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Posts posted by Prismatic

  1. I'm going to guess a properly normalized database table -


    SELECT your_column, COUNT(*) FROM your_table GROUP BY your_column


    You really only need to return the data you need,


    $query = "SELECT disctinct(your_column), COUNT(*) FROM your_table GROUP BY your_column"  


  2. First, return will only run once, which means $username is the only var being returned.


    If you need to return multiple variables stuff them in an array and return that.


    Also, once you call return the function exits, so if($results != true) and everything below it doesn't executute.


    also once you've returned your data you want to assign it to a varable,


    $data = signin_ck($pg_priv);


    now assuming you build an array with your data it will be accessable with $data["username"], $data["userpass"] etc.

  3. Do you know how to write PHP well?


    ha ha ha...

    i'vent asked you for code, i asked for suggestion how to proceed.

    FORUMS are for exchanging views and ideas not for exchanging "who knows waht? or who knows well? than others""

    please take it as my advice and dun ever never post such silly replies.. ::)

    for ur information i succeeded in writing the code.


    i pointed code gurus and experts but NOT U personally,

    if u know the solution then boost up the newbies with ur thoughts else simply delete your account and do ur home work.


    coming to the point,

    i used PHPEXCEL to read and write spreadsheets in a web browser, previously i used only php reader which parses the excel file and prints the cells which is not editable.


    Many Thanks,

    "Never argue with an idiot,they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience" lol


    Chillout. He was simply asking if you knew any PHP because otherwise what you're essentially doing is asking us to code this for you.


    You won't find a pure PHP option to do this since php is server side. There's a Javascript spreadsheet engine called TrimSpreadsheet by Trimpath that can turn a table into a spreadsheet automatically.


    You could use PHP to generate a table with all the information in the correct cells, then pass that table to TrimSpreadhseet to turn it into a functional spreadsheet.


    Likewise you would use Javascript to turn the resulting spreadsheet data into an array to be passed to PHP when you wish to save the spreadsheet.



  4. I wanted to make the username case sensitive on my log-in page, so I made the script below.


    But it redirects to http://mysite.com/login.php?cmd=nouser even if the username is typed correctly (in proper case)..?


    Thanks in advance.


    $check = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '".$_POST['username']."'")or die(mysql_error());


    if(strcmp($_POST['username'], $check) != 0) {

    header("Location: http://mysite.com/login.php?cmd=nouser");




    You need to fetch the row after running the query


    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($check);

    if(strcmp($_POST['username'], $row['username']) != 0) {

  5. <?php
    function log_in($email, $password){
    if(empty($email) and empty($password)){
    $error = "Empty username or password";
    $email = clean($email);
    $password = md5(md5(clean($password)));
    $res = sql("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE upper(email)=upper('$email') and `password`='$password' ");
    if(mysql_num_rows($res) == 1){
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    $_SESSION['logged_in'] = true;
    $_SESSION['user_id'] = $row['user_id'];
    $_SESSION['username'] = $row['username'];
    $_SESSION['key'] = $row['key'];
    //grab friends and put it in session
    if($row['user_id'] == 1){//if user id is 1
    $_SESSION['admin'] = true;
    $time =  date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $id = $row['user_id'];
    sql("DELETE FROM `online_now` WHERE `user_id`='$id' LIMIT 1");
    sql("INSERT INTO `online_now` (`user_id`, `time`)VALUES('$id', '$time')");
    }else{//end if one row is found
    $res = sql("SELECT `user_id` FROM `users` WHERE `email`='$email' ");
    if(mysql_num_rows($res) == 0){
    $error = "Email does not exist";
    $error = "Wrong Password";
    }//end else
    return false;
    return $error;
    return true;
    }//end log in


    Ok do this


    function log_in($email, $password){
        if(empty($email) and empty($password))
            $error = "Empty username or password";
        $email = clean($email);
        $password = md5(md5(clean($password)));
        $res = sql("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE upper(email)=upper('$email') and `password`='$password' ");
        if(mysql_num_rows($res) == 1)
            $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
            $_SESSION['logged_in'] = true;
            $_SESSION['user_id'] = $row['user_id'];
            $_SESSION['username'] = $row['username'];
            $_SESSION['key'] = $row['key'];
            //grab friends and put it in session
            if($row['user_id'] == 1)
            {//if user id is 1
                $_SESSION['admin'] = true;
            $time =  date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
            $id = $row['user_id'];
            sql("DELETE FROM `online_now` WHERE `user_id`='$id' LIMIT 1");
            sql("INSERT INTO `online_now` (`user_id`, `time`)VALUES('$id', '$time')");
        {//end if one row is found
            $res = sql("SELECT `user_id` FROM `users` WHERE `email`='$email' ");
            if(mysql_num_rows($res) == 0){
                $error = "Email does not exist";
                $error = "Wrong Password";
        }//end else
            return $error;
            return true;
    }//end log in


    Then check your function


    if(log_in(blah, blah) !== true)
        /** Function is not true, so it contains our error message */
        echo log_in(blah, blah);
        /** Function returned true */
        echo "Success!";


    if it's

  6. You can.


    function Boo($var)
    if($var == "test")
    	return true;
    	return "This is false";
    if(Boo() !== true)
    echo Boo();
    echo "True";



    if(boo() !== true) returns "This is false"


    if(boo("test") !== true) echos "True"


  7. i have just done this to the function i am calling upon


    function account() 
            // ftp variables
            $settings['ftpServer'] = 'la';
            $settings['ftpUsername'] = 'sadfs';
            $settings['ftpPassword'] = 'Cdsfdsffsdfsdfsdf';
            return $settings;
    $setting = account();


    and when i run the script the array prints out. But when include i get undefined.


    You're calling getSettings()


    the function is account()


  8. <?php
    include ("tax.php");
    $amount = 95;
    echo "Price beforer tax: $amount";
    echo " Price after tax: ";
    echo add_tax($amount);
    echo "To incorporate an external library file into another script: use INCLUDE
    print "The following includes tax.php so I can call add_tax


    WILL work assuming tax.php is in the same directory you're calling load20.php from


    The system path is just where the file resides on the server. This is most always different on every machine. If you're unsure of your servers configuration simply running the following code in the same directory as load20.php will tell you the full system path to that file


    echo getcwd();


    However absolute paths aren't required in most cases and a relative path will suffice, for example


    if tax.php is in the same folder as load20.php you can just call include("tax.php");


    if tax.php is in a folder ABOVE the folder load20.php is in, you get to it with include("../tax.php");


    if it's BELOW the folder load20.php is in you include it with include("/folder/tax.php");


    I can tell you right now the full path is "/usr/www/users/medbqq/jaco/sams2/" from your error you posted before, but like I said, you dont need it.

  9. CSS isn't required for PHP since CSS is mainly for the design element of a site.


    A lot will tell you a book is the best way, for me the best way was to download some scripts and jump in, look at what they do, scour the php.net manual figuring out what function does what, but thats just me, if you're a book learner then yes get a book, but if you lean via hands on, I recommend picking some scripts apart.

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