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Posts posted by Cinner

  1. Hi guys,


    I have a multidimensional array containing movie data. One of the elements is a movie title, and for each title that starts with "The", I want to cut that part and put it at the end of the element value (like "Terminator, The"). This would be easy if I would do this during a regular foreach loop echoing all the movie titles, but what I want to do is update the array itself, since I will be doing other things with this array later. Here's an example of what my array could look like:


    $movies = Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [year] => 1984 [title] => The Terminator),
    [1] => Array ( [id] => 2 [year] => 1994 [title] => True Lies)


    The real array is a bit more complex than that but you get the picture. How do I go through it and look for "The" in the title, and put it at the end of the movie title?

  2. Hey guys, I'm building a shopping cart system for myself, and could use some help.


    My MYSQL database has a table called PRODUCTS, with the following fields: ID | TITLE | TYPE


    I have a shopping basket array (called $items) containing product ID's, for example: 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3.


    I can query the products from my database, based on the ID's in that array. But I would like to count the corresponding TYPEs of those products, and I'm not sure how (the TYPE is not in the array)? I need to know (count) how many times an ID was placed in the $items array, and what the corresponding TYPES are by querying the database (so I can say TYPE x was placed x times in the shopping basket).

  3. I downloaded this simple Javascript that changes the background of an element when you press a button. Like this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      function ChangeBackground(background)
        switch (background)
          case 1:
            document.getElementById('myTableCell').style.backgroundImage = 
          case 2:
            document.getElementById('myTableCell').style.backgroundImage = 


    Then you give the button this simple property: onclick="ChangeBackground(1)" or "ChangeBackground(2)".


    But the thing is, I have a list of items that come from a mysql datase with php, and each item has it's own two background images a user can choose from. Those images are stored as URL's in the database. Is there a way I can pass those URL's through the buttons along with the "1" and "2"? Something like ChangeBackground(1,url1). My javascript knowledge is very limited I'm afraid.

  4. I have a multidimensional array that fills with data from a database. The array could look like this:


        [0] => Array
                [guests] => Array
                        [name] => Barbara Bouchet
                        [id] => 32
                        [photo] => /bouchet.jpg
                        [bio] => This is her biography.
        [1] => Array
                [guests] => Array
                        [name] => Edwige Fenech
                        [id] => 3
                        [photo] => /fenech.jpg
                        [bio] => I'm a great actress.


    This is how the array is composed:


    $posts[] = array(
    			'guests' => array(
    				'name' => $row['name'],
    				'id' => $row['guestID'],
    				'photo' => $row['photourl'],
    				'bio' => $row['biography']


    Let's say I want to display all the information of a particular guest, but I only know his 'id' (like $guestID = 3). How do I do this? I think I would need to know which array key belongs to that 'id' and them I could just use something like echo $posts[1]['guests']['name'] to display the data, right?

  5. Cinner, it looks like you're trying to define a JavaScript array by creating the code dynamically with PHP.  Is that right?  And you said the data comes from a database?  Can I see the query line that extracts the data from the database?  Is it MySQL?


    Yes you are right: I'm defining a JS array with content coming from an array that's filled with data from a MYSQL database. Here's the code:


    				//select guests										
    				$guests_query = "	SELECT *
    									FROM guests
    									ORDER BY name ASC";
    				$resultG = mysql_query($guests_query); //results for guests					
    				//search results & fill array
    				while ($rowG = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultG)) {
    					// fill array
    					$postsG[] = array(
    								'guests' => array(
    									'name' => $rowG['name'],
    									'id' => $rowG['guestID'],
    									'photo' => $rowG['photourl'],
    									'bio' => $rowG['biography']


    Because nl2br ADDS a HTML line break and doesn't replace it, try the following...


    That does not work either ???

  6. It doesn't work. The code now looks like this:


    <? foreach ($postsG as $p) {
    $bio = str_replace("\n", '\\n', $p['guests']['bio']);	?>
    content[<? echo $p['guests']['id'];?>]=
    "<?echo '<big><b>' . $p['guests']['name'] . '</b></big>' , $bio , '';?>"


    Shouldn't I see that newline character when viewing the data in the database itself (phpmyadmin)? Because it's not there. The text is stored in several lines without <br> and such, like this:

    line 1

    line 2



    line 1<br>

    line 2


    Also not:

    line 1 line 2


    I guess I'm looking for a way to make it:


    line 1 <br> line 2

  7. What language to you want to use?

    In both (Javascript and PHP) is \n a linebreak and can be used with "

    So for example:

    $content = "<p>My content</p>\n<p>so</p>";


    Well I don't think I can use that because the content comes from a database where it's stored with \n. Could I add the \n when putting the data in the array for example (the array which 'content' - javascript - uses)?

  8. First of, sorry for the poor Subject title, I'll change it once I know what the problem is.


    I just ran into a problem that I think shouldn't be hard to fix (it is for me though). I'm trying to use a function that puts data from an array into a new array, like this:


    var content=new Array()
    				//change the array below to the text associated with your links Expand or contract the array, depending on how many links you have
    <? foreach ($postsG as $p) {?>
    content[<? echo $p['guests']['id'];?>]=
    '<?echo '<big><b>' . $p['guests']['name'] . '</b></big>' , $p['guests']['bio'] , '';


    You can probably tell by looking at that code I'm pretty new to php. I'm using a javascript function that I modified to work with my mysql database. It originally looks like this (and isn't php by default):


    content[]='<br><big><b>Title</b></big><br>You content here.'


    Everything works fine (there's more to the code than I've put up here), but it gets into trouble when I define "content" as text containing multiple <p> paragraphs. It's stored in the database like this:

    <p>paragraph one</p>

    <p>paragraph two</p>


    Which unfortunately makes the above code look like this:


    content[]='<p>paragraph one</p>
    <p>paragraph two</p>'


    The problem is that those two paragraphs aren't one line but two, and that 'breaks' the code. In contrast, this works fine:


    content[]='<p>paragraph one</p> <p>paragraph two</p>'


    So I'm guessing I should find a way to put the database data into a single line somehow. Or not. Anybody a suggestion?

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