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Everything posted by pranav_kavi

  1. U dont need to escape the single quotes.Hence,shud b $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `". MEMBERS ."` (`userid`, `username`, `password`, `posts`, `avatar`, `signature`, `msn`, `aim`, `website`, `IP`, `email`, `rank`, `last_active`, `birthday`, `location`, `interests`, `title`) VALUES (NULL, '". $user ."', '". $pass ."', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '". $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ."', '". $mail ."', '4', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL") or die(mysql_error());
  2. I can suggest u using a javascript framework-Prototype tat ll achieve wat u want.
  3. u can work on the font size of the string by referring to the documentation for imagestring at http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagestring.php. // *** Add the passcode in white to the image *** imagestring($image, 5, 30, 3, $pass, $clr_white);
  4. ve u tried using imagettfbbox fn???
  5. try running the sql statement SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM logtable; in sql server directly rather than thru php.Ther may b some error bcos of wich ur result set is not getting populated.
  6. $result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM logtable;"); while($array = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC)) { print_r($array[update_time]); // Will print information about each table stored in database }
  7. try, <?php $string_to_be_stripped = "Hi, I am a string and I need to be stripped..."; $new_string = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $string_to_be_stripped ); ?>
  8. for($i=2001; $i<=)(date("Y")+1); $i++){ wont d abov work?
  9. I assume ur luking 4 replace method for Strings in javascript. Syntax: stringObject.replace(findstring,newstring) Example: replace the word Microsoft with W3Schools <script type="text/javascript"> var str="Visit Microsoft!" document.write(str.replace(/Microsoft/, "W3Schools")) </script>
  10. wich browser r u using??? Since it seems tat ur javascript is not running and ur code seems fine,try clearing the browser cache and then running the page again.Tis happens 2 me often in FF.
  11. I don't think there is a limit on how big an array can be, but there is a limit on how much memory your script can use. The 'memory_limit' directive in the php.ini configuration file holds the max amount of memory your scripts can consume.
  12. echo date('h:i:s A');
  13. print_r($_COOKIE) wud display all the cookie values.As $_COOKIE is an array,we cannot use echo on it,have to use print_r command.
  14. Have u tried printing out the cookie array i.e print_r($_COOKIE); ???
  15. Hi,my name is Kavitha.I'm a female programmer...tuk a masters degree in software engineering and have been workin in tis field for the past 2 yrs.Programming experience started arnd 9 yrs back...luckily got the chance to learn many technologies like C,C++,Java,J2EE,PHP,Joomla etc.
  16. did u xpect $msg to display on clickin d page link..in tat case wher s the echo statement for $msg? Also check your cookie settings for the browser.
  17. For those who may come across tis prob...twas the IE cache problem.To avoid tis, I added the following lines in my php files tat had the html tags. <head> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1"> </head>
  18. I have also another site tat also has the same functionality for login.The login code s xactly similar as the users are common 2 both d sites.The login for d 2nd site site works well in IE as well as FF. If twas a cache setting problem of IE, it wud b shown for d 2nd site also.
  19. Hi all, I have a news website tat is developed on joomla 1.5.Login facility is done thru a login component.On each page,ther s a 'Log In' link that redirects them to a login page.On successful login,user details are set in session as well as cookies and then redirected back to d referring page.The 'Log In' section changes to 'Welcome user',along wid a 'Log Out' link.All this works d same in IE 6 as well as in FF 2.The difference comes durin log out action. In FF,on clickin 'Log Out',the required session vars are set '' as well as cookies in d component and then redirected back to referring page.The login bar changes back to 'Log in'.But in IE,once redirected from the component,the page still shows the login bar as 'Welcome user'.Only if i manually click the refresh button (of IE), the page gets refreshed and the login bar shows logged out status. Any help wud be highly appreciated...
  20. so tat means javascript fn parameter-'msg' holds the value of $i.so ur code preferably shud b, <td align="right\" valign=\"top\" class=".$date_class."><a href=\"#\" onMouseOver=\"doTooltip(event, \'".$i."\')\" onmouseout=\"hideTip();\" class=".$date_class.">".$i."</a></td>
  21. pls post the entire code specially d form section
  22. <td align="right\" valign=\"top\" class=".$date_class."><a href=\"#\" onMouseOver=\"doTooltip(event, msgTips+".$i.")\" onmouseout=\"hideTip();\" class=".$date_class.">".$i."</a></td> i think u shud try it as,if ur passing $i as a seperate parameter to javascript fn. <td align="right\" valign=\"top\" class=".$date_class."><a href=\"#\" onMouseOver=\"doTooltip(event, msgTips,".$i.")\" onmouseout=\"hideTip();\" class=".$date_class.">".$i."</a></td>
  23. did u try executing it???it may work...
  24. checked out ur site.the select box-'noa' returns either 'noun' or 'adjective'.so ur code actually shud b: if($noa == 'adjective'){ and if($noa == 'noun'){
  25. if($noa == Name){ $handle2 = fopen("names.html", "a"); wat is Name...it doesnt luk like a variable nor a string constant?
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