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Everything posted by xoligy

  1. i was thinking it would be a load of if, elseif statments but wasnt sure lol tthanks for that may come in handy for a reference tho i know mine would have to be wrote alot different
  2. Ok as some may of guessed im into online gaming now what i would like to do is make random events happen, of cause most the time nothing should happen bu every now and again i would like something to happen lol like the player gets a bonus of something, or his men die or he finds something lol The way i was thinking was that i would need some sort or array with the list of things that "could" happen with maybe a random factor. I would also want it so only one bonus at a time could happen, can someone give me some advise? Way i was thinking would be in a function using a random factor for the chance of something happening like 5-20% then the array of what could happen with another random factor hope that makes sense i know it dont to me lol
  3. One the best i know of is yshout. Its wrote in Ajax and you need to donate 5dollers for it, im sure there are free alternatives out there tho
  4. Sorted all my issues thanks again jonsjava Just had to change >= to > and < to <=
  5. Yea i managed to fix that error, now working on why im getting 0.5million and 0.53billion :-\
  6. Ok this is solved, but i have a new error i put the above code into a function as its going to get used abit i then went to my ranks page and called the function and all was great! But for some reason its not changing one of the fields its ment to anyone figure out why? <?=int2txt($t10[2])?> <?=int2txt($t10[3])?> <---- this value is coming out as numbers if i replace int2txt with commas which places a , ever 3rd nuber that works strange <?=int2txt($t10[4])?> ________________________ function int2txt($data){ $score = $data; $score = round($score); $num_array[6] = "Million"; $num_array[10] = "Billion"; $num_array[13] = "Trillion"; $num_array[16] = "Quadrillion"; $num_array[20] = "Quintillion"; $score_nums = strlen($score); if ($score_nums >= 6 && $score_nums <9){ $score = $score / 100000; $score = round($score, 2); $score = $score." ". $num_array[6]; } elseif ($score_nums >= 10 && $score_nums < 13){ $score = $score / 1000000000; $score = round($score, 2); $score = $score." ".$num_array[10]; } elseif ($score_nums >= 13 && $score_nums < 16){ $score = $score / 1000000000000; $score = round($score, 2); $score = $score." ".$num_array[13]; } elseif ($score_nums >= 16 && $score_nums < 19){ $score = $score / 1000000000000000; $score = round($score, 2); $score = $score." ".$num_array[16]; } elseif ($score_nums >= 20 && $score_nums < 23){ $score = $score / 10000000000000000000; $score = round($score, 2); $score = $score." ".$num_array[20]; } print $score; }
  7. Seems to of done the trick jonsjava thanks very much! Solved!
  8. Will let you know tomorrow jonsjava laptop is out of commission at the moment
  9. it would need the http://www too also why dont you just redirect them to the page when there logged in and authorized?
  10. Your way seems to work, in a way and not in another lol what ive done is where you had $score = 9000000000000 ive added $data[4] and this is the result: $155.181680404 trillion $90.25031693 billion and this is 5,000 $5000 how would i make it so that its just 155.18tril, 90.25bil and 5,000 or 5.000?
  11. Thanks jonsjava, i'll see if i can get it to work now and report back. I maybe some time lol
  12. ok ive looked at a few online games and noticed that when a number gets high the end will be made into bil so if someone has 19.450.000.000 it show as 19.45bil or 195.45bil now this is something i would like to implement on a game too. Now i managed to find a number to text converter but it converts everything! How would i go about making it work how i want? Here is the code i found anyhow: <?php // Hugh Bothwell hugh_bothwell@hotmail.com // August 31 2001 // Number-to-word converter $ones = array( "", " one", " two", " three", " four", " five", " six", " seven", " eight", " nine", " ten", " eleven", " twelve", " thirteen", " fourteen", " fifteen", " sixteen", " seventeen", " eighteen", " nineteen" ); $tens = array( "", "", " twenty", " thirty", " forty", " fifty", " sixty", " seventy", " eighty", " ninety" ); $triplets = array( "", " thousand", " million", " billion", " trillion", " quadrillion", " quintillion", " sextillion", " septillion", " octillion", " nonillion" ); // recursive fn, converts three digits per pass function convertTri($num, $tri) { global $ones, $tens, $triplets; // chunk the number, ...rxyy $r = (int) ($num / 1000); $x = ($num / 100) % 10; $y = $num % 100; // init the output string $str = ""; // do hundreds if ($x > 0) $str = $ones[$x] . " hundred"; // do ones and tens if ($y < 20) $str .= $ones[$y]; else $str .= $tens[(int) ($y / 10)] . $ones[$y % 10]; // add triplet modifier only if there // is some output to be modified... if ($str != "") $str .= $triplets[$tri]; // continue recursing? if ($r > 0) return convertTri($r, $tri+1).$str; else return $str; } // returns the number as an anglicized string function convertNum($num) { $num = (int) $num; // make sure it's an integer if ($num < 0) return "negative".convertTri(-$num, 0); if ($num == 0) return "zero"; return convertTri($num, 0); } ?> and a test fn I wrote, <?php function randThousand() { return mt_rand(0,999); } // Returns an integer in -10^9 .. 10^9 // with log distribution function makeLogRand() { $sign = mt_rand(0,1)*2 - 1; $val = randThousand() * 1000000 + randThousand() * 1000 + randThousand(); $scale = mt_rand(-9,0); return $sign * (int) ($val * pow(10.0, $scale)); } // example of usage for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) { $num = makeLogRand(); echo "<br>$num: ".convertNum($num); } ?>
