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Everything posted by xenon2050

  1. Okay just wanted to respond to some comments... Yes yes, I put it in my code now. In the scope of my question I considered it a moot point. I didn't understand what it was for, so thanks for the link; it is in now. They are lowercase now. I hadn't had any issues with that, but like you said better to be safe. Okay I don't see the big issue here. There was only one place I could identify that should have them. And I have visited some HTML tutorial sites that don't consider it a really big deal to put the "" in. Thanks for pointing it out, but again I didn't consider it a really big deal. Um okay what does this mean? Logical to who? To me my structure is logical. Maybe this is what you mean. I don't want to use unordered lists, my preference. The </img> I thought was needed since I had this <code> <img src="images/shoeheader.jpg" alt="header"> </code> Well that is good to know, the site I found the hack at said to put it into the html file. Thank you for the work. So I get the feeling you think I am just asking for free work. I'm not, I asked a question got some unexpected answers, sure my code is a little messy but like I said I'm in the development stage. I didn't have a ton of time to spend on making sure it is perfect at the moment, and like I said a lot of that stuff is minor, important but not essential for making it work correctly. Anyway thanks for the time you guys spent on writing responses. I will implement the suggestions here. Thanks
  2. Eww, that is messy. I hadn't looked at my source through the browser before... It appears I put <html> and <body> tags in my php include files (shown below) But I fixed that now. Sorry it was so rough, it is still in the development stages so I haven't refined everything. Thanks for pointing that stuff out for me. My actual code is this: gallery.php <html> <head> <title>hanle productions</title> <META name="description" content=""> <META name="keywords" content="photograph, photos, images, studio, hanle, photo production"> <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="rulestest.css" TYPE="text/css"> <script>type="text/JavaScript" src="replacement.js"></script> </head> <body> <div style="text-align: center;"> <div class="image"><img src="images/shoeheader.jpg" alt="header"></img></div> <div class="container"> <div class="right"> <?PHP include('includes/sidebar.php'); ?> </div> <div class="content"> <h1>Gallery:</h1> Click one of the below links to enter the gallery: <p> <A href="benliz.php">Ben and Liz</A> <p> <A href="christensens.php">Christensens</A> <p> <A href="jess.php">Jess</A> <p> <A href="shalin.php">Shalin</A> <p> <A href="carissa.php">Carissa</A> <p> <A href="petepaula.php">Pete and Paula</A> <p> <A href="rebeccatony.php">Rebecca and Tony</A> <p> <?PHP include('includes/lawyer.php'); ?> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> sidebar.php <div class="heading">Hanle Productions Info:</div> <A href="http://www.hanle-productions.com/main.php">home</A><BR> <A href="about.php">about</A><BR> <A href="gallery.php">gallery</A><BR> <A href="heartandsoul.php">heart and soul</A><BR> <A href="rates.php">rates</A><BR> <A href="boutique.php">boutique</A><BR> <A href="http://ourinteriorcastle.blogspot.com">blog</A><BR> <A href="contact.php">contact</A><BR> lawyer.php <style type="text/css"> a.mail:hover {text-decoration: underline; font-weight:300; font-style: normal} </style> <div class=lawyer><p> <p> <p> Copyright ©2007 hanle productions. All rights reserved<br> You may not use any of the material here without the written consent of the owners of this site<br> Webmaster: <a class="mail" href="mailto:nori_silverrage@yahoo.com">nori_silverrage@yahoo.com</div> the <div style="text-align: center;"> line is a hack to get IE to display correctly... Hmm, well I've tried using the css float code but it was frustrating, I thought maybe there was a better way. Guess I'll just have to research that more... Is there other ways to align pictures not using tables? Or float? The trouble I was having with float was because it was conflicting with another float value I have for my sidebar... But then I will be changing the location of the side bar so maybe that won't be a issue.
  3. What is a good way to align images without using tables? I'm trying to make a website where I don't have a big dependence on tables because I think using CSS is the way to go. Basically what I'm trying to do with CSS is take 6 thumbnails put three in one row three in another and have them be center in the CSS frame they are in. Here is the site if anyone wants to take a look. http://www.hanle-productions.com/gallery.php
  4. Anyone? Sorry if I'm being a bother, I'm just stumped... Not sure how to do this.
  5. Okay I want to open this up again for a similar question, because after researching a bit I don't think I asked the right question. Here is a link to a picture representation of what i am looking for. http://www.hanle-productions.com/images/firstpage.png As you can see it is a photography website. In my experience most photographers use flash to great extent. But I would rather not use it at all. What I want to do is have the same background as in the picture but have the picture in the middle be changeable and the links below it be picture based so I can control the font. I've been having a hard time figuring out how I should align the objects. I've never tried putting a picture on a picture. How can I arrange it so all the elements are where they are supposed to be? And how is the best way to set the picture as the background? Should I do what I asked before and have it scaling according to browser size? I've been trying to use CSS to arrange things but I am thinking that I'll need to use other code to get it to work correctly. I know this site will be graphic intensive but the intent is for it to be a good looking site. Can anyone give me ideas on how to do this or better ways to do this?
  6. Thank you for your help. I'll hack away at it and if I have any problems I'll probably come and ask for help. If I was using javascript to bring up photos on the same page, would I write a javascipt function and call it from my php script? Sorry if that sounds thick headed I just haven't integrated javascript in my websites very much. As far as using SQL for this, does anyone have a tutorial on what i would need to do, I've looked around and couldn't find anything on what i want to do here. Thanks for the help.
  7. I would like to write a php script that will take the pictures in a folder and display them in the way I specify. For instance, having a page with thumbnails at the bottom and a larger picture right above that, and if you click on a thumbnail it will display that picture in the larger space right above it. I could probably do this in HTML but then each picture would have to be coded in manually. I want to just be able to throw a bunch of pictures in a directory and have them display as thumbnails automatically. Does that make sense? Any ideas on how to do this? Will I need a SQL database?
  8. Okay well thanks for the ideas... I've never done javascript before but I should be able to figure it out...
  9. Okay thank you for the great ideas... I'm off to research now.... If you know of any sites offhand that have tutorials for what you have said I would greatly appreciate it if you could link them. I don't want to waste your time though so only if you know of any offhand.
  10. Okay.. Thanks for the quick replies. Would doing something like that be smart? I want the site to look good, but not be too incompatible or difficult to view. Also would that be really server intensive? I don't think that is too much of a problem now but something I want to consider. Thanks
  11. Is it possible to scale a image dynamically? I have a image that i want to be the "background" and to have text and buttons in the form of images on top of that, but in specific places. Is it possible to have the image scale to whatever size the browser is? Say down to 1024x768?
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