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  1. but in my case, i want to have the redirection after the html characters are printed. is there any way to force the redirection to a new page?
  2. hi, i have facing a problem with my video encoding site, i have 2 pages, 1st one is a form which is used to upload the video and fill out the details about the video like video title, summary etc. after uploading, once the submit button is clicked, the page 2 steps in, it contains the actual conversion progress bar. once the conversion is over, i want that page should redirect to another page where i can display the "Success" message, but its not redirecting. i have used header("location:user_video_upload_container.php?msg=" .urlencode("Video uploaded successfully & will be available online after approval")); exit(); but still its not redirecting. below is the complete code of the page. i will appreciate that if anybody can help me out with the redirection. thanks. <?php set_time_limit(1800); ob_implicit_flush(true); include_once "__init.php"; include_once "user__authenticate.php"; $mysql = new Mysql(); $user = new User(); $validation = new Validation(); $string = new String(); $file = new File(); $form = new Form(); $form->saveViewState("video_upload"); $user_id = $user->getUserId(); $video_uploader_name = $user->getUserName(); $video_name = $string->formatInput($_POST['video_name'], 1, "None"); $cat_id = $string->formatInput($_POST['cat_id'], 1, "None"); $summary = $string->formatInput($_POST['summary'], 1, "None"); $uploaded_new_filename = $string->formatInput($_POST['uploaded_new_filename'], 1, "None"); $uploaded_orig_filename = $string->formatInput($_POST['uploaded_orig_filename'], 1, "None"); if($validation->isEmpty($uploaded_new_filename) || $validation->isEmpty($uploaded_orig_filename)) { header("location:user_video_upload_container.php?msg=" .urlencode("Please upload a video")); exit(); } if($validation->isEmpty($video_name) || $validation->isEmpty($cat_id) || $validation->isEmpty($summary)) { header("location:user_video_upload_container.php?msg=" .urlencode(WEBSITE_INCOMPLETE_DETAILS)); exit(); } if(strlen($summary) > VIDEO_UPLOAD_SUMMARY_TEXT) { header("location:user_video_upload_container.php?msg=" .urlencode("Summary - Max ". VIDEO_UPLOAD_SUMMARY_TEXT ." characters are allowed")); exit(); } $target_filename = $string->generateRandomString(; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title><?php echo WEBSITE_SEO_TITLE; ?> - ENCODING VIDEO .........</title> <?php include_once "_site_headtag.php"; ?> </head> <body style="margin:0px; padding:0px;"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <span class="static_sub_heading">Please wait while Video is encoding......</span> <br /><br /> PLEASE DO NOT NAVIGATE AWAY FROM THIS SCREEN OR CLOSE YOUR BROWSER BEFORE THE ENCODING HAS BEEN COMPLETED. <br /><br /> <? $Command = "\"" . PATH_TO_ENCODER."\" " . "\"" . WEBSITE_UPLOADS. "/temp/". $uploaded_new_filename ."\" " . "\"" . WEBSITE_UPLOADS. "/temp/". $target_filename .".flv\"" . " -vw " . VIDEO_WIDTH . " -vh " . VIDEO_HEIGHT . " -vz " . VIDEO_ZOOM_MODE . " -ac " . VIDEO_CHANNELS . " -tn " . "\"" . WEBSITE_UPLOADS . "/temp/". $target_filename .".jpg\" " . " -tw " . VIDEO_THUMB2_WIDTH . " -th " . VIDEO_THUMB2_HEIGHT . " -tf " . VIDEO_THUMBNAIL_POINT . " -vb 400"; // Use Windows path style so fvec.exe can handle it correctly. $Command = str_replace("\\", "/", $Command); //echo("<p>Executing command: <br />$Command</p>"); //echo("<br />"); // We do not use exec() because we want to get the Stdout line by line. //$StdOut = exec("\"$Command\"", $Lines, $ExecResult); $GotOutput = false; $ExecResult = -1; $CrLf = "\n"; $FirstLine = true; $RegExPattern = "([0-9]+)"; $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array('pipe', 'r'), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from (we do not use it). 