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Everything posted by yarnold

  1. Use: wordwrap($text, 50, "<br />\n"); It won't split genuine words in half, unless you include the optional fourth parameter and set it to true... hope this helps Ed
  2. It's perfectly fine in IE, Firefox, Safari on Windows XP, Windows 98, and the Mac OS.. or at least it is when I test it in all of the above.. I've developed the whole thing primarily using Firefox so I don't understand why you're having problems Try clearing your browser cache? Perhaps it's loading the old stylesheet?
  3. ss32, thank you for your kind and helpful comments. I have made some changes to the design - I have increased the line-height so that the text looks less "blocky", and have indented the contact information further to make it line up with the sub-navigation titles. I have also centre-aligned the page to make it look less "awkward", as you say. I am waiting to find suitable images to add into the header to make it less text-based, but please note that your comment has been noticed and taken note of! Oh, I have also removed my grades and employment as per your suggestion. I have now implemented the new design, but will still make changes should any of you have any more recommendations. Thank you for your helpful comments. http://www.twixcoding.com
  4. I know it doesn't exactly match what you were saying, and the positioning of the images is by no means final (so if you have padding suggestions etc feel free to suggest away!) but I think the images here help break up the "text-based-ness" of the site. Opinions please? http://www.twixcoding.com/new/
  5. No problem, always happy to help.
  6. <?php require('txt/'.rand(1, 100).'.txt'); ?>
  7. Depends on what that actually means (if it means anything). It doesn't have any redundant crap. It has zero visual interest - and the internet is a visual medium - so it looks as if someone took a written document and pasted it in. I _know_ that isn't what you did, but I'm not surfing looking for a php/web developer. In terms of the content, that page misses the mark by a long way. I... I... I... As a prospective customer I'm less interested in you than what you could do for ME. Minor nit-pick. If you're claiming AAA compliance, link the icon to a validator. Thank you - I was thinking that about the content earlier, actually. I may put something like the "services" page on the home page and then have what is current the home page in the "about" section? Do you think that having a graphical banner instead of the "Twix Coding" text would make a difference to visual appeal? Thank you for your remarks Ed
  8. Hi all I have just started work on a fresh layout for my Freelance PHP site. I was wondering if I could obtain some feedback from you all regarding whether or not it is professional, easy on the eye etc? Before I show you a link, I'd like to tell you what I was aiming to achieve. I was looking to create a "simplistic", very programmer-like looking site that is easy to read and easy to find your way through. I did not want to go overboard, I preferably didn't want to use flash or any particularly fancy graphics. The link is http://www.twixcoding.com/new (please note only the first few links on the right hand side work.. I haven't uploaded the whole site yet) Many thanks Ed
  9. Fantastic, exactly what I was looking for - thank you very much!
  10. Hi All I'm doing a complex search engine script for one of my clients. Instead of having clumbersome code checking to see if $_GET variables are set and then setting them to pass onto the next page, do you know if there is a way of getting the WHOLE query string from the URL after ? in PHP? Any help would be greatly appreciated Thank You.
  11. You can use something like this: [pre] date('F j, Y', strtotime($Timestamp))[/pre] Change the 'F j, Y' into the form you want - http://www.php.net/date
  12. Personally I use Komodo 3.2 and it's the best editor I've come across in a long time. Well worth the (small) home use fee, anyway. I like: - Customisable syntax highlighting - Syntax checking - Auto indentations
  13. First of all you need to read up on [b]SQL Injection[/b]. Escape all input, escape all output.
  14. I've got mod rewrite working through a .htaccess document. However, this now means that when I go to, for example, /entries/1, it tries to get a stylesheet from /entries/1/templates... whereas it should be getting it from /templates/... I use the same header file throughout so I can't add ../../ to the start of the stylesheet call. Is there an option in the mod_rewrite 'instructions' that says to act as if it is in the directory [b]the file is actually in[/b]? Thanks.
  15. In my collection I've recently added; Essential PHP Security Chris Shiflett PHP 5 Objects, Patterns and Practice Matt Zandstra Advanced PHP Programming George Scholossnagle All recommended
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