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Posts posted by groston

  1. Not sure if this is PHP or just basic HTML, but is there some way to show, on a web page, the default file download directory? For example, in Firefox, if you go to Tools->Settings->General and look for 'Downloads: Save files to', can this directory be displayed (as text)? If so, how?

  2. Not sure what is going on, please help me.

    I have written a PHP file that generates a CSV file that is drawn from a MySQL database. This works just fine because I used this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15769732/write-to-php-output-buffer-and-then-download-csv-from-buffer as a guideline.

    The problem is this: After the CSV file is downloaded, I want the site to go to another page. Using the code in the reply from DigiLive on 12 Jan 2016 as the basis, after the line


    I have the lines

    echo "<script type='text/javascript'> document.location = 'OtherPage.php'; </script>";

    These lines work perfectly elsewhere, but here they do nothing. What am I missing?

  3. I have created a simple web site that is used to enter data into a database. Each page essentially has:

    <form role="form"  method="post"> ... </form>

    The site works without issue. However, I want to add to the form the ability to upload an image file. I wrote a small test page that does this and it works without issue. However, the problem is this: The test page has the following:

    <form action="fileUploadScript.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

    The first <form> uses code on the page itself to do the database insertion, whereas the second <form> uses an external php file to upload the file.

    In terms of executing the code, I suspect that I could make this work with two mouse clicks: one to upload the file and the other to enter the data. Is there a way to achieve this with one mouse click? Note that there are a dozen fields or so, and identifying all of them to have the external php file handle them might be a pain...


  4. I am beyond confused and am hoping that you can help!

    I have a database and one table looks like this:
    dbTable {
      RowID int(10) unsigned  <this value is created automatically>
      Str varchar(100)
      Val int(10) unsigned

    In my html/php, I have the following test code:
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM dbTable WHERE RowID = 5";
    $entityData = $mysqli->query($sql);
    $EntityInfo = $entityData->fetch_assoc();
    $dStr = $EntityInfo[Str];
    $dVal = $EntityInfo[Val];

    echo “first line”;
    echo "str: " . $dStr;
    echo "val: " . $dVal;
    $sum = $dVal +5;
    echo "sum: " . $sum;
    if ($dVal > 0) {
     echo "if Val: " . $dVal;

    The first four echo statements work, however, I cannot get the code to enter the if loop. It seems that the code knows that $dVal is an integer because the sum shown is correct. What must I do to make the if statement work?

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