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Everything posted by icehawk012

  1. Ok, I've got it all figured out so I figured I would update everyone on how it's done. I'm using the MySQL NOW() function, but combining it with the MySQL CONVERT_TZ() function which takes three variables: DATETIME, Timezone1, and Timezone2. Timezone1 being the starting timezone and Timezone2 being the timezone to be converted to. The code ends up looking like so: [code] } else if (isset ($_POST['submit'])) { include("db2.php"); $writenews = "INSERT INTO park_news (title, content, date) VALUES ('{$_POST['posttitle']}', '{$_POST['postcontent']}', CONVERT_TZ(NOW(),'+00:00','-07:00'))"; if (@mysql_query($writenews)) { print ("<p>News successfully added.</p>"); } else { print ("<p>News could not be added because: <b>" . mysql_error() . "</b></p>"); } print ("<img src=\"spacer.gif\" width=\"75%\" height=\"1\" />"); [/code] Works flawlessly.  ;D
  2. Ok thanks for clearing that up. I used the NOW() function in my MySQL query and it works now, but how would I go about making it my time and not the server time? Or is that even possible?
  3. The now() function won't work. I get the following error when I try to use it: [quote]Fatal error: Call to undefined function:[/quote] Any other ideas?
  4. Alright, for some reason this script I wrote is working with mySQL 5 but not 4. I've been running through it trying to figure out what's going on but I keep getting the same error : [quote]News could not be added because: Incorrect datetime value: '9.7.2006 1:41am' for column 'date' at row 1[/quote] So here's what I've got as far as adding the "News": [code] } else if (isset ($_POST['submit'])) { include("db2.php"); $realdate = date ( 'n.j.Y g:ia' ); $writenews = "INSERT INTO park_news (title, content, date) VALUES ('{$_POST['posttitle']}', '{$_POST['postcontent']}', '{$realdate}')"; if (@mysql_query($writenews)) { print ("<p>News successfully added.</p>"); } else { print ("<p>News could not be added because: <b>" . mysql_error() . "</b></p>"); } print ("<img src=\"spacer.gif\" width=\"75%\" height=\"1\" />"); [/code] Should I be using the time() function to get my date and then reformatting it when it spits it back out?
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