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Everything posted by vaan

  1. no it doesn\'t echo the username. Also not with the code you said.. This is how i send the username in.. update1.php?userid=admin Does anyone see the problem. And can anyone tell me how to show the things i allready putted in the database in my input fields?? :?: :?:
  2. Hi, Everyone helped me out on the insert question but i now have a update question When i press submit in this script it updates.. but it just makes 1 time a new row.. With the update i made.. Every time i try to update it again it just updates that row... But not the username i sended with update1.php?userid=admin Do you still get it?? I really can\'t fix it :roll: Here is my code [php:1:6b0552874a] <HEAD> <? include \"include/db.php\";?> <TITLE>UPDATE USER</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <? $userid = $_GET[\'userid\']; $server = \"$host\"; $mysql_user = \"$user\"; $mysql_password = \"$pass\"; $database = \"$db\"; $link = mysql_connect($server, $mysql_user, $mysql_password) or die(\"Could not connect to mysql!<br />mysql error: \" . mysql_error()); // Selecting databse mysql_select_db ($database, $link) or die(\"Could not select db!<br />mysql error: \" . mysql_error()); if ($sent){ print(\"<BR><BR><CENTER>THE USER IS UPDATED<BR>updated user:<BR>$userid <BR>new password:<BR>$password<BR><BR>new userlevel:<BR>$userlevel<BR><BR>new webspace:<BR>$webspace<BR><BR>\"); } else { print(\"<BR><BR><CENTER><BR><BR><BR><FORM ACTION=update1.php METHOD=post> Username: $userid<BR> Password: <INPUT TYPE=PASSWORD NAME=password class=button><BR> Email adress: <INPUT TYPE=TEST NAME=email class=button><BR> Fullname <INPUT TYPE=TEST NAME=name class=button><BR> Package: <select name=userlevel> <option value=basic>basic</option> <option value=medium>medium</option> <option value=large>large</option> <option value=reseller>reseller</option> <option value=admin>admin</option> </select> <BR> Webspace: <INPUT TYPE=TEST NAME=webspace class=button><BR> <BR><BR><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=SUBMIT NAME=sent class=button></FORM><BR><BR><BR>\"); } if ($sent){ $userid = $_GET[\'userid\']; $sql2 = \"update user set password = \'$password\' where userid = \'$userid\'\"; $result = mysql_query($sql2) or die(\"Couldn\'t execute query.1\"); $sql3 = \"update user set userlevel = \'$userlevel\' where userid = \'$userid\'\"; $result = mysql_query($sql3) or die(\"Couldn\'t execute query.2\"); $sql3 = \"update user set webspace = \'$webspace\' where userid = \'$userid\'\"; $result = mysql_query($sql3) or die(\"Couldn\'t execute query.3\"); $sql3 = \"update user set fullname = \'$name\' where userid = \'$userid\'\"; $result = mysql_query($sql3) or die(\"Couldn\'t execute query.4\"); $sql3 = \"update user set email = \'$email\' where userid = \'$userid\'\"; $result = mysql_query($sql3) or die(\"Couldn\'t execute query.5\"); $sql3 = \"update user set userid = \'$userid\' where userid = \'$userid\'\"; $result = mysql_query($sql3) or die(\"Couldn\'t execute query.6\"); print (\"Users Info Successfully Updated!\"); } ?> </BODY></HTML> [/php:1:6b0552874a] thanks for the help
  3. thanks guys for all the help. I had to rewrite the whole script. I just made it a little bit different. It\'s too long to explain.. But if someone else has the same problem just sent me messages.
  4. thnx gizmola at least it inserted admin.. not many but it\'s a start does any one know the solution.. @biopv: it just printed the statments... nothing else
  5. CREATE TABLE `user` ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `userid` varchar(100) NOT NULL default \'\', `password` varchar(16) NOT NULL default \'\', `fullname` varchar(100) NOT NULL default \'\', `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL default \'\', `userlevel` varchar(100) default NULL, `webspace` varchar(100) default NULL, this is my table structure
  6. it still doesn\'t give a error.... could be something wrong with mysql?? i am running 3.23.44 as mysql
  7. sorry it still doesn\'t work.... wile other inserts in my script work.. here not anymore :roll: any one a idea?
  8. i just get as error print 0 (zero).. here is a little piece of my code, it contains many more but that is setting up the table... i hope you all can help me... include "include/db.php"; $server = "$host"; $mysql_user = "$user"; $mysql_password = "$pass"; $database = "$db"; // Connecting to mysql $link = mysql_connect($server, $mysql_user, $mysql_password) or die("Could not connect to mysql!<br />mysql error: " . mysql_error()); // Selecting databse mysql_select_db ($database, $link) or die("Could not select db!<br />mysql error: " . mysql_error()); print (" <BR><CENTER><BR><BR><BR> <BR><BR><FORM ACTION=setup1.php METHOD=post>Username:<BR> <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=username class=button><BR> <BR>Password:<BR> <INPUT TYPE=password NAME=password class=button><BR><BR> <br>Fullname:<BR> <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=fullname class=button><BR> <br>Email:<BR> <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=email class=button><BR> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=SUBMIT NAME=sent class=button></FORM><BR><BR><BR>"); $sql_8 = "INSERT INTO user (userid, password, fullname, email, userlevel, webspace) VALUES (\'$username\', \'$password\', \'$fullname\', \'$email\', \'admin\', \'0\');"; echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(). "n"; print "()"; $result1 = mysql_query($sql8) or die("Couldn\'t execute query.1"); $sql1 = "INSERT INTO settings (adminame, email) VALUES (\'$fullname\', \'$email\');"; $result = mysql_query($sql1) or die("Couldn\'t execute query.2");
  9. sorry it doesn\'t work.. it just gives a 0 (zero) i don\'t realy know know what that means.. can someone explain?? and by the way is it possible that i insert not variables but just text.. see abouve (admin etc) tnx K
  10. hello, I must say i like this board... but i have a problem for days now.. I have made this piece and it just won\'t work.. Can any one tell me what\'s wrong?? Oh and it has more $results in the code.. $sql8 = "INSERT INTO user (userid, password, fullname, email, userlevel, webspace) VALUES (\'$username\', \'$password\', \'$fullname\', \'$email\', \'admin\', \'0\');"; $result = mysql_query($sql8) or die("Couldn\'t execute query.1"); tnx
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