers) do. That doesn't mean you're really sexy. It's a win-win situation, nonetheless. Even if you're butt ugly, chicks dig confidence.
  5. Be more specific. A string is a bunch of characters/numbers whatever. A delimiter is something you use to mark separation in a string. For example, "some random text here" the space could be considered a delimiter. Or "a,b,c,d,e" the comma could be a delimiter. both of those examples are strings, as a whole. The delimiters are used to enable doing certain things. For example, explode each piece into an array: $list = explode(",", "a,b,c,d,e");
  6. what not just use stripslashes
  7. unfortunately there is not a built in way to do that. You have to basically grab the contents of the file and put it into a string or array and concat the new stuff to the string or array_unshift it to the array and rewrite the whole thing back to the file.
  8. .josh


    Haha man I'm just messing with you.
  9. But you aren't being challenged this way. You're simply coming to a forum asking a question, and when you don't understand the answer, you ask how to do that, and when you don't understand that, you ask how to do even that, and you're going to eventually wind up at square one anyway, which is where I'm suggesting you start at to begin with.
  10. You could store your settings in a flatfile as some kind of delimitated string(s) or serialized or xml style, or store it in a db in columns, and retrieve as necessary.
  11. .josh


    You're still promoting, lol.
  12. See this is exactly what I'm talking about. You want to make a social networking site but you don't know basic database interaction. There's no point in explaining xyz to you when you don't even know what each letter in and of itself is.
  13. .josh


    Oh really? You aren't promoting IE8? OMG This is like a huge step from IE7 From what I have seen so far in my first 1 min of using it. Implying improvement. A better product. My page renders like it does in Firefox! Product comparison. All my CSS works! Detailing functionality, in an enthusiastic manner, to boot. it is awesome! Attributing value. Here is a quick link for download: Providing instructions to acquire.
  14. .josh


    You are promoting a product and providing a link to the site. Sure looks like spamming to me.... edit: err...I mean advertising, not spam. My bad. Kinda same thing.
  15. .josh


    hmm...I can't decide whether this should be considered spam or not. Should I delete this and ban you for spamming? hmm, decisions decisions....
  16. well you would ideally have a database with table(s) full of each user's profile information. You would then for instance, pass a specific user name or id to the profile page and use a select query to select the profile info based on the passed var.
  17. btw, instead of creating a table for every user, you should instead have a single table with different columns, like username, password, etc... and insert/select/update/delete from a single table.
  18. no offense but if you don't know how to do that sort of thing, then maybe you need to back up and start with the basics, instead of jumping into trying to make some social networking site.
  19. single quotes do not parse variables. Double quotes will. $name = 'blah'; echo '$name'; // output: $name echo "$name"; // output: blah alternatively, you can jump in and out of the quotes to have php parse the var outside of the quote: $name = 'mud'; echo 'my name is ' . $name . ' i am blue'; // output: my name is mud i am blue
  20. Hey I'm not sure if you knew or not, but we have a nifty latex button for this sort of thing. Yep. Some admin recently installed it because he thought it would be useful.
  21. No, a framework. a CMS is a specific type of script. A framework is well, a framework, that can be used to make more specific types of scripts, like for instance, a CMS. http://www.phpframeworks.com/
  22. Well I suggested xampp as an alternative for personal development/testing, not actually hosting your sites. Even if your internet connection was reliable, there is a 99.9999% probability your ISP doesn't allow you to do that anyway, unless you upgrade to some kind of business account with them. I don't know. You can google it just as well as I can. Lots of shared hosting offers external file access. First thing you need to do is decide how much you are willing to spend, and go from there. It may well be that the host you are currently using offers it in some upgraded package.
  23. depends on what your array format is. Are you using a multi-dim array like this? $data[0] = array('temp' => 100, 'dens' => 1.03); $data[1] = array('temp' => 150, 'dens' => 0.99); etc... or are you doing a single key=>val temp=>dens array like this? $data = array(100 => 1.03, 150 => 0.99, etc...); Or are you doing some other array format?
  24. don't assign the $_POST['field'] as an array element of $test.
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