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  1. You need to get a php configuration output script and put it in the root of your server and call it. This is al that is in the script: <? phpinfo(); ?> These other variables below can contain things required for modifying scripts for platform or are an alternative though deprecated. $HTTP_POST_VARS $_POST $HTTP_GET_VARS $_GET $_SERVER $_HTTP_SERVER_VARS $HTTP_ENV_VARS $_ENV $GLOBALS
  2. How? (Admittedly you pass arguments to your function)While not a problem (the less-than and greater-than symbols) in the PHP code <?php and > because they are stripped and used on the server. Less-than and greater-than symbols are technically a bit deadly on browsers and particularly XHTML and XML but in HTML if you truly knew your stuff one of two was vaguely legal in document syntax when not used to delimit an elements start and end. Here is your code again. <input type='button' class='button' value=' > ' onClick='<?php echo "goNextMonth($month,$year,\"$form\",\"$field\")"; ?>'> Here is my code for the input button element <input type="button" value="Get Todays Date and Time" onclick="timedate();"> The browser may only be giving trouble because of those symbols Here is an alternative with yours <input type='button' class='button' value=' > ' onClick='<?php echo "goNextMonth($month,$year,\"$form\",\"$field\")"; ?>' > You should replace this value=' > ' with this or some alike value='Month Later' and one value='Month Less' its a bit dangerous. Check your javascript functions internals in goNextMonth() and the other one you print for any window or location leftover code. If cosmetics of the element worry you put height and width in CSS or their style="" attribute.
  3. === functions required for === preg_match preg_replace strlen strpos stripos and the reference variable holding the html after its evaluated the html into memory and before anything is actually done with it(e.g. before print())
  4. should this $to = $to; be this inside the else section # $to = $to; redundant as some others assigned that way because they will hold their value this if($result[0] == '0') {.... should be if($result[0] == 0) {.... "numeric" if $result[0] is a string php for most is dynaimically typed but that may be only ever a digit and should be checked with if(ereg("^\d+$",$result[0])){#is true......... then do coumpounded if(ereg("^0+$",$result[0])){#is true.........
  5. oops! sorry note the commas in the attribute value should separate the entries!!! accept-charset="ISO_8859-1,windows-1252,UTF-8"
  6. I was saying, shouldn't that be more like what follows here. elseif(...CONDITION HERE!!!...){....
  7. This is the HTML to put in the page(Its static HTML from the demo.php page on its site). <div id="search_box"> <form action="search.php" method="get"> <input type="text" name="query" id="query" size="40" value="" action="include/js_suggest/suggest.php" columns="2" autocomplete="off" delay="1500" /> <input type="submit" value="Search" /> <input type="hidden" name="search" value="1" /> </form> <center><a href="search.php?adv=1">Advanced search</a></center> </div> Put this in the head tag of the page you have the above form. <style type="text/css"> #search_box{ margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; margin-bottom: 10px; border: 1px solid #58866b; font-size: 10pt; padding:10px; width:350px; } </style> And change you META <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> To this!!! <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO_8859-1" /> You probably do not use UTF-8 , anyhow, most internal interpreter or compiler languages are UTF-16 so too obscure for most people to use rationaly .
  8. Look in the manual of your PHP version at these two: unserialize() serialize()
  9. Don't actually know but you could look up SVG javascript also (w3c.org). Microsoft does theirs with Active-X comparitive to SVG.
  10. Yup!!!! thats drop down lists in browsers, there are three different formats of <select> effectively and how that is read by three of the 5 major browser clients (chrome,explorer,safari,opera,netscp/mozilla.org's). Unfortunately, the only way past it is to put the <select> and its "options" outside the form element. Then put a <input name="supplementcarrier" id="supplementcarrier" type="hidden" value=""> inside the form element and load it by a script that gets the options array and selected index, then its value and then place it in the hidden field , then send the form. Thats just the cheap and easy way out.!!!!
  11. Todays date is: <span id="date"></span> <input type="button" value="Get Todays Date and Time" onclick="timedate();"> <script> function timedate(){ var dt=new Date(); utdt = dt.getUTCDate(); locdat = dt.toLocaleString(); document.getElementById("date").innerHTML=" UTC:"+utdt+"<br>Locale:"+locdat+"<br>"; }//enfunc </script>
  12. <img src="<?php echo "{$row[picfile]}"; ?>" id="adimg<?php echo $i; ?>" width="<?php echo $imgsize[0]; ?>" height="<?php echo $imgsize[1]; ?>" alt="<?php echo $ad['adtitle']; ?>"> <?php } elseif { ?> Reply #2 on: September 30, 2009, 11:16:25 PM
  13. put these two metas into the head of your html output in that script. <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"> and for this second you will need to a little with the PHP date function to print it/fill in the time/date section correctly at the moment it generated the response to the user.(example) <META HTTP-EQUIV="expires" CONTENT="Wed, 26 Feb 1997 08:21:57 GMT">
  14. Two things for the HTML and PHP has an internal setable processing ISO for the charset. 1. lang="en" or whatever the country code is for german in the html head tag of 4.01 for the page language. 2. In the form itself, the input allowance of ISO charset should be set and made in the standard ISO of the language with a list of variants for each input text carrying field of the attribute by this attribute in the form element accept-charset="ISO_8859-1windows-1252" I'm not aware of what the german standard charset is. 3. The PHP in the server can have its internal processing engine set for ISO, the manual is not at hand at this time to me.
  15. OOPS! SORRY THAT WAS A BIT QUICK!!! $filefound=""."\n"; $lg=length($inputString); $walk=0; # if thats properly behaving as perl then escape \< is required (php is dodgey on perl) # could need to shift +? or {4,*}? in or out of (.) note +? is the easier --first subset-- while(preg_match("/\<a href=(.{4,*}?) \<\/a>/",($inputString=substring($inputString,$walk)),$foundset)){ # single-first match $st=substr($foundset[1],0,1); $en=substr($foundset[1],-1); # trim ends if(preg_match("/(\"|\')/",$st){ $foundset[1]=substr($foundset[1],1); } if(preg_match("/(\"|\')/",$en){ $foundset[1]=substr($foundset[1],0,($lng=length($foundset[1])-1)); } $filefound.=$foundset[1]; $walk+=length($foundset[0])+1; } # enwhile #.... print it to file ###### oops! that was close
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