1 => array('pipe', 'w'), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to and we will read from. 2 => array('pipe', 'w') // stderr is a file to write to (we do not use it). ); $process = proc_open("$Command", $descriptorspec, $pipes); if (is_resource($process)) { while(!feof($pipes[1])) { $InputLine = fgets($pipes[1], 1024); if (strlen($InputLine) == 0) break; $GotOutput = true; if(strcmp(substr($InputLine, 0, 6), "Error:") == 0) { echo("<font color=\"#ff0000\">" . $InputLine . "</font><br />" . $CrLf); break; } if(strcmp(substr($InputLine, 0, 9), "Percent: ") == 0) { if($FirstLine) { $FirstLine = false; echo("<p><table width=\"404\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding\"1\"><tr><td>" . $CrLf); echo("<table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td><img id=\"bar\" src=\"images/bar.gif\" width=\"0\" height=\"10\" alt=\"Progress\"></td></tr></table>" . $CrLf); echo("</td></tr></table></p></td></tr></table>" . $CrLf); //echo(str_repeat(' ', 256)); ob_flush(); flush(); } $Matches = NULL; ereg($RegExPattern, $InputLine, $Matches); if(count($Matches) > 1) { // display the current encoding progress $Percent = $Matches[0]; echo("<script language=\"javascript\">document.all(\"bar\").width = " . ((int)$Percent * 4). "</script>" . $CrLf); ob_flush(); flush(); } } else { if(strcmp(substr($InputLine, 0, 9), "Duration:") == 0) { // get the duration of the input video. //$Duration = StringToTime(trim(substr($InputLine, 10))); } } } // It is important that you close any pipes before calling // proc_close in order to avoid a deadlock fclose($pipes[0]); fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); // get the exit code of fvec.exe. //echo "Exit Code: "; $ExecResult = proc_close($process); } if($ExecResult == '0') { $sql = "select cat_id from ". TABLE_CATEGORIES ." where name='$cat_id' LIMIT 1"; $query = $mysql->query($sql); $row = $mysql->fetchArray($query); $cat_id = $row["cat_id"]; $sql = "insert into ". TABLE_VIDEOS." "; $sql .= "(video_name, user_id, type, cat_id, summary, datecreated) VALUES"; $sql .= "('$video_name', $user_id, 1, $cat_id, '$summary', now())"; if ($query = $mysql->query($sql)) { $id = mysql_insert_id(); // Move Video $videopath = $id.".flv"; $existing_video_path = WEBSITE_UPLOADS. "/temp/". $target_filename .".flv"; $new_video_path = WEBSITE_UPLOADS. "/videos/". $videopath; rename($existing_video_path, $new_video_path); $file->deleteFile(WEBSITE_UPLOADS. "/temp/". $uploaded_new_filename); // Move Thumb $imagepath2 = $id.".jpg"; $existing_image_path = WEBSITE_UPLOADS. "/temp/". $target_filename .".jpg"; $new_image_path = WEBSITE_UPLOADS. "/videos/thumbs/". $imagepath2; rename($existing_image_path, $new_image_path); // Generate Small Thumb $thumb = new Thumbnail($new_image_path); $thumb->resize(VIDEO_THUMB1_WIDTH, VIDEO_THUMB1_HEIGHT); $thumb->save(WEBSITE_UPLOADS."/videos/thumbs/".$id."_small.jpg", IMAGE_THUMB_QUALITY); $imagepath = $id."_small.jpg"; $ffm = new ffmpeg_movie($new_video_path); $duration = $ffm->getDuration(); $sql = "update ". TABLE_VIDEOS." set imagepath='".$imagepath."', imagepath2='".$imagepath2."', videopath='".$videopath."', duration='".$duration."', status=". USER_VIDEO_UPLOAD_APPROVAL_STATUS .", upload_status=1 where video_id=$id"; $query = $mysql->query($sql); $form->clearViewState("video_upload"); //$user->sendNewVideoAlert($video_uploader_name, $id, $video_name, "Video"); header("location:user_video_upload_container.php?msg=" .urlencode("Video uploaded successfully & will be available online after approval")); exit(); echo "<br /><br /><span class=\"star\">Video Uploaded Successfully, Will be available after approval.</span>"; } ?> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td valign="middle"> <?php } else { $file->deleteFile(WEBSITE_UPLOADS. "/temp/". $uploaded_new_filename); $file->deleteFile(WEBSITE_UPLOADS. "/temp/". $target_filename .".flv"); $file->deleteFile(WEBSITE_UPLOADS. "/temp/". $target_filename .".jpg"); echo("<font color=\"#ff0000\">Error: failed to encode the file. The exit code is $ExecResult</font><br />" . $CrLf); } //ob_end_clean(); header("location:user_video_upload_container.php?msg=" .urlencode("Video uploaded successfully & will be available online after approval")); exit(); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