  13. It wouldnt be too hard to change in the future if i did decide to add more awards, but for now i think it will suite my needs thanks anyhow mchl
  14. looking at the form code there is ment to be one, davis it helps if you actually post the code pf the forum in code tags otherwise people carnt help! looking at it you need to change location as you have it as follows: .//Models_files/widget1_markup.html if yor going back a folder it should be ../Models_files/widget1_markup.html nevermind src should be http://www.davispowell.com/davispowell/Models_files/widget1_markup.html here the code i can get tho davis needs to post the original <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy for Windows (vers 25 January 2008), see www.w3.org" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii" /> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" 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  15. you could do $data = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(strip_tags(htmlspecialchars($data))); its how i do mine anyway lol <?php function check_input($data, $problem='') { $date = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(strip_tags(htmlspecialchars($data))); if ($problem && strlen($data) == 0) { show_error($problem); } return $data; } ?>
  16. Bro if your thinking of making this you really neede to look up some tutorials and figuring out how things work. The best bet for you at the moment is looking at good-tutorials.com at signup and login pages and once you have that working and understand it look at how to create profiles from there you need to work on location and maybe add distance so people know how far they would have to travel if i be honest i didnt sign up so im not sure whats in the other site but at a guess im saying you would need in the db sinup and activation user information (profile) location details cards they have dont forget to look up and read about security so that only those logged in can see what is there, i know that is part of signup and login but you need to understand it, another thing on security is sql injections you really have abit of reading to do before diving right into the deep end!
  17. you could even hide the bat file and link it to a program so when she starts lets say word it will run the bat file and the computer will shut down im horrible i know haha
  18. think i know how to sort it change <tr align=center> to <td align=center height=33% width=33%>
  19. table borders are set to "0" it says in the first line
  20. i already have echo "$nbso; in all others i can try adding border=0 tho there wshouldnt be one :/
  21. and save it as a .bat file. Then rename it something like MySpace Hack. Being curious, she'll more than likely click on it. Oh, and be honest. You're just wanting to steal cookies. best way to do that actually is to have a time out so after "x" seconds/minutes the computer just shuts down, start it up in the start menu or hidden she'll never figure it out
  22. make a fake virus instead, or make it so her computer wount work and she needs help its what i normally do haha
  23. ok im working on my awards page and ive nearly done it but i just went to check it with 1 award and ive noticed the table its in looses its shape here is whats happend: img didnt show: http://img151.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tablessn0.jpg as you can see there are 9cells in total and here is what code im using: <table bgcolor="#003366" width="100%" height="211px" border="0"> <tr align=center><td><? if ($award[0]>0){ echo '<img src="images/awards/gun-gold.gif"><br>'.$award[0].'<br>Gold Award(s)'; }else{ echo" ";} ?></td><td><? if ($award[1]>0){ echo '<img src="images/awards/gun-silver.gif"><br>'.$award[1].'<br>Silver Award(s)'; }else{ echo" ";} ?></td><td><? if ($award[2]>0){ echo '<img src="images/awards/gun-bronze.gif"><br>'.$award[2].'<br>Bronze Award(s)'; }else{ echo" ";} ?></td></tr> <tr align=center><td><? if ($award[3]>0){ echo '<img src="images/awards//medal-gold.gif"><br>'.$award[3].'<br>Gold Award(s)'; }else{ echo" ";} ?></td><td><? if ($award[4]>0){ echo '<img src="images/awards/medal-silver.gif"><br>'.$award[4].'<br>Silver Award(s)'; }else{ echo" ";} ?></td><td><? if ($award[5]>0){ echo '<img src="images/awards/medal-bronze.gif"><br>'.$award[5].'<br>Bronze Award(s)'; }else{ echo" ";} ?></td></tr> <tr align=center><td><? if ($award[6]>0){ echo '<img src="images/awards/guntrophy-gold.gif"><br>'.$award[6].'<br>Gold Award(s)'; }else{ echo" ";} ?></td><td><? if ($award[7]>0){ echo '<img src="images/awards/guntrophy-silver.gif"><br>'.$award[7].'<br>Silver Award(s)'; }else{ echo" ";} ?></td><td><? if ($award[8]>0){ echo '<img src="images/awards/guntrophy-bronze.gif"><br>'.$award[8].'<br>Bronze Award(s)'; }else{ echo" ";} ?></td></tr> </table>
  24. maybe the page was catched i normally press ctrl+f5 to clear the catch and reload the page
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