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Posts posted by chriscloyd

  1. heres my code it wont send the mail once and awhile it will but 90% of the time it wont

    $ToMail = $_POST['email'];
    $FromMail = "From : registration@cloydfamily.com";
    $FromName = "The Cloyds";
    $Subject = "New Member at CloydFamily.com";
    $headers ='From: webmaster@cloydfamily.com' . "\r\n" .
       'Reply-To: support@cloydfamily.com' . "\r\n" .
    $Message = "Hi,\n\n".
    "Welcome To The Site CloydFamily.com ".
    "Heres Your Information For Loging In".
    " But Before You Do You Must Confirm/Verify Your Account:\n".
    "First Name: ".$_POST['firstname']."\n".
    "Last Name: ".$_POST['lastname']."\n".
    "Email Address: ".
    "password: ".$_POST['password']."\n\n".
    "Copy And Paste The Link Below To Confirm Your Account, or Click On The Link Below\n".
    mail($ToMail,$Subject,$Message,"From : The Cloyd's");
  2. this is my code now how do i make it so when i enter information into my sqldatabase it will underline the day number and make it a link?

    // How many days are in the current month
    $Days_In_Month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date("m"), date("Y"));

    // Gets the Current day, day with 1st 2nd etc, day name, year (2004), month,
    // month name
    $Current_Day = date("d");
    $Current_Day_S = date("dS");
    $Current_Day_Name = date("l");
    $Current_Year = date("Y");
    $Current_Month = date("m");
    $Current_Month_Name = date("F");

    // Get the offset of the first day of the month
    $First_Day_Of_Month = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $Current_Month, 1, $Current_Year));

    // Set the day names
    $Days_Array = array();
    $Days_Array[] = "Sunday";
    $Days_Array[] = "Monday";
    $Days_Array[] = "Tuesday";
    $Days_Array[] = "Wednesday";
    $Days_Array[] = "Thursday";
    $Days_Array[] = "Friday";
    $Days_Array[] = "Saturday";

    // For each of the Day Names, print em out
    $Day_Names = "";
    foreach ($Days_Array as $x => $y) {
        $Day_Names .= '<td align="center" bgcolor="#ADADAD" width="14.28%">' . $y . '</td>';

    // Spacers for the offset of the first day of the month
    $Cal_Weeks_Days = "";
    $i = $First_Day_Of_Month + 1;
    if ($First_Day_Of_Month != "0") {
        $Cal_Weeks_Days .= '<td colspan="' . $First_Day_Of_Month . '"> </td>';

    // Cal Days - The first day is 1, default with PHP is 0, so lets set it to 1
    $Day_i = "1";
    $ii = $i;
    for ($i; $i <= ($Days_In_Month + $First_Day_Of_Month);$i++) {
        // $i is our color variable - Alternate row colors:
        if ($i % 2) {
            $color = '#0000FF';
            $color = '#0000FF';

        // If the current day is sunday, make sure a new row gets set
        if ($ii == 8) {
            $Cal_Weeks_Days .= "</tr><tr>";
            $ii = 1;

        // If the day is the current day, highlight it with a special color
        if ($Current_Day == $Day_i) {
            $Extra = 'bgcolor="#FF0000"';
            // Alternate row colors
            $Extra = 'bgcolor="#' . $color . '"';

        // Show the days.
        $Cal_Weeks_Days .= '<td height="65" valign="top" ' . $Extra . '>' . $Day_i . '</td>';

        // Increment the day number and the week day number (ii)

    // Add end month spacers
    if ((8 - $ii) >= "1") {
        $Cal_Weeks_Days .= '<td colspan="' . (8 - $ii) . '"> </td>';

    // Echo the HTML
    echo '<HTML>
    <style type="text/css">
        font-family: Verdana;
        font-size: 8pt;
        font-size: 11; color: #000000;
        border-font-size: 11; color: #000000;
        border-collapse: collapse;
    echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="98%">
            <td align="center" colspan="7" bgcolor="#999999">'.$Current_Day_Name.' the '.$Current_Day_S.' of '.$Current_Month_Name.', '.$Current_Year.'</td>

  3. no that calendar that my friend did i kinda want my own do u knwo how to do calendars? i know how to store info in databases i just need some help on creating the idea of how to make it work
  4. im trying to create a calendar where it shows a calendar on this page cloydfamily.com/index.php?module=calendar and then an admin page where i can enter an event on a specific date how could i go about doing this and i could help u guys with free webhosting if u guys help me
  5. for a team site u could use a better site/script i have acutally made one and u could use better hosting that gives u more freedoms my aim is chriscloyd2006 my msn is ctcc8788@hotmail.com or send me a message i can help
  6. i want to make a php/mysql support script like a live one im good at php and my sql i just need some help like on how to make the tables and how they would interact with each other
  7. how do u call a function threw a link please help me this is my function
    if (isset($_POST[$MM_flag])) {
      $loginUsername = $_POST['username'];
      $LoginRS__query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username='" . $loginUsername . "'";
      mysql_select_db($database_jarrod, $jarrod);
      $LoginRS=mysql_query($LoginRS__query, $jarrod) or die(mysql_error());
      $loginFoundUser = mysql_num_rows($LoginRS);

      //if there is a row in the database, the username was found - can not add the requested username
        $MM_qsChar = "?";
        //append the username to the redirect page
        if (substr_count($MM_dupKeyRedirect,"?") >=1) $MM_qsChar = "&";
        $MM_dupKeyRedirect = $MM_dupKeyRedirect . $MM_qsChar ."requsername=".$loginUsername;
        header ("Location: $MM_dupKeyRedirect");
  8. okay i have a tournament script where people and teams can sign up but i need help witht eh joing a team part like when they click on the link join team it shows a drop down list of all the team names and under that drop down theres another input box for a password i want them to enter the team password and if the team password is correct i want it to update the field in the user table under the row of the persons username can some one help me
  9. well assuming u want to do it where u use only two pages lets say like

    country.php and view.php u will need to store each club in a database and make a row where it says country then when u make a link on each place in Ireland like www.domainname.com/view.php?country=dublin then to pull up all the clubs u will need to do something like

    $colname_clubs = "-1";
    if (isset($_GET['country'])) {
      $colname_clubs = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['country'] : addslashes($_GET['country']);
    $query_clubs = sprintf("SELECT clubname FROM clubs WHERE country = '%s'", $colname_clubs);
    $clubs = mysql_query($query_clubs, $gameVOICE) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_clubs = mysql_fetch_assoc($clubs);
    $totalRows_clubs = mysql_num_rows($clubs);



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