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Posts posted by me102

  1. Ok heres what I want to do, I have a mysql table called settings which has 3 fields id,  name,  value  I want to use $settings['title'] to get the row named title and out put the value.

  2. My question is there an easyer way to get larg amounts of data from a sql database heres the code i'm using now.

    $SQL = "select * from online_logs where forumid='$forum_id' order by `id` desc limit 1";
    $result = mysql_query( $SQL );
    while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
    $set_ip = $row["ip"];
    $set_userid = $row["userid"];
    $set_id2 = $row["id2"];

    instead of listing each row and giving them a value for ex. $set_ip = $row["ip"];

    Any ideas?
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