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Everything posted by Cinner

  1. Hi guys, I have a multidimensional array containing movie data. One of the elements is a movie title, and for each title that starts with "The", I want to cut that part and put it at the end of the element value (like "Terminator, The"). This would be easy if I would do this during a regular foreach loop echoing all the movie titles, but what I want to do is update the array itself, since I will be doing other things with this array later. Here's an example of what my array could look like: $movies = Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [year] => 1984 [title] => The Terminator), [1] => Array ( [id] => 2 [year] => 1994 [title] => True Lies) ); The real array is a bit more complex than that but you get the picture. How do I go through it and look for "The" in the title, and put it at the end of the movie title?
  2. Hey guys, I'm building a shopping cart system for myself, and could use some help. My MYSQL database has a table called PRODUCTS, with the following fields: ID | TITLE | TYPE I have a shopping basket array (called $items) containing product ID's, for example: 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3. I can query the products from my database, based on the ID's in that array. But I would like to count the corresponding TYPEs of those products, and I'm not sure how (the TYPE is not in the array)? I need to know (count) how many times an ID was placed in the $items array, and what the corresponding TYPES are by querying the database (so I can say TYPE x was placed x times in the shopping basket).
  3. I downloaded this simple Javascript that changes the background of an element when you press a button. Like this: <script type="text/javascript"> function ChangeBackground(background) { switch (background) { case 1: document.getElementById('myTableCell').style.backgroundImage = 'URL(/Images/Demos/ChangeBackground/Background1.gif)'; break; case 2: document.getElementById('myTableCell').style.backgroundImage = 'URL(/Images/Demos/ChangeBackground/Background2.gif)'; break; } } </script> Then you give the button this simple property: onclick="ChangeBackground(1)" or "ChangeBackground(2)". But the thing is, I have a list of items that come from a mysql datase with php, and each item has it's own two background images a user can choose from. Those images are stored as URL's in the database. Is there a way I can pass those URL's through the buttons along with the "1" and "2"? Something like ChangeBackground(1,url1). My javascript knowledge is very limited I'm afraid.
  4. I have a multidimensional array that fills with data from a database. The array could look like this: Array ( [0] => Array ( [guests] => Array ( [name] => Barbara Bouchet [id] => 32 [photo] => /bouchet.jpg [bio] => This is her biography. ) ) [1] => Array ( [guests] => Array ( [name] => Edwige Fenech [id] => 3 [photo] => /fenech.jpg [bio] => I'm a great actress. ) ) ) This is how the array is composed: $posts[] = array( 'guests' => array( 'name' => $row['name'], 'id' => $row['guestID'], 'photo' => $row['photourl'], 'bio' => $row['biography'] ), ); Let's say I want to display all the information of a particular guest, but I only know his 'id' (like $guestID = 3). How do I do this? I think I would need to know which array key belongs to that 'id' and them I could just use something like echo $posts[1]['guests']['name'] to display the data, right?
  5. OMG that fixed it! Yes I used "are" instead of the "letter that follows q", and now I fixed that it actually works. Thanks you and everybody else for helping! Problem solved
  6. Well, we can rule that one out as well. Both versions don't work unfortunately.
  7. Yes you are right: I'm defining a JS array with content coming from an array that's filled with data from a MYSQL database. Here's the code: //select guests $guests_query = " SELECT * FROM guests ORDER BY name ASC"; $resultG = mysql_query($guests_query); //results for guests //search results & fill array while ($rowG = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultG)) { // fill array $postsG[] = array( 'guests' => array( 'name' => $rowG['name'], 'id' => $rowG['guestID'], 'photo' => $rowG['photourl'], 'bio' => $rowG['biography'] ), ); } mysql_free_result($resultG); That does not work either ???
  8. Shows how much I know. I looked "13" up and it refers to an "enter", right? Which makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up. But still, the value of $bio still breaks the code :-\
  9. Just to be clear: the data isn't stored with \n, but it is stored in multiple lines (mysql longtext field). I can't replace \n because it's not there. I tried the above suggestion, but it doesn't work either. So keep those suggestions coming please :-)
  10. Thanks, but I already tried that one. No result unfortunately. But maybe I didn't use it correctly: <? foreach ($postsG as $p) { $bio = nl2br($p['guests']['bio']); ?> content[<? echo $p['guests']['id'];?>]= "<?echo '<big><b>' . $p['guests']['name'] . '</b></big>' , $bio , '';?>" <? } ?>
  11. It doesn't work. The code now looks like this: <? foreach ($postsG as $p) { $bio = str_replace("\n", '\\n', $p['guests']['bio']); ?> content[<? echo $p['guests']['id'];?>]= "<?echo '<big><b>' . $p['guests']['name'] . '</b></big>' , $bio , '';?>" <? } ?> Shouldn't I see that newline character when viewing the data in the database itself (phpmyadmin)? Because it's not there. The text is stored in several lines without <br> and such, like this: line 1 line 2 Not: line 1<br> line 2 Also not: line 1 line 2 I guess I'm looking for a way to make it: line 1 <br> line 2
  12. Sorry I made a typo, the content in the database is NOT stored with \n. So there's nothing to replace with str_replace, right?
  13. Well I don't think I can use that because the content comes from a database where it's stored with \n. Could I add the \n when putting the data in the array for example (the array which 'content' - javascript - uses)?
  14. I can't modify my first post it seems, but if I could, the title would be: "Help: multiple lines break my code". Hopefully somebody can help with this problem.
  15. First of, sorry for the poor Subject title, I'll change it once I know what the problem is. I just ran into a problem that I think shouldn't be hard to fix (it is for me though). I'm trying to use a function that puts data from an array into a new array, like this: var content=new Array() //change the array below to the text associated with your links Expand or contract the array, depending on how many links you have <? foreach ($postsG as $p) {?> content[<? echo $p['guests']['id'];?>]= '<?echo '<big><b>' . $p['guests']['name'] . '</b></big>' , $p['guests']['bio'] , ''; ?>' <? } ?> You can probably tell by looking at that code I'm pretty new to php. I'm using a javascript function that I modified to work with my mysql database. It originally looks like this (and isn't php by default): content[]='<br><big><b>Title</b></big><br>You content here.' Everything works fine (there's more to the code than I've put up here), but it gets into trouble when I define "content" as text containing multiple <p> paragraphs. It's stored in the database like this: <p>paragraph one</p> <p>paragraph two</p> Which unfortunately makes the above code look like this: content[]='<p>paragraph one</p> <p>paragraph two</p>' The problem is that those two paragraphs aren't one line but two, and that 'breaks' the code. In contrast, this works fine: content[]='<p>paragraph one</p> <p>paragraph two</p>' So I'm guessing I should find a way to put the database data into a single line somehow. Or not. Anybody a suggestion?
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