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Everything posted by michaellunsford

  1. well, I found a not-quite-fixed solution. If I add a height attribute to the middle row, IE snaps into line and Firefox's inner div takes up the whole space without complaint. The only issue I have now is IE considers a height of 100% to be the entire page (instead of just 100% of what's left after the header and footer). So 80% gets it close enough to call good enough.
  2. Okay, so I write to standards -- why don't all browsers render to them? This is a rerun of an earlier unsolved problem. I really need some help to figure this one out. So far, the only thing i can think to do is the old <div> thing -- but I'd lose the 100% height. Thanks for any suggestions http://cawthornegroup.com xhtml 1.1 http://cawthornegroup.com/index2.html quirks IE 6 & 7 -- evenly distributes the height of all table rows regardless of the height I explicitly specify (in both quirks and xhtml). FF & Camino -- properly distributes the table rows, but the 100% height on a div in the middle row is one line high. quirks renders 100% fine. Safari & Opera -- properly renders everything, xhtml or quirks. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Stonehaven on the River</title> <link href="elements/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <table id="maintable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td id="header"> asdf</td> </tr> <tr> <td><div id="main_content"> </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="footer"> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> @charset "UTF-8"; /* CSS Document */ html, body { width:100%; height:100%; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; margin:0; background:#978c50; } #maintable { height:100%; width:800px; margin:auto; background:url(/images/middle_bgdk.jpg) no-repeat center center #ccdca0; } #header { height:140px; width:800px; background:url(/images/top.jpg) no-repeat #9a8954; text-align:center; vertical-align:bottom; color:#FFF; } #main_content { width:692px; height:100%; margin:auto; border-left: 3px solid #edebe9; border-right: 3px solid #edebe9; border-top:none; border-bottom:none; background: url(/images/middle_bg.jpg) center center no-repeat #edf4d2; } #footer { height:108px; width:800px; background:url(/images/bottom.jpg) no-repeat #003d2b; }
  3. HA, got it. Copied the page to my local machine, hardcod full urls in the "<script src=" , and made the action mailto:someone@example.com. Now I'm getting all of the variables to appear in a new email message. Boo-yah.
  4. I'm trying to code a php curl script -- but the primary problem is figuring out what this goofy form is posting. I have apparently not been successful in tracing all of these many javascript threads to completion. Is there an easier way to know exactly what a browser is posting to a page? Thanks!
  5. the \$ was giving me trouble -- I couldn't combine the \$ with anything else inside the brackets. So here's the fix: /[^a-z]+?([^0-9]+)([^\$]+)([\$][0-9,\.]+)[^a-z]+([a-z ]+)/i
  6. HAHA! thorpe is a genius! Well, I did the first suggestion again minus the grep. I ran through the things I remember doing about the same time and started just looking through the commands for anything odd. I found this command: chkconfig ftp_psa off which, come to think of it, should have come up in the grep (and probably did), but for whatever reason I missed it. Suffice it to say, it's all happy now. Thanks again! I really could not have found it without your suggestion.
  7. I switched to preg_match and now I'm getting nothing. Is it possible that the regex between php and my test environment are different enough to cause the problem?
  8. The purpose of this code is to turn an abritrarily delimited file into a CSV. The RegEx appears to be valid (I tested it in a RegEx testing widget I have) but the following code returns the every single line, including non-matching lines. It also does not return the specific matches. I've also determined that regardless of what goes inside create_function, the results are always the same: every single line I pass the preg_replace_callback -- even ones that don't match. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? <?php ini_set("auto_detect_line_endings","1"); $regex="/^([^0-9]+)([0-9\/]+) (\$[0-9,\.]+) ([a-z ]+)$/i"; $i=0; if ($handle = opendir('txt')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if(preg_match("/\.txt/i",$file)) $get_file[$i++]="txt/".$file; } closedir($handle); } do { $replace=array("\r","\n"); $with=array("",""); $fil=fopen(current($get_file),"r"); while(!feof($fil)) { $myrow=str_replace($replace,$with,fgets($fil)); $myvar=preg_replace_callback($regex,create_function('$matches','return "\"".$matches[1]."\",\"".$matches[2]."\",\"".$matches[3]."\",\"".$matches[4]."\"\r";'),$myrow); echo $myvar; } }while(next($get_file)); ?> The regex is loose, but here's basically what it's trying to convert: LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME (MIDDLE_INITIAL )? MM/DD/YYYY $#,###.## CITY STATE\n
  9. I rebooted... still no FTP. I tried proftpd, but it reports "fatal: Socket operation on non-socket"
  10. commands listed are: I'm thinking ftpdctl, but it gives me this odd error: maybe I should just reboot.
  11. thanks, redbull for the quick reply. I'll dig through the docs and see what I'm missing, but all of my sites generally do have google sitemaps. 448191, I figured that this forum was the closest fit, and thought that this would fall under "good coding practices." So, if it should have been under "misc" instead, that's fine. thanks again for the quick replies.
