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Everything posted by .josh

  1. He asked if there was a way to do it with php the same way you can do it with html. That's why the nature of php vs. html was brought up.
  2. 90% of a good story is not the events but how you tell it.
  3. I really don't think a history of phpfreaks would make headline news, but I do agree it would be nostalgic for people. I think it would be a very interesting project to take on, and I did already express interest in being the one to do it. I have not gotten a response yet as to whether I can get the tools to do it or not, though.
  4. hmm...if there's a different $tblname $display combo for each choice then only thing I can really think of is to first create a multidim array and pass a whole array as a value. Example: $data[0] = array ('tblname' => $tblname, 'display' => $display); . . . <option value = '{$data[0]}'>whatever</option>
  5. Are you supposed to have multiple options ($display), and only one table ($tblname)? Make $tblname the option name and the $display the option value.
  6. you can't perform a mysql_fetch_array on the result source, because it will overwrite your result source. Use a diff var in your while loop
  7. html = static text that your browser renders php = dynamically outputting that text It really is that simple.
  8. In that respect, php just outputs some text to the browser. It's the browser itself that looks at that text, decides it's html, and renders it however. Php has nothing to do with that, so you can't really put that on php's resume.
  9. Have you been paid? If not, I'd be leery about handing him your script. Who's to say he won't pull a fast one on you, claiming it's crap and saying forget it, only to turn around and use it, or even have his buddy just go from there?
  10. Okay so doing some more research (I'm very bored right now) .... For a good chunk of 2005, seemed like neylitilo was pretty much the only person actively maintaining the place. He had quite a few "come on guys, get off your lazy asses and help, I can't do this shit by myself" posts, lol (afaik he's never been an admin). Ober was first promoted to mod in Oct of 2005, along with 3 others who are no longer part of the staff. He was here before SMF, because I found a new IPB feature discussion thread in the staff forum where he chimed in. At some point in time early 2006, Ron and Ober were both pretty much "in charge," but they were not actually admins. Eric officially promoted both of them in May 2006, due to him not being available to be sole admin. An incident that required someone to be banned sparked the decision. We switched from IPB to SMF at the end of June 2006 for many reasons, but the most prominent one was due to lack of mysql 5 compatibility. ----------- Data mining and putting together a more coherent history of this place greatly interests me, but only being able to use the forum's search features severely limits me, so unless I were to get better access to the data (being able to use my own queries, or get a dump to put on my own server), I think I'm about calling it quits.
  11. so...fatmikey, why did you report this thread?
  12. Little too long to make a post about something like this.... http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/basic-pagination Or just like, google for pagination tutorials.
  13. If that's all it showed in the tutorial, then that's not ajax. Google ajax form validation.
  14. google ajax. Doing something like that is actually a fairly common beginner ajax tutorial, so you should have no problem finding one.
  15. oh yeah, forgot about roopurt. Yeah, he was between mark and john. And forgot about Thantos, too, and yeah, that's correct, now that you brought it up, I remember now.
  16. nah that can't be right, because i was mod when we changed to smf. I'm pretty sure I was, anyways...because Jay was promoted to admin not too long after the switch, and I was definitely there for that.
  17. Yeah, I do remember a time before I became mod, ober and ron were both mods, and there were no admin other than phpfreak.
  18. History according to me. Since I became mod (about 2 years ago): From the admin list: Ober and Ron were the only admin when I got promoted (aside from phpfreak, of course). JayBachatero (currently in PFR group) was an admin at one point in time, because we switched to smf board and he's somebody special in that community, and was helping us out with the details. His usefulness expired so he got bumped down. Tomfmason and Daniel0 (pretty sure that's the right order) were both made admin (they came from the PFR group) for reasons having to do with developing the new site (I think). Thorpe was made a mod at the same time as me, and recently became admin. From the mod list: after me came fenway, redbullmarky and 448191 (pretty sure that's the right order). Everybody else was there before me, so I can't say what order they came in. PFR group was pretty much my brainchild, and from which Dan, Tom, Redbull, and 448191 came from. Guru group was Dan's and 448191's brainchild (I think).
  19. I can remember who was mod before me, but does it matter?
  20. Our original main site had a section dedicated to scripts and code snippets. Not really sure if the lack of it on this new site is an oversight or not...will look into it.
  21. Dude, the answers have already been given to you, several times. Go back and look at the posted codes, from any number of people. You get one thing fixed and the same exact error shows up a few lines later. What does that tell you? Because posting the same error for a few lines down just tells us you're too lazy to read what's being posted or fix it yourself.
  22. all you are doing is passing the values to the function, you need to run mysql_... on all of them. Also, functions have their own variable scope. You need to actually return the values, make the vars global, or pass by reference, in order for the changes to take effect.
  23. okay. so that optional flag for file() is for php 5+ so you must be using php 4, so instead we have to rtrim each value in the array first: // get current filename if (isset($_GET['current_filename'])) $current_filename = $_GET['current_filename']; else $current_filename = "0.jpg"; // put all lines from file into an array $files = file('picturelist.txt'); // trim each value foreach ($files as $key => $val) { $files[$key] = rtrim($files[$key]); } // find the value in the array and return the key $key = array_search($current_filename, $files); // assign the value of the next element to var $next_filename = $files[$key+1]; $previous_filename =$files[$key-1];
  24. hmm........ try this: $files = file('picturelist.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
  25. file is in the same directory as script? print_r($files); after assignment see if it is holding the expected array.
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