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Everything posted by ShogunWarrior

  1. I think the best thing to do is use a to ZIP/TARgz the images and send them as one file together, otherwise you will have to Save 50 different files one by one.
  2. Well, if the [b]imgs[/b] folder or the [b]imgs/thumbs/[/b] folder do not exist then there's the problem.
  3. I think it's calling the script fine, the problem is INSIDE album.php, it is having trouble opening the imgs/thumbs folder.
  4. Well you were checking $id but because the server has upped it's security, if you want to refer to a variable in the address then you must use $_GET or $_REQUEST, with the variable name in square brackets; $_GET['VARNAME'].
  5. According to the output I think this should work: <?php if ($_REQUEST['id'] == "") {   include "news.html"; } else {   include $_REQUEST['id'].".html"; } ?>
  6. Hmm, seems that's returning an empty string, so empty string plus .html = ".html", which doesn't exist. You could try [b]print_r($_REQUEST);[/b] to see what the page is taking in and it will give a better idea of what's going on. Also, you could make a page with [b]<?php phpinfo(); ?>[/b] on it and this will display alot of configurations that could point to the problem.
  7. Oracle259, I think it should be: if($inpass!=FALSE) Because it will return false if not found, so I don't think it will return BOOLEAN true.
  8. Using ^ inside a character set negates all the characters, I.E. you are saying all except a-zA-Z0-9_ if you have ^ at the start.
  9. Well basically it can't find /home/imgs/thumbs Make sure that your referencing it right, and if there should be a leading/ending slash.
  10. I've always used latin_general_ci too and I don't know of any problems with collation so I doubt that's the problem. I had this problem with a Firebird database and ended up str_Replace 'ing stuff because it wasn't worth figuring out at the time. I'm no expert on encoding so maybe looking into converting to UTF-8 again or ISO-8859-1 might do something.
  11. Just as a note for future: if you want to use quotes inside a strong (So double quotes inside a doube-quoted string or single-quote inside single-quoted) then you'll have to escape them using the backslash character. So this will throw an error: [code]$str = "  "  ";[/code] But this will not: [code]$str = "  \"  ";[/code] Because we have told it that the quote in the middle is literally in the string.
  12. Don't know, but if they have switched off register_globals in the configuration then it might make a difference. Try replacing $id with $_GET['id'] in your if statements and see if that makes a difference.
  13. I imagine it's todo with encoding, you could check out what encoding is used in the mySQL field and then convert from/to that to try and remedy it after extracting the text.
  14. Basically, you're probably forgetting some basic PHP rules because you're new to PHP. 1) All variables start with a dollar sign: $. 2) If you want to get a variable from the address like "page?var=3" then you should use this: [code]$var = $_GET['var'];[/code] Inside $_GET['NAME'] replace NAME with the name of the variable in the address string. 3) Try using brackets, which will stop errors when you use longer if code blocks, e.g: [code] if ($id == 'one') {   include ("page1.php"); } elseif ($id == 'two') {   include ("page2.php"); } else {   include ("main.php"); } [/code] Hope it helps.
  15. I think the problem is that there is no such function as TIMESTAMP or NOW, if you want it to be included in the SQL query as text then you will need to enclose it in quotes. [code] $2days = '(TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - 172800)'; [/code] Instead of: [code] $2days = TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - 172800; [/code] Also, why not put [code] echo ( mysql_error() ); [/code] And it should output the problem if it is with your SQL. Cheers.
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