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Everything posted by .josh

  1. And another thing, I'm tired of this whole website and even internet business as a whole, you youngsters keep going on about. Using code to be lazy about making websites. Using websites to be lazy about making businesses. Back in my day, if people wanted to open a business, they bucked up and did by the sweat of their brow. Now that was something to be proud of. You kids these days are too lazy to open up a real shop. How can I trust you to not be lazy about delivering what you'll claim to deliver; service, good product, backing it up? You know what they called that back in my day? Stories. Reading books. Trying to pawn off stories and ideas like it's the real thing. It's a sham! Damn conmen trying to sell decent, hard working members of the community SNAKE OIL. Someone needs to run you guys out of town! String you varmints up!
  2. Smoking pot while coding is better....not that I would know >.> I did hear a rumor a couple years ago that Microsoft used to either feed or condone or unofficially encourage their development teams to trip on acid while working, in order to help them think outside the box, or something. Dunno if that's any kind of true. Just remember hearing about it.
  3. And you know what, so is dynamic content generation. All of you people who use php/perl/js/etc.. are lazy. You guys claim it's the smarter, more efficient way to do things. That's just a fancy way of saying you're lazy and don't want to put in the time and effort. LAZY LAZY LAZY. And then you turn around and whine about scripts being broken, or little 13 year olds cracking your site. WOULDN'T HAPPEN IF YOU USED STATIC HTML. People used to have respect for things set in stone. Kids these days.
  4. I could post you a script. It might work. You'd never know until you tried it. How is that any different than finding a posted script somewhere else? re: the one you found that worked You said you were trying to find an upload script. That's pretty general. Now you're saying you want an upload script that identifies who uploaded it. You're not really going to find something like that by just googling "php file upload". Those are two different things put together. You'll need something like a register/login script so people can register a unique account, so that the uploaded stuff can be tied to them.
  5. That's odd. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=php+file+upload&btnG=Google+Search seems to bring up all sorts of useful links for me.
  6. Sounds like he can't figure out how to sticky topics. TBH I find it odd that you can manage to make an entire forum system, but can't figure out something like that. And how you can't even narrow down the problem to specific area, in your own code. Sounds more like you picked up some 3rd party script and expect to just throw it at us and have us fix it for you. That's not what we're here for. We volunteer our time to help you find and fix bugs in your own code that you are working on. If you don't want to learn the language, and just want someone to fix it for you, hire a freelancer. We donate our services in an effort to teach you to fish, not do your fishing for you. Alternatively, you could try contacting the person who made the script.
  7. I suggest doing it through php. You're supposed to be validating user input anyways. For instance, if you're allowing the user to enter in the date from a text field, STR_TO_DATE() is not going to do you a whole lot of good if user entered in something other than a date, or some weird date format that these built in functions don't recognize. Validate user input through php, send it to the db in the proper format. And please do not post multiple topics asking the same thing.
  8. did you actually read the error? It's telling you there's an unexpected comma. You can't use commas in variable assignments like that. $LName = $arr[1];
  9. you can use strtotime and date to reformat it, or you could just change your form to send values in the correct format in the first place (i.e.- dropdowns instead of text fields, numeric values for dropdowns instead of string values, etc...)
  10. eh. fubar moment. That doesn't really work. you have to time-strtime but then do some math to break down years and months first, before using date.
  11. echo date("d", time() - strtotime("2008-12-19 21:26:39"));
  12. I can't help but wonder what might be implied about people who can't find a button on a screen...
  13. print_r($apples); post what it prints
  14. We'd need to see the script as a whole to really give an honest effort into making it "better." (Please don't post your whole script here). If you're really serious about making it "better," I suggest hiring someone. That way they can take a look at your setup/files/code as a whole and evaluate the situation.
  15. glob and array_rand
  16. Oh...I thought this thread was about Stephen King fans....
  17. I don't know. Rename your hidden fields to something else. Take them out. Who knows? You haven't really been all that clear about your intentions. Sometimes I get the impression that you just kind of dove right into the deep end of this coding business and now you're struggling to stay afloat. I think you should back up a few steps, read some tutorials on basic principles and syntax, as well as how to debug and ask questions properly. Not saying that to be mean; just think you'd save yourself a lot of headaches if you do.
  18. You get that warning if an array is not posted as the first part of the expression in the foreach. foreach ($array as [$key => ] $val) {...} // key is optional For instance, if you don't check any options, $_POST['sport'] will not exist, and you will get that error. The foreach loop will cycle through all of the values that are checked in your form. It will not cycle through the ones you did not check, because they weren't sent to the script. As far as the script is concerned, the unchecked ones don't exist. All that aside, I'm finding it kind of hard to believe that you're checking hidden input fields.
  19. well that depends on your table structure. If for instance, default value is null, and every single row being selected is null...null+null+null = null. But if default is like 0...0+0+0 = 0. 0 is a valid number.
  20. $q = "select sum(column) as total from table where user= '$user'"; $result = mysql_query($q); $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); echo $r['total'];
  21. I lied. Seems to work either way. Perhaps you're trying to access page directly, so there's no referer page?
  22. parenthesis around the isset
  23. I don't know what this 'thining' thing you aren't doing is, but it sounds incredibly important. Do you have any links to tutorials/resources about it? I need to keep up with the standard...
  24. depends on where file is located. If it's in public_html somewhere, you can at the very least use http://www.yoursite.com/path/to/file.php
  25. count. I know. Deceptive naming conventions ftl.
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