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Everything posted by demon_athens

  1. I tried all this. I really can't understand this. I have enabled error_reporting but its clear of errors. Anyway I tried to see how phpmyadmin creates the php query. Look at this! $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `content` WHERE `sname` = CONVERT(_utf8 \'Α\\\\\'\' threemonth\' USING greek) COLLATE greek_general_ci';
  2. I am really stuck here. I have this script $tt = "Α\' threemonth"; $results = "SELECT * FROM `content` WHERE `sname` = '$tt' "; // echo "query= ".$results; $results = @mysql_query ($results) or die(mysql_error()); $row_results = mysql_fetch_assoc($results); $totalRows_results = mysql_num_rows($results); echo "<br><br>FOUND ".$totalRows_results; problem is that I get 0 results although I have at least one. The "\'" is causing the trouble. I have exactly the same in my database "Α\' threemonth". How I can make this query works?
  3. This changes all files and not the ones that is having the problem. Its a joomla cms so you may know the structure ( some files MUST be root user, not all)
  4. Hi there, I migrated a website to another server. I made a tar file and move it to the new server. I extract the contents and I get a very strange issue. Some files while I am on SSH have as owner and group this -> 30 mem When I connect with ftp I see a question mark in the owner column. Those files should be "wwwrun www" and not "30 mem" Is there any chown syntax tha I can change those files to the correct one? Please help, this is a mess...
  5. Nice tip AV1611. I will definitely use it
  6. You don't know what you're missing! Thanks again for your help bronze ( I guess you're the css guru here). take care folks.
  7. Simple and effective although I have some thoughts on this one. 1) What if the #main has a picture with width bigger than #main width? It will overlap, so you must set maximum img width inside #main as well. 2) What if you want to have an elastic box? Those were the reasons that I bypassed a solution like yours. Ofcource I may wrong, I consider myself as "fish" to css world.
  8. I have tried again with no luck... Can anyone help? My webpage is <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Salsa Amigos</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; font-weight: normal; color: #333333; background-color: #BF0808; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } #centerbox{ margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; width: 800px; } #container{ width: 797px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: auto; height: auto; padding: 0px; } #leftshadow{ background-image: url(left_shadow_repeat.jpg); width: 13px; height: 100%; padding:0; margin: 0px; background-color: #BF0808; float: left; } #main{ height: auto; float: left; background-color: #FFFFFF; width: 770px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; clear: none; } #rightshadow{ background-image: url(right_shadow_repeat.jpg); width: 13px; height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; float: left; background-color: #FFCC00; } #footer{ text-align: center; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 9px; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; clear: both; } --> </style> </head> <body> <div id="centerbox"> <div id="container"> <div id="leftshadow"> </div> <div id="main"> <p>I just want the shadows to have the same height with this white box, regardless the content.</p> <p> </p> </div> <div id="rightshadow">< </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> Made by demon</div> </body> </html> A live example is here -> http://www.dnamag.gr/test/empty.html Seriously I can't understand what is wrong.
  9. never mind. I will do it with tables this time and when I find many free hours I'll give it a try with css
  10. Hi there, I am trying to build my template without any table. So I am having a problem here -> http://demo.lollypop.gr/paremvasi/ As you can see when my main block is having more text and a bigger height the left and right shadow fade is not relative to the main blocks height. This all layout is a simple 3 column table but I really can't think how to do it with css...
  11. Hi there, I have tried to find how mod rewrite works and I actually found some easy to follow tutorials like this -> http://www.tutorio.com/tutorial/search-engine-friendly-urls-with-mod-rewrite Problem is that I would like to have this url -> mydomain.com/id=11&lang=en&apid=23&artid=24 converted to this one -> mydomain.com/science/articles/en/index.php?artid=24 So here we have id=11 -> "science", apid=23 ->"articles", lang=en -> "en" So my problem is that the url rewrite is not "static", its depending from the values of id, apid e.t.c. Is it possible to do all this with .htaccess. ?