  12. Do a quick google search for "HP" or "Camino" or "Apple" of "chevrolet", you get the idea. Top line is generally the main company website, and it has a list of major subpages. How did they do it?
  13. I ran a single command from the command prompt -- it was reminiscent of apachetcl, and I believe it had three components ... the command, and two passed variables. I even ran it thrice. First time to turn it off, test, turn it back on, test, then the final off. I didn't modify any conf files, so rebooting the server would probably fix the problem instantly. But I had hoped to turn it back off again after phpbb updated itself. distro, I believe, is RedHat Fedora. uname -a says: Linux www.example.com 2.6.5-1.358 #1 Sat May 8 09:04:50 EDT 2004 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux PS> the grep thing only revealed things from the last 30 days or so... It's probably been 80+days since I shut off FTP.
  14. I just don't see anything that has FTP in the title...
  15. Since I was having some hack attemtps through FTP (one successful), I searched google and found out how to turn the service off. I generally use SFTP, so it's been off for months. Well, now I want to update phpbb - but it requires ftp. Well, oops, I can't remember how I turend it off. I remember it was a command-line thing, but that's it. Any ideas how I did it?
  16. I wouldn't put this under the HTML section really. You could give everyone FTP access, turn on anonymous FTP, or you could build an HTML form with a PHP backend to grab the files. You can grab a tutorial here on the site... here's a head start: http://www.phpfreaks.com/quickcode_cats/14/File-Handling.php
  17. I have, oh, I don't know, 100 little photos? I'd like to make the photos sort of wrap around a big DIV that's approximately in the middle of the page. The DIV is pretty high (so even a 30" display would likely have to scroll down). The magic part is making it automatically wrap images depending on browser window width. So, a really wide window might have two photos on each side of the DIV, slightly narrower might have one on one side and two on the other, you get the idea. Am I inside the realm of possibility?
  18. Thanks for the reply. I checked everything over and I think I'm in complete compliance with your comments already. The reason I'm using a table is to make the content are 100% high. Removing the 100% height would defeat that purpose. The heading row contains a single " " tag (because IE wouldn't put a border without some content). The image is a background CSS image, which shouldn't be counting against any height or width measurements. The border is specified as 3px on top and bottom, but there is no margin. Regarding the two td's with different heights -- I've checked my CSS and html but don't see what you're referring to. The table height is 100%, the heading has a static 153px height, and the second row has two cells without any height specified. The goal being to make the top 153px high, and the bottom auto-stretch to fill in whatever's left over.
  19. Looks like it's IE -- not just 7. any ideas how to get the top to only be 153px high, without windows sizing it up? Basically, <table style="height:100%"> <tr><td style="height:153px; background:url(/images/test.jpg) no-repeat;" colspan="2"></td></tr> <tr><td>Menu goes here</td><td>main body goes here</td></tr> <tr><td style="height:15px;" colspan="2"></td></tr> </table> the problem, the top portion is more than 153px high in IE6 & 7. See below - that dark brown vertical menu is supposed to be snuggled up to the header image (as is the main content area). But, it's inventing an extra 60px or so of white space.
  20. FF renders this fine, but IE7 doesn't. http://www.kishakana.com/featured.html The header is supposed to have a border around it (IE7 doesn't display it), and it's supposed to be exactly 153px high (IE7 makes the height "auto" regardless). I'm using a table because I want everything to be 100% high, and I can't get DIV to respond to 100% minus 153px. Any thoughts?
  21. Found something in the FTP log. IP Addresses all over the board. Probably spoofed. I had thought it might be packet sniffing but I haven't updated that site since october of 2005, and the ftp log shows this activity in February of this year..... Any other ideas how someone could have gotten in through ftp?
  22. Well, the file was dated february 7th 03:43, I don't see anything on the site's logs. Where are the raw logs?
  23. One of my first sites got hacked. It's on my server, which seems too not have any other affected sites. The index.php page was overwritten. Right now, there is a plesk placeholder page up, and at the bottom resides a few iframes who's src links have been linked to a rather old IE exploit. It also contains some nasty looking links (nasty as in XXX). I suppose it's remotely possible that I somehow left the plesk placeholder page up by mistake when moving the site from another location, but I really doubt it. The original site was nothing more than a single html page with very very simple php hooks. Bascially, buttons linked to index.php?id=1 kind of stuff. The page just used the id as image sources. Simple. There isn't so much as a contact form on it. So, the question. How in the world did it get hacked? A plesk exploit?
  24. sounds like you want the reverse of prevent hotlinking. Search google for "htaccess prevent hotlinking" then tweak it to only allow hotlinking.
  25. you might try RewriteRule ^\/images\/$ images.php [L] Or, if you really have an images directory, you could create an .htaccess file in that directory with this line: DirectoryIndex /images.php
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