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  1. hello, thanks but can you please teach me that in the above code?
  2. Hello there, I find a little script on the net for ajax which loads hello.html (pageone), but lets say i want another link that loads statistics.html, how do i do that? this is the code <script type="text/javascript"> var http = false; if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { http = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else { http = new XMLHttpRequest(); } function replace() { http.open("GET", "hello.html", true); http.onreadystatechange=function() { if(http.readyState == 4) { document.getElementById('pageone').innerHTML = http.responseText; } } http.send(null); } </script></head> <body> <p><a href="javascript:replace()">page one</a></p> <div id="pageone"> Hello, world! </div> </body> like i need another link (maybe more later) where each load different page, now i can only load one page with the above... i.e <p><a href="javascript:replace()">page one</a></p> // this takes me to hello.html (working) <p><a href="javascript:replace()">page two</a></p> //this take me to statistics.html how can i make that?
  3. thanks...sorry for the delay i had a extreme fever.. also it worked...but the php section did not (in another file)...the sql part worked well
  4. anybody find a resolution for me? /* confirmation email to staff */ list($body,$from,$subject,$html,$reply_to,$return_path)=sqlget(" select body,from_addr,subject,html,reply_to,return_path from system_emails where email_id=5 and active=1"); $body=str_replace("%jobno%",$ref,$body); $html=str_replace("%jobno%",$ref,$html); $subject=str_replace("%jobno%",$ref,$subject); $body=str_replace("%link%","$server_name2/admin/resumes.php?op=edit&id=$resume_id",$body); $html=str_replace("%link%","<a href=$server_name2/admin/resumes.php?op=edit&id=$resume_id>$server_name2/admin/resumes.php?op=edit&id=$resume_id</a>",$html); if(!$from) $from="noreply@$email_domain"; $q=sqlquery("select distinct email from user,user_group where user.user_id=user_group.user_id and group_id=3 and notify=1 and email<>''"); <-------------- this line?? while(list($admin_email)=sqlfetchrow($q)) { i added $myblah = array(3, 5); under this line $from="noreply@$email_domain"; and then i get stuck adding your changes to this group_id=3 and notify=1 and email<>''"); ?? againi want it to send email to also group id 5 instead of 3 only.... :-\
  5. Hello, i totally understand the stance u are taking with this. I'd have a more upset approach if i were in your place also..but please understand i did not write any of that code. Its a ready made script i want to use for my website. When someone fills in a form they get an email i tried hard just searching for that line of code that is responsible for dispatching the email. I tried applying your code but i do get errors... i know you offered solutions but i am having trouble applying them to this code. kindly help me fix this $q=sqlquery("select distinct email from user,user_group where user.user_id=user_group.user_id and group_id=3 && and notify=1 and email<>''");
  6. thanks guys, but this is getting too complicated. when i make changes im getting a blank page... can we work with larger junks of code or its not allowed here?? for example...the script im using sends an email to the admin once someone fills out a complete form /* confirmation email to staff */ list($body,$from,$subject,$html,$reply_to,$return_path)=sqlget(" select body,from_addr,subject,html,reply_to,return_path from system_emails where email_id=5 and active=1"); $body=str_replace("%jobno%",$ref,$body); $html=str_replace("%jobno%",$ref,$html); $subject=str_replace("%jobno%",$ref,$subject); $body=str_replace("%link%","$server_name2/admin/resumes.php?op=edit&id=$resume_id",$body); $html=str_replace("%link%","<a href=$server_name2/admin/resumes.php?op=edit&id=$resume_id>$server_name2/admin/resumes.php?op=edit&id=$resume_id</a>",$html); if(!$from) $from="noreply@$email_domain"; $q=sqlquery("select distinct email from user,user_group where user.user_id=user_group.user_id and group_id=3 and notify=1 and email<>''"); <-------------- this line?? while(list($admin_email)=sqlfetchrow($q)) { $msg = new message($from,$admin_email,$subject); $msg->body($body); if($reply_to) $msg->headers.="\nReply-To: $reply_to"; if($return_path) $msg->headers.="\nReturn-Path: $return_path"; if($html) $msg->body($html,'text/html'); if($body) $msg->send(); } } ob_end_clean(); if($job2) header("Location: jobsearch.php?job2=$job2".($f_login?"":"&resume_id=$resume_id"). "&msg=".urlencode($msg_resume_register[LOGGED])); else header("Location: jobsearch.php?msg=".urlencode($msg_resume_register[sUCCESS])); exit(); } the code above dispatchs an email to group "3" which is adminstrators...id like that email to also go to group "5" which are sub-admins...can you please guide me with this? i appreciate this. If anyone needs help with logo design i am happy to assist.. thank u
  7. hello, thanks for your quick response. but u are not done with me... what do i place inside the { ... } ? lets say i only want it for group 3 and 5 and thats it (no 4)? what would it be? and im not sure what the $blah function is...sorry this is extremely amatuer q's.. /* * Send a notification to the user who applied */ if($op=='message' && $group_id==3) {
  8. hello, i have a script installed that only allows a particular group id to do something if($op=='message' && $group_id==3) how can i make it so that group ID 3,4 can have access also? and lets say 3,4,7 ? thanks so much
  9. ok i fixed it myself and i cant beleive i did it thank u
  10. yes i do know HTML, but very little php in terms of writing it. The script on its own without the added html displays correctly to 100% width of the page. Once i add my html the table breaks only on step 2 (the finish button). Deduction logic shows that the line below is causing it. EndForm($msg_resume_register[FINISH]); Like you said, i need to close tags correctly around the finish button. But i dont see the html code that creates it. I dont know where to look. And the forms.php file i posted contains many form fields that really confuse the hell out of me. Im not sure which form is for what as the script comes with an application form, contact form, login form etc... anyone can clue me in? i jsut need the finish button stop breaking the layout
  11. Hello, i have a form that no one seems to know why it breaks when i integrate it into a current template...so i assume a getto fix would be to place it in an iframe since the script works byitself. Anyway this form when complete it takes me to jobsearch.php with a succesful msg. I want this page to target to the parent frame. Is this possible? this is the segment of code from the form that i assume takes you to the successful page....where can i add _parent? ob_end_clean(); if($job2) header("Location: jobsearch.php?job2=$job2".($f_login?"":"&resume_id=$resume_id"). "&msg=".urlencode($msg_resume_register[LOGGED])); else header("Location: jobsearch.php?msg=".urlencode($msg_resume_register[sUCCESS])); exit(); } This is the post with the original problem
  12. I really am willing to pay a reasonable amount $10-20 for a fix..... i am really desperate to get this done.........
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