  12. Tha javascript is used to bypass another "bug" of IE 6.0 that has with PNG transparencies. Just noticed that when this png javascript fix is run along with lightbox javascript it doesn't work!! Anyway I'll open another issue for this. Damn this site has gave me too many headaches
  13. Bronzemonkey your solution was the answer Mine was ok but not so clean, I also want to thank dbrimlow for all this help and links. I have allready starting reading. Now...one final task for this menu will be the pop up menu ( drop down) to have a width that is depending from the maximum chars of submenus and its not fixed. This was rather easy with javascript, with css... I really can't imagine it! If someone has some thoughts on this as well it would be great. I can search it muself if you point me to a direction The final working code is: @charset "utf-8"; /* CSS Document */ /* ================================================================ This copyright notice must be untouched at all times. The original version of this stylesheet and the associated (x)html is available at http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/pro_left_right_line.html Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Stu Nicholls. All rights reserved. This stylesheet and the associated (x)html may be modified in any way to fit your requirements. =================================================================== */ .pro_linedrop { height:35px; width:603px; background:url(../lrimages/black_0.gif); position:relative; font-family:arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size:11px; z-index:5; margin:0; padding:0; } .language { position: absolute; z-index: 10; height: 35px; width: 150px; margin-top: -25px; margin-left: 550px; * margin-left: 200px; } .pro_linedrop .select { margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; white-space:nowrap; } .pro_linedrop li { float:left; background:url(../lrimages/black_1.gif); margin:0; padding:0; position:relative; /* FIX for IE [by bronzemonkey] */ } .pro_linedrop .select a { display:block; height:35px; float:left; background: url(../lrimages/black_0.gif); padding:0 0 0 10px; text-decoration:none; line-height:33px; white-space:nowrap; color:#fff; } .pro_linedrop .select a b { display:block; padding:0 20px 0 8px; background:url(../lrimages/black_0.gif) right top; } .pro_linedrop .select li.line a b { background:url(../lrimages/black_0a.gif) right top; } .pro_linedrop .select a:hover, .pro_linedrop .select li:hover a { background: url(../lrimages/black_1.gif); padding:0 0 0 10px; cursor:pointer; color:#fff; } .pro_linedrop .select a:hover b, .pro_linedrop .select li:hover a b { display:block; padding:0 20px 0 8px; background:url(../lrimages/black_1.gif) right top; cursor:pointer; } .pro_linedrop .select li.line a:hover b, .pro_linedrop .select li.line:hover a b { background:url(../lrimages/black_1a.gif) right top; } .pro_linedrop .sub { display:none; } .pro_linedrop ul ul {display:none;} /* IE6 only */ .pro_linedrop table { border-collapse:collapse; margin:-1px; font-size:1em; width:0; height:0; padding:0; } .pro_linedrop .sub { margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; } .pro_linedrop .sub li {background:transparent; margin:0; padding:0;} .pro_linedrop .select :hover .sub { /*height:130px;*/ display:block; position:absolute; width:170px; top:35px; text-align:left; background:#fff url(../lrimages/fade.gif); border:1px solid #aaa; margin:0; padding:0; left:0; /* FIX for IE [by bronzemonkey] */ } .pro_linedrop .select :hover .sub li a { display:block; width: 158px; height:25px; line-height:22px; float:left; background:transparent url(../line/transparent.gif); padding:0 6px; margin:0; white-space:nowrap; color:#333; font-size:10px; text-align: left; } .pro_linedrop .select :hover .sub li.subline a {color:#fff;} .pro_linedrop .select :hover .sub li a:hover, .pro_linedrop .select :hover .sub li:hover {color:#000; line-height:20px; position:relative; background:#fff url(../lrimages/fade.gif) left bottom; } I allready put it and its working for everybody that wants to see the result. http://demo.lollypop.gr/kythnos
  14. I just made something that fixed this...I'll try to have a more clean solution but untill then... I just added a new div <div style="margin:0px;float:left;clear:left;"> <ul class="sub"> <li>testing </li> </ul> </div> This somehow fixed the IE 7.0. Apparently it set up the right margin; You folks that are css guru you can explain it better
  15. OUAAAoooo!! Really amazing site!! I really thank you about this, this is more important than the solution to my problem
  16. Yes most probably I'll do that to come to an end cause I am really tired with this incompatibility.I allready tryed to fix png transparencies bug for IE 6.0 and now the popup css menu also has those issues...I'll try to find a solution to this and I'll post it here for anyone that is interested for something similar... I never called you a thief. Since you said "my menu" I just wanted to check that you were keeping the copyright notice because so many other people have used stu's menus without keeping that notice in their source code. You are indeed very polite and I just want to apologise if my comments came across as an accusation rather than question! I know stu is beginning to charge people for answers to questions about modifying his menus, but hopefully you can get some free help here instead. Please post the relevant html too so that people can do their own testing on your code in order to find an efficient solution. The link is http://demo.lollypop.gr/kythnos . This is my localhost so its not available all day long, only the hours that I am working. Somewhere I read something about having an extra div and some other stuff that I need some time to test... My experience to css is extremely childish so it may take some time. bronzemonkey, no offence.. As already told you did the right thing, and thank you very much for your general interest. I'll try to learn as much as I can from this issue. In the meanwhile I'll read more about css in case I find something!
  17. Thank you very much for your help, I done it and in IE 7.0 the menu goes under the start ( far left) of the menu and not under the menu selection. I can't test it right now with IE 6.0 cause I have to see it from an another machine, I will do that sometime later tonight...
