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Everything posted by jmurch

  1. Thanks Ken I'll give this a shot. Jeff
  2. Hi All, Is there a PHP function that will trim the string and leve only the content between two delimiters? ex: whatever_the_function (delimiter, string, delimiter) so the the output is the sting with everthing before the first delimiter deleted and everything after the last delimiter deleted. so that stringstringstringstringxxxxstringstringyyyystring would result in stringstring if the first delim were xxxx and the second were yyyy. Thanks, Jeff
  3. Thanks guys.................
  4. I have a string 'firstword - secondword' that I want to split into two variables so that $var1 = firstword and $var2 = secondword. The '-' will always be the delimeter. Thanks
  5. Hi, I have a form with checkboxes populating an array. When I pass the array to the action I want to concatonate the array contents to the rest of the $message. Code is below but I keep getting errors: The code that works fine exploding the array is: while (list ($key,$val) = @each ($market_segment)) { echo "$val,  "; } I want to concatonate the contents of the array here so that I can include it my $message: $message .= "Product interested in: $product_interested_in\n"; $message .= "Market segment: $market\n"; $message .= "Geographic locations: $geographic_locations\n"; I've tried all sorts of stuff and just keep getting an error. I'd like to put the entire contents into a variable $market as a sting such as: $market = while (list ($key,$val) = @each ($market_segment)) { echo "$val,  "; } So that echo $market would produce a string of the values in the array seperated by ", ". It seems like I'm going in circles trying to do this. Thanks in advance for answers as to what I'm missing. Jeff
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