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Everything posted by bUcKl3

  1. I need help on using php to check the availability of a domain.. lets say someone enters www.microsoft.com (which is not available for sale), how do i make a script that identifies whether a domain exists or not?
  2. I have a problem and i havent got any clue as to how am i going to solve it..with headers? sessionid? i dont know. I wanna build something that goes like this. 1. user clicks on a link which open up the script i'm making 2. the script will show another link target _blank to a voting site. 3. user will click on the link to open the voting site and vote. 4. after the user vote, the vote.php page of that site will redirect to thankyou.php. 5. my job here is to use the script i've done in #2 to sniff out whether has the voting page been accessed and redirected to thankyou.php. Is there a way to do it?
  3. using $_GET to get variables to be inseted into ur database is not secured at all. Try using POST form and filter out illegal characters using addslashes or check if get magic quotes is on.
  4. I noticed that in some forms..like those in some forums. they have some <input type="hidden" stuff in the source code. I wonder what does that really do.
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