  18. Actually I need 3 different css files, because there is different padding/margin on IE 6.0 and on iE. 7.0 So one for firefox, and 2 for the other 2 major ones. Thing is That still there is a problem doing that cause the margin-left: =105px that I use its not the same under menu...
  19. Ok, I contacted with Stu, he advised me something that wasn't solved the problem.. Those days are a bit difficult for all of us so, Stu told me to contact him after holidays and with a small fee per hour ( cause he is doing it for living as you probably know). Anyway, My problem seems to be a margin problem. Its perfect on firefox, different on IE 7.0 and different on IE.6.0. On the above photos you can see what is the problem. More important to this case is to understand what is the fix in order to learn from it. I have lost 2 days with this problem!!! I can call different css files depending of the broswer, its not a clean fix but I can't think anything else. So anybody can help would be great. My css knowledge is really poor as you can understand so if you imagine the problem please try to be as simple and straightforward as you can p.s.: bronzemonkey, you are the first one in my life that calls me thief. It was a shock cause I wouldn't gonna remove the notice anyway, you really don't know me and most probably you will never have any chance to meet me to see how wrong you are. I am a graphic designer/developer and I don't do such things, anyway I respect your try to protect somebody' s work, and this is the reason I am so polite
  20. Ok. thank you for your concern. I'll contact him.
  21. thank you very much for not helping me . It cross my mind to contact him although I have made changes to his script. If nobody can help I'll contact him.
  22. I am newbie building drop down menus with css so I have this problem. If anyone can help I would be great. My dropdown menu looks ok through firefox but wrong on IE. you can see a capture from both browsers in case you understand what IE needs to act the same as firefox. css code .pro_linedrop { height:35px; width:603px; background:url(../lrimages/black_0.gif); position:relative; font-family:arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size:11px; z-index:500; margin:0; padding:0; } .pro_linedrop .select { margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; white-space:nowrap; } .pro_linedrop li { float:left; background:url(../lrimages/black_1.gif); margin:0; padding:0; } .pro_linedrop li.lrt { float:right; background:url(lrimages/blue_1.gif); margin:0; padding:0; } .pro_linedrop .select a { display:block; height:35px; float:left; background: url(../lrimages/black_0.gif); padding:0 0 0 10px; text-decoration:none; line-height:33px; white-space:nowrap; color:#fff; } .pro_linedrop .select li.lrt a {color:#fff;} .pro_linedrop .select a b { display:block; padding:0 20px 0 8px; background:url(../lrimages/black_0.gif) right top; } .pro_linedrop .select li.line a b { background:url(../lrimages/black_0a.gif) right top; } .pro_linedrop .select a:hover, .pro_linedrop .select li:hover a { background: url(../lrimages/black_1.gif); padding:0 0 0 10px; cursor:pointer; color:#fff; } .pro_linedrop .select a:hover b, .pro_linedrop .select li:hover a b { display:block; padding:0 20px 0 8px; background:url(../lrimages/black_1.gif) right top; cursor:pointer; } .pro_linedrop .select li.line a:hover b, .pro_linedrop .select li.line:hover a b { background:url(../lrimages/black_1a.gif) right top; } .pro_linedrop .sub { display:none; } .pro_linedrop ul ul {display:none;} /* IE6 only */ .pro_linedrop table { border-collapse:collapse; margin:-1px; font-size:1em; width:0; height:0; } .pro_linedrop .sub { margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; } .pro_linedrop .sub li {background:transparent; margin:0; padding:0;} .pro_linedrop .select :hover .sub { /*height:130px;*/ display:block; position:absolute; width:170px; top:35px; text-align:left; background:#fff url(../lrimages/fade.gif); border:1px solid #aaa; margin:0; padding:0; /* margin-left: -108px; <---------------- this somehow fix a bit the problem on IE, but again its not ok.*/ } .pro_linedrop .select :hover .rt li {float:left;} .pro_linedrop .select :hover .sub li a { display:block; width: 160px; height:25px; line-height:22px; float:left; background:transparent url(../line/transparent.gif); padding:0 6px; margin:0; white-space:nowrap; color:#333; font-size:10px; text-align: left; } .pro_linedrop .select :hover .sub li.subline a {color:#fff;} .pro_linedrop .select :hover .sub li a:hover, .pro_linedrop .select :hover .sub li:hover {color:#000; line-height:20px; position:relative; background:#fff url(../lrimages/fade.gif) left bottom; } I have commented a temporary fix ( almost a fix actually), but its still not ok. Any suggestions? [attachment deleted by admin]
  23. What exactly do you want to do? Give more details. One way would to have an iframe.
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