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Everything posted by .josh

  1. My initial guess would be $recievemail = "chubb.gregkilian.com" ; Is not a valid email format, and that is some kind of "failed to send email" message.
  2. I liked the original star wars IX X XI.  I didn't much care for the newer I II III ones.  Those seemed to have catered to a younger audience than the other ones.  I definitely liked LotR better than star wars, however, I have to agree they made the hobbits seem a little bit more homo than in the books, to the point that it was actually annoying.  I love that scene in Clerks 2 when Randal makes fun of the hobbits so much that dude barfed, lol.  The books were definitely way better.  I hear there's a new movie coming out based on the LotR prequel: The Hobbit.  Someone made a cartoon movie of that a long ass time ago.  I thought that was pretty cool. 
  3. And that's what makes me so great. I don't need no stinking math.
  4. x2 = 12 y2 = 16 I'm not a math whiz so I don't know how to officially figure it out, but here's what I did: c2 = 50 / 20 = 2.5 x2 = 40 / 2.5 = 16 y2 = 30 / 2.5 = 12 And to check: x2^2 + y2^2 = c2^2 16^2 + 12^2 = 20^2 256 + 144 = 400 In essence, I just like, scaled it, lol.
  5. okay...so you want a radio button. But that's the point. Your form has a bunch of radio buttons. Only one will be selected. So $_POST['iqid'] will never be an array. It will always be just a variable with one of those radio button values. Therefore, your foreach loop will never work. There's no point in even having your query inside a loop at all. You're getting a single value from your form and updating your database with that value. No foreach loop or any loop at all required. If you do what vbnullchar says, your query will never be executed because it will never be an array.
  6. in your form, iqid is a radio button, so only 1 option will be selected, and $_POST['iqid'] will not be an array. Were you perhaps meaning to do name='iqid[]' and have checkboxes?
  7. No, that doesn't really affect anything, as long as you're not designing your code to depend on the numbers like that. For instance, retrieving results and then trying to make a for loop to cycle through it, instead of using a foreach or while loop. If for some reason it makes you sleep better at night to have them like that, There is no specific "reset" command (AFAIK). AFAIK you have to drop the column and then add it back and it will then auto-inc them 1-x.
  8. Well your cheapest route would be to use a prefab free/open source CMS and get someone to customize it for you. You could probably even manage to do that yourself, as most CMS's out there are highly customizable through their own user/admin interface. Hiring a coder to build one for you from "scratch" will easily cost you thousands of dollars. Like 2-6k, depending on lots of things. Not to mention nowhere near the support as you'd get from using a prefab CMS that has many users. If you want to go the hire a programmer to make one from scratch route, as far as what kind of programmer: Language doesn't really matter. People will always argue one language is better than the others because xyz reasons. And this is a php board so you're more likely to get a php biased opinion here.
  9. Think you're going to have to be a bit more specific if you want opinions on greater efficiency, because best we can tell you with no details is a simple loop (not really like bendude's..that just makes a bunch of links on a page).
  10. Interesting. I don't know, but I think the first thing I would do is first have 10 sound files one for each single digit 0-9, have php generate a random 4 digit number, then dynamically make a new sound file with the 4 sound files. As far as getting php to actually dial a phone number and play the number: I really don't know, but I don't think php can go that far. My friend was messing around with automated messages etc.. for some kind of call center, through skype. If I remember correctly, he was using COM to interface with skype's program. I think. I'll tell him to look at the thread maybe he could give you further input.
  11. Dunno if it's the most effective way, but assuming that each row has a unique id, I would first do a query that returns all of the id's of the matching rows, and keep that as a session array ($rowIds), and have another session var that's holds the current array position of the current row's id ($currentPos). User wants to press the next row button, $currentPos++, select query where id = $rowIds[$currentPos]. Previous button same thing, except $currentPos--
  12. Well wait hold up. If I understand you correct, you have a db table and each row has a link and overall, that table is your whitelist, right? You don't need to check the whitelist in php. Just do something like this: $link = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['linkcolumn']); $sql = "SELECT linkcolumn from whitelist where linkcolumn = '$link'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); if ($result) { // link is on the whitelist, do something } else { // link is not on whitelist, do something }
  13. You need to specify a column name with ORDER BY. Think about it. If you had a list of fruit, and you wanted to order them, you could order by...alphabetically. Or by... shortest to longest word. But what you are trying to do is order by...3. What does 3 have to do anything with your list of fruit? How would I use "3" to determine which comes first, the orange or the banana? So do you now see how that makes no sense? So maybe you need to give a "before" and "after" example. Only other thing I can think of is, are you trying to order it differently, depending on how many rows are in the table? For instance, if there are 3 rows, you'd want to order them by columnA, but if there are 4, you want to order them by columnB?
  14. He does have code posted in there. It's about halfway down and starts about halfway to the right. On that note, if you want some serious help then you need to edit or repost your code to a more readable format. Nobody is gonna want to even attempt helping you if they got to go through the trouble of formatting it first.
  15. If you know how to pull the list of links from the db then what are you asking to do? Have a comparison between the list and the link?
  16. I've poked and prodded at flash a few times. I know a couple AS tricks and more or less how to do anything non-AS in flash. I see flash questions come up maybe once a month or so and even then it's usually something to do about passing data between flash and php. There have only been a handful of real flash questions I've seen, though. Just don't think there's any reason for a forum dedicated to it. This board is pretty much php specific and everything that directly involves it. We try to cater to things if it gets enough traffic but flash isn't one of those things. You're really better off going to a flash specific board or a graphics/design type board. I used to enjoy going to kirupa.com when I was getting my feet wet in flash.
  17. Eh. I don't think it's gonna be any more or less worse than it already is. And anyways, apparently a lot of people don't have a problem with porn. Otherwise it wouldn't be the industry that it is. In fact, one could argue that internet porn has reduced a lot of crime and disease. I personally do not support it, but I mean, it's like picking the lesser of the two evils... I mean seriously, if you were somehow given a magic wand to completely erase all porn on the internet, that's fine and dandy for the internet, but what do you think would happen irl?
  18. well if you're talking about getting different results depending on your mood/situation, then that's done by having options in a form to check/select, and building a dynamic query string based on that info... I thought you were wanting help on writing a very specific query string (which is why I moved it to mysql forum). Are you wanting help on building a dynamic query string in general?
  19. I think people need to focus on the internet being more VR style. But first input devices need to catchup.
  20. ah yeah, forgot about that. The desc makes the list overall 100, 99, 98, etc.. so 100 is position 0, so offset 10 is 91 or whatever. If you change it from desc to asc then the results will be 11 12 13 14 ... It will be the result set you want, but not the right order. So you can a) remove the desc and reverse the order of the results through php, or b) change your offset to what 80, 10?
  21. you need to specify which column to order by select * from table order by column desc limit 10,10
  22. Please note that we as phpfreaks.com don't necessarily promote or demote the hosts; It's just a resource sticky for hosts that people have found/use/etc...
  23. would help if you showed some code and be more specific than "does not populate" - as in, any error messages? etc...
  24. Oh come on now you don't have to lie to us like that. We accept a "Thank you" just the same, so why not just do that, instead of making promises we all know you can't keep.
  25. Looks like you might possibly want to look into range or in_array
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