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Posts posted by ankycooper

  1. The $mfcon has
    [quote]Hello $cname, Thank you for contacting Support. I am the Support Professional who will work with you on the case '$srx'. You can reach me using the contact information mentioned below. Please be sure to include your case number. As discussed, the issue we are trying to resolve is '$issue' We would consider this incident completed and closed only when the issue is resolved. Hope we are on the same page with the understanding of the issue. Thank you for calling
    but it is  not taking up the values of the variables
  2. i have a code as follows
    if (!isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) || $_SESSION['logged_in'] !== true ||

    !isset($_SESSION['info']) || $_SESSION['info'] !== true) {
    // not logged in, move to login page
    header('Location: index.php');

    include 'dbinfo.inc.php';
    @mysql_connect($host,$user_name,$pass_word)or die( "Unable to Connect to database");
    @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'";
    $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Query failed. ' . mysql_error());
    list($id, $usnme, $specialty, $p, $name, $bdname, $tlname, $mgrname, $myno, $bdno,  $tlno,

    $mgrno, $mymail, $bdmail, $tlmail, $mgrmail, $myt, $bdt, $tlt, $mgrt) =

    mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM);

    $sqlsugg = "SELECT * FROM mf where mfname='openingmail'";
    $resultsugg = mysql_query($sqlsugg) or die('Query failed. ' . mysql_error()); 
    list($mfid, $mfname, $mfcon) = mysql_fetch_array($resultsugg, MYSQL_NUM) or die('Query

    failed. ' . mysql_error()); 


    echo $mfcone;


    it echo's  value of $mfcone as
    [quote]Hello $cname, Thank you for contacting Support. I am the Support Professional who will work with you on the case '$srx'. You can reach me using the contact information mentioned below. Please be sure to include your case number. As discussed, the issue we are trying to resolve is '$issue' We would consider this incident completed and closed only when the issue is resolved. Hope we are on the same page with the understanding of the issue. Thank you for calling[/quote]

    and does not include the value of the variables


    Please Help
  3. I have a database of contacts with their information(name email, address phone ,fax...)
    now i have a billing form which will have all the feilds mentioned above plus some billing feilds
    now what i want is that there is a insert button on this page which opens up the contact page(pop up) and u can check a perticular contact and submit so that all his info comes to the respective feild in the main form

    Please help
  4. [img src=\"style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/unsure.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":unsure:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"unsure.gif\" /] I have a database of contacts with their information(name email, address phone ,fax...)
    now i have a billing form which will have all the feilds mentioned above plus some billing feilds
    now what i want is that there is a insert button on this page which opens up the contact page(pop up) and u can check a perticular contact and submit so that all his info comes to the respective feild in the main form

    Please help
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