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Everything posted by brown2005

  1. i know its not thats why i wrote sorry above.. I know how to do the frames, I just wanted to know if that was the best way?
  2. Hi, I want to have say 100 pixels of information on the right-hand side of my website so that it stays in view all the time, even when scrolling down. Is the best way to do this with frames? Sorry if this does not belong here. thanks richard
  3. while($profile_array = mysql_fetch_array($profile_query)) { $id = $profile_array['games_id']; $home = $profile_array['games_home']; $away = $profile_array['games_away']; echo" <tr> <td width='50'>$id<input type='hidden' value='$id' name='$id'></td> <td width='300'>$home vs $away<input type='hidden' value='$id' name='{$id}_game'></td> <td width='100'><input type='radio' value='1' name='{$id}_result'></td> <td width='100'><input type='radio' value='2' name='{$id}_result'></td> <td width='100'><input type='radio' value='3' name='{$id}_result'></td> </tr>"; } Is the above correct, what it does is take four fixtures from a table and displays them, so i used the {id} bit to give each record a sperate id, is this correct or is there a better way?
  4. while($profile_array = mysql_fetch_array($profile_query)) { echo"<tr> <td width='300'>$home vs $away<input type='hidden' value='$id' name='$id_game'></td> <td width='100'><input type='radio' value='1' name='$id_result'></td> <td width='100'><input type='radio' value='2' name='$id_result'></td> <td width='100'><input type='radio' value='3' name='$id_result'></td> </tr>"; } i have the above but how will i echo this on the post page.
  5. instead of using radio buttons i want to use an image say if selected will have a tick in it and if not selected will have nothing. when i select 1 i want the other 2 to be not selected.
  6. there is no way to modify the above, it is radio buttons i want not check buttons
  7. <form> <input type='checkbox' name='cababge' value='1'> <input type='checkbox' name='cababge' value='2'> <input type='checkbox' name='cababge' value='3'> </form> I have the above form with checkboxes... Wat i need to do is; Make the 3 checkboxes as an image say image1.gif and when i select them they will be image2.gif but i want them to work simultaneously
  8. monthname(hits_date) = January how do i get Jan
  9. I have worked it out, i have removed the <body></body> tags and it works, i didnt know i wasnt allowed these.
  10. can u show me an example please?
  11. echo"<FRAMESET cols='800, 200' border='0' frameborder='0' framespacing='0'>\n"; echo" <FRAME src='rfdgd.php' name='main' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' scrolling='yes' noresize>\n"; echo" <FRAME src='fdg.php' name='sponsors' scrolling='no' frameborder='1' noresize>\n"; echo"</FRAMESET>\n"; it just shows a blank white page
  12. $image = imagecreate(60, 30); // use white as the background image $bgColor = imagecolorallocate ($image, 255, 255, 255); // the text color is black $textColor = imagecolorallocate ($image, 0, 0, 0); // write the random number imagestring ($image, 5, 5, 8, $rand, $textColor); hi i have the above which prints out a black number for validation but i want it to be #5D7614 color, can anyone help please?
  13. $action = $_GET['action']; $url_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM z_sponsors_adverts_hits_'.$action.' WHERE sponsors_adverts_hits_'.$action.'_type='0' AND sponsors_adverts_hits_'.$action.'_user='$config_ip' AND sponsors_adverts_hits_'.$action.'_advert='$website_id'", $connection); $url_rows = mysql_num_rows($url_sql); echo"rows = $url_rows"; like that?
  14. hi if i have $action = $_GET['action']; and $_GET['action'] = say cabbage can i have $sql = "SELECT * FROM $action WHERE $action_user = 'username';"; instead of $sql = "SELECT * FROM cabbage WHERE cabbage_user = 'username';";
  15. #header .loginEmail { font-weight: bold; color: #627c10; } why does that still come out black?
  16. hi i was wondering wat the css is for the color of the image attached if neone knows please? [attachment deleted by admin]
  17. thanks very much, works perfectly
  18. yes, i want to keep one email record, and delete any records with that email.. exactly..
  19. MySQL client version: 4.1.11 that bit?
  20. SQL query: DELETE FROM tablea WHERE email IN ( SELECT email FROM tablea GROUP BY email HAVING COUNT( * ) >1 ) MySQL said: #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT email FROM tablea GROUP BY email HAVING COUNT(*) > i get that mate
  21. hi i have a table and i want to be able to delete duplicates say from table a field a.. is there an easy way of doing this?
  22. <a href=\"#\" class=\"red_bold_none\" onClick="this.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('http://dynamicdrive.com');">Homepage</a> I have echo"  <a href=\"#\" class=\"red_bold_none\" onClick="this.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('http://dynamicdrive.com');">Homepage</a>"; but it doesnt work any ideas please?
  23. ill have a look for it, but its not that because when i echo say StripUrl($website_id); on the id for http://www.allinthissite.co.uk on other parts of the site it comes out fine as it should like allinthissite.co.uk
  24. hi i enter the following in my textarea http://www.fantasy-comps.com http://www.allinthissite.co.uk and then i submit to this process session_start(); include('../../../include/include.php'); $websites = $_POST['websites']; $websites = explode("\n", $websites); foreach($websites AS $websites) { $websites_strip = StripUrl($websites); $websites_add_sql = "INSERT INTO websites(websites_id,websites_user,websites_url,websites_url_letter,websites_hits,websites_date,websites_paid ) VALUES('','$session_id','$websites','$websites_strip','0',NOW(),'0')"; $websites_add_row = mysql_query($websites_add_sql); } but it enters fantasy-comps.com allinthissite.co.uk_ in my database any ideas why the _ after allinthissite.co.uk ?
  25. sorry this Rate($page1, $i); was in the <option Rate($page1, $i);> like that.. in the original.. any ideas please?
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