  3. i am unable to get it. plz help me. i have attached the files. procsendmsg.php is file which sends the sms by calling the class file sms/api.php $mysms = new sms(); $mysms->send($to,$from,$message); this is what i use to send the message. plz tell me what to replace and how so that i can asssign the username, password and api id from database. plz. you have helped a lot but plz make it happen i will be thankful to you. i have attached the files for your reference. Amardeep Singh [attachment deleted by admin]
  4. i tried but it is not working below is the code of class file api.php i have added the function sms and commented the var $user, var $password etc. also i have added $sms = new sms($username, $password, $apiid); in procsendmsg.php as $mysms = new sms($username, $password, $apiid); in procsendmsg.php code of which is at the end please guide me how can i assign the database variables to class variables. thanks for helping me buddy, thanks a lot. plz reply. <?php class sms { function sms($ausername, $apassword, $apiid, $minbalance) { $this->user = $ausername; $this->password = $apassword; $this->api_id = $apiid; $this->$balace_limit = $minbalance; // The other stuff that's in your function already } /** * Clickatell API-ID * @var integer */ //var $api_id = "45654645"; /** * Clickatell username * @var mixed */ //var $user = "54634545"; /** * Clickatell password * @var mixed */ //var $password = "456546546"; /** * Use SSL (HTTPS) protocol * @var bool */ var $use_ssl = false; /** * Define SMS balance limit below class will not work * @var integer */ //var $balace_limit = 0; /** * Gateway command sending method (curl,fopen) * @var mixed */ var $sending_method = "fopen"; /** * Optional CURL Proxy * @var bool */ var $curl_use_proxy = false; /** * Proxy URL and PORT * @var mixed */ var $curl_proxy = ""; /** * Proxy username and password * @var mixed */ var $curl_proxyuserpwd = "login:secretpass"; /** * Callback * 0 - Off * 1 - Returns only intermediate statuses * 2 - Returns only final statuses * 3 - Returns both intermediate and final statuses * @var integer */ var $callback = 0; /** * Session variable * @var mixed */ var $session; /** * Class constructor * Create SMS object and authenticate SMS gateway * @return object New SMS object. * @access public */ function sms () { if ($this->use_ssl) { $this->base = "http://api.clickatell.com/http"; $this->base_s = "https://api.clickatell.com/http"; } else { $this->base = "http://api.clickatell.com/http"; $this->base_s = $this->base; } $this->_auth(); } /** * Authenticate SMS gateway * @return mixed "OK" or script die * @access private */ function _auth() { $comm = sprintf ("%s/auth?api_id=%s&user=%s&password=%s", $this->base_s, $this->api_id, $this->user, $this->password); $this->session = $this->_parse_auth ($this->_execgw($comm)); } /** * Query SMS credis balance * @return integer number of SMS credits * @access public */ function getbalance() { $comm = sprintf ("%s/getbalance?session_id=%s", $this->base, $this->session); return $this->_parse_getbalance ($this->_execgw($comm)); } /** * Send SMS message * @param to mixed The destination address. * @param from mixed The source/sender address * @param text mixed The text content of the message * @return mixed "OK" or script die * @access public */ function send($to=null, $from=null, $text=null) { /* Check SMS credits balance */ if ($this->getbalance() < $this->balace_limit) { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Your SMS Credit Balance Is Low")); exit(); //die ("You have reach the SMS credit limit!"); }; /* Check SMS $text length */ if (strlen ($text) > 465) { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Your Message Is Too Long")); exit(); //die ("Your message is to long! (Current lenght=".strlen ($text).")"); } /* Does message need to be concatenate */ if (strlen ($text) > 160) { $concat = "&concat=3"; } else { $concat = ""; } /* Check $to and $from is not empty */ if (empty ($to)) { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Please Specify Destination Mobile Number")); exit(); //die ("You not specify destination address (TO)!"); } if (empty ($from)) { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Please Specify Source Address")); exit(); //die ("You not specify source address (FROM)!"); } /* Reformat $to number */ $cleanup_chr = array ("+", " ", "(", ")", "\r", "\n", "\r\n"); $to = str_replace($cleanup_chr, "", $to); /* Send SMS now */ $comm = sprintf ("%s/sendmsg?session_id=%s&to=%s&from=%s&text=%s&callback=%s%s", $this->base, $this->session, rawurlencode($to), rawurlencode($from), rawurlencode($text), $this->callback, $concat ); return $this->_parse_send ($this->_execgw($comm)); } /** * Execute gateway commands * @access private */ function _execgw($command) { if ($this->sending_method == "curl") return $this->_curl($command); if ($this->sending_method == "fopen") return $this->_fopen($command); header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Unsupported Sending Method")); exit(); //die ("Unsupported sending method!"); } /** * CURL sending method * @access private */ function _curl($command) { $this->_chk_curl(); $ch = curl_init ($command); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,0); if ($this->curl_use_proxy) { curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $this->curl_proxy); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $this->curl_proxyuserpwd); } $result=curl_exec ($ch); curl_close ($ch); return $result; } /** * fopen sending method * @access private */ function _fopen($command) { $result = ''; $handler = @fopen ($command, 'r'); if ($handler) { while ($line = @fgets($handler,1024)) { $result .= $line; } fclose ($handler); return $result; } else { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Error while executing fopen sending method !<br />Please check that does PHP have OpenSSL support and the PHP version is greater than 4.3.0.")); exit(); //die ("Error while executing fopen sending method!<br>Please check does PHP have OpenSSL support and check does PHP version is greater than 4.3.0."); } } /** * Parse authentication command response text * @access private */ function _parse_auth ($result) { $session = substr($result, 4); $code = substr($result, 0, 2); if ($code!="OK") { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Error In SMS Authorization ($result)")); exit(); //die ("Error in SMS authorization! ($result)"); } return $session; } /** * Parse send command response text * @access private */ function _parse_send ($result) { $code = substr($result, 0, 2); if ($code!="ID") { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Error Sending SMS ! ($result)")); exit(); //die ("Error sending SMS! ($result)"); } else { $code = "OK"; } return $code; } /** * Parse getbalance command response text * @access private */ function _parse_getbalance ($result) { $result = substr($result, ; return (float)$result; } /** * Check for CURL PHP module * @access private */ function _chk_curl() { if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("This SMS API class can not work without CURL PHP module !. Try using fopen sending method.")); exit(); //die ("This SMS API class can not work without CURL PHP module! Try using fopen sending method."); } } } ?> code for calling <? session_start(); require_once ("sms/api.php"); include_once "includes/smssettings.php"; include_once ("admincheck.php"); include_once "includes/panelconfig.php"; include_once "includes/settings.php"; include_once "includes/myfunctions.php"; include "db/dbconnect.php"; $db = mysql_connect($MySQL_Host, $MySQL_User, $MySQL_Pass) or die("could not connect"); mysql_select_db($MySQL_DB,$db); $mysms = new sms(); $to=trim($_POST['to']); $from=$afrom; $message=dwords($_POST['message']); if ($to=='' || $message=='') { header("Location: sendsms.php?msg=".urlencode("Please Enter The Complete Details")); exit(); } $_SESSION['to']=$to; $_SESSION['message']=$message; $mysms->send($to,$from,$message); $_SESSION['to']=""; $_SESSION['message']=""; $sql = "insert into ".$tableprefix."sentinstantsmss(ato,amessage,datecreated) values('$to','$message',now())"; if (mysql_query($sql)) { mysql_close(); header("Location: sendsms.php?msg=".urlencode("SMS Sent Successfully To $to & Saved")); exit(); } else { echo mysql_error(); mysql_close(); //header("Location: sendsms.php?msg=".urlencode("SMS Sent Successfully To $to")); //exit(); } ?>
