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Everything posted by 2000a

  1. thanks The Little Guy. Is there a way to do it on one line? I have this working with the exception of negative+positive values (ignore the $): if(ereg("^[.0-9]+$", $myVar)) { return TRUE; } If I add "\-" it still doesn't like "-".. So if myVar="-.01", I want it to return TRUE. thanks
  2. Hi, How can I check if a variable only has these characters: - number (0-9) - decimal point (.) - positive (+) - negative (-) - dollar ($) I tried is_numeric, but it doesn't like negative values... I need to add the variable value to another variable. I have to accept numbers (including negative and decimals)... ex: 0.1 = TRUE -.1 = TRUE 12 = TRUE 1000.00 = TRUE 12a = FALSE thanks
  3. Hi, I need YOUR help with a piece of code. My body normally helps me, but he's on vacation. I have a folder (/var/www/html/upload/files/) where files are uploaded to. There can be files at the root of (/uploads/) and there can be files in subfolders of (/uploads/)... eg: (/uploads/subfolder1/files_here), (/uploads/subfolder2/files_here) I want to modify my script (below) that only delete old files at the root (/uploads/), to also delete files (but NOT subfolders) older than 10 days. Do not delete subfolders, regardless of date. You can modify the existing code to make it more efficient, if you have time/patience. I'm grateful for your help. This is the code I have for the root folder (not recursive): $dir = '/var/www/html/upload/files/'; echo "STARTING\n"; if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while ($file = readdir($dh)) { if(!is_dir($dir.$file)) { if (filemtime($dir.$file) < strtotime('-10 days')) { //if 10 days old, delete echo "Deleting $dir.$file (old)\n"; unlink($dir.$file); } } } } else { echo "ERROR. Could not open directory: $dir\n"; } } else { echo "ERROR. Specified path is not a directory: $dir\n"; } closedir($dh); echo "DONE\n";
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