  5. hi i am creating a sms module. for that i am using clickatell sms class available online. in the bottom code notice the 6th line which is var $api_id = "3434343"; here the value is hard coded. i want to assign the values to the class variables from database such as var $api_id = $apiid; i have created a sms setting table in mysql, which would contain the username, password, api details and i want to assign that values from database to these class variables. which are var $api_id = "3434343"; var $user = "username"; var $password = "9987987"; i want something like this var $user = $username; var $password = $password; var $api_id = $apiid; but it is causing problem for me if i assign them like this. please help me how can i assign the database values to these class variables. i tried everything but i was unable to assign the $variables to class variables. $username, $password, $api are called from a include file called includes/smssetttings.php on the top of the class file which in turns queries the database for the same. Thanks Amardeep <?php include "../includes/smssettings.php"; class sms { /** * Clickatell API-ID * @var integer */ var $api_id = "3434343"; /** * Clickatell username * @var mixed */ var $user = "username"; /** * Clickatell password * @var mixed */ var $password = "9987987"; /** * Use SSL (HTTPS) protocol * @var bool */ var $use_ssl = false; /** * Define SMS balance limit below class will not work * @var integer */ var $balace_limit = 0; /** * Gateway command sending method (curl,fopen) * @var mixed */ var $sending_method = "fopen"; /** * Optional CURL Proxy * @var bool */ var $curl_use_proxy = false; /** * Proxy URL and PORT * @var mixed */ var $curl_proxy = ""; /** * Proxy username and password * @var mixed */ var $curl_proxyuserpwd = "login:secretpass"; /** * Callback * 0 - Off * 1 - Returns only intermediate statuses * 2 - Returns only final statuses * 3 - Returns both intermediate and final statuses * @var integer */ var $callback = 0; /** * Session variable * @var mixed */ var $session; /** * Class constructor * Create SMS object and authenticate SMS gateway * @return object New SMS object. * @access public */ function sms () { if ($this->use_ssl) { $this->base = "http://api.clickatell.com/http"; $this->base_s = "https://api.clickatell.com/http"; } else { $this->base = "http://api.clickatell.com/http"; $this->base_s = $this->base; } $this->_auth(); } /** * Authenticate SMS gateway * @return mixed "OK" or script die * @access private */ function _auth() { $comm = sprintf ("%s/auth?api_id=%s&user=%s&password=%s", $this->base_s, $this->api_id, $this->user, $this->password); $this->session = $this->_parse_auth ($this->_execgw($comm)); } /** * Query SMS credis balance * @return integer number of SMS credits * @access public */ function getbalance() { $comm = sprintf ("%s/getbalance?session_id=%s", $this->base, $this->session); return $this->_parse_getbalance ($this->_execgw($comm)); } /** * Send SMS message * @param to mixed The destination address. * @param from mixed The source/sender address * @param text mixed The text content of the message * @return mixed "OK" or script die * @access public */ function send($to=null, $from=null, $text=null) { /* Check SMS credits balance */ if ($this->getbalance() < $this->balace_limit) { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Your SMS Credit Balance Is Low")); exit(); //die ("You have reach the SMS credit limit!"); }; /* Check SMS $text length */ if (strlen ($text) > 465) { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Your Message Is Too Long")); exit(); //die ("Your message is to long! (Current lenght=".strlen ($text).")"); } /* Does message need to be concatenate */ if (strlen ($text) > 160) { $concat = "&concat=3"; } else { $concat = ""; } /* Check $to and $from is not empty */ if (empty ($to)) { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Please Specify Destination Mobile Number")); exit(); //die ("You not specify destination address (TO)!"); } if (empty ($from)) { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Please Specify Source Address")); exit(); //die ("You not specify source address (FROM)!"); } /* Reformat $to number */ $cleanup_chr = array ("+", " ", "(", ")", "\r", "\n", "\r\n"); $to = str_replace($cleanup_chr, "", $to); /* Send SMS now */ $comm = sprintf ("%s/sendmsg?session_id=%s&to=%s&from=%s&text=%s&callback=%s%s", $this->base, $this->session, rawurlencode($to), rawurlencode($from), rawurlencode($text), $this->callback, $concat ); return $this->_parse_send ($this->_execgw($comm)); } /** * Execute gateway commands * @access private */ function _execgw($command) { if ($this->sending_method == "curl") return $this->_curl($command); if ($this->sending_method == "fopen") return $this->_fopen($command); header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Unsupported Sending Method")); exit(); //die ("Unsupported sending method!"); } /** * CURL sending method * @access private */ function _curl($command) { $this->_chk_curl(); $ch = curl_init ($command); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,0); if ($this->curl_use_proxy) { curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $this->curl_proxy); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $this->curl_proxyuserpwd); } $result=curl_exec ($ch); curl_close ($ch); return $result; } /** * fopen sending method * @access private */ function _fopen($command) { $result = ''; $handler = @fopen ($command, 'r'); if ($handler) { while ($line = @fgets($handler,1024)) { $result .= $line; } fclose ($handler); return $result; } else { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Error while executing fopen sending method !<br />Please check that does PHP have OpenSSL support and the PHP version is greater than 4.3.0.")); exit(); //die ("Error while executing fopen sending method!<br>Please check does PHP have OpenSSL support and check does PHP version is greater than 4.3.0."); } } /** * Parse authentication command response text * @access private */ function _parse_auth ($result) { $session = substr($result, 4); $code = substr($result, 0, 2); if ($code!="OK") { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Error In SMS Authorization ($result)")); exit(); //die ("Error in SMS authorization! ($result)"); } return $session; } /** * Parse send command response text * @access private */ function _parse_send ($result) { $code = substr($result, 0, 2); if ($code!="ID") { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("Error Sending SMS ! ($result)")); exit(); //die ("Error sending SMS! ($result)"); } else { $code = "OK"; } return $code; } /** * Parse getbalance command response text * @access private */ function _parse_getbalance ($result) { $result = substr($result, ; return (float)$result; } /** * Check for CURL PHP module * @access private */ function _chk_curl() { if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { header("Location: smsflags.php?msg=".urlencode("This SMS API class can not work without CURL PHP module !. Try using fopen sending method.")); exit(); //die ("This SMS API class can not work without CURL PHP module! Try using fopen sending method."); } } } ?>
  6. use Server2go. its meant for deploying portable php applications and scripts. i am myself using it for deploying my scripts on cd with the help of Server2Go.
  7. thanks huggie thanks for the help. i think this will work thanks again man
  8. hi friends i want to know that how can i replace the entire content in <..............> tags. for example i have a code <STRONG><I><B><FONT COLOR="red">Example Text</FONT></B></I></STRONG> and i want to convert the html tags to small caps without converting the text i.e Example Text. <STRONG> should be <strong> <I> should be <i> <FONT COLOR="red"> should be <font color="red"> but keeping the text i.e Example Text intact. due to which i can't use strtolower. please tell me how to convert the html tags into smallcaps. what regular expression to use so that i get <strong><i><b><font color="red">Example Text</b></i></font></strong> thanks please help
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