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Everything posted by wh33t

  1. To answer your question, I connected over the command line mysql-client from an entirely different machine using mysql --host=myserverip, it worked. I even tested it by adding the option "--ssl-mode=DISABLED" and I was refused when forcing the client to connect without SSL. So I'm confident it's working as expected, just not in PHP.
  2. I would love for it to only require a user/pass, when I connect from the command line utility all I do is give user/pass and it connects just fine. It's just PHP that is making this weird.
  3. OOOH I'm getting closer. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Here are the error messages now. Maybe I should regenerate it?
  4. I have confirmed that I have SSL remote connections working (tested from the command line mysql-client remotely). I can't for the life of me figure out how to make this work from PHP land though. I am novice when it comes to encryption. This is my connection script: # Init SQL Link $con = mysqli_init(); if(!$con) { die('Init Failed'); } mysqli_ssl_set($con,null,null,null,null,null); mysqli_options($con,MYSQLI_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT,false); if(!mysqli_real_connect( $con, 'myserverip', 'myusername', 'mypassword', 'mydatabase', 3306,null,MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL )) { die('No SQL'); } The error reported to me is: I have the following SSL files (which I believe were generated via command line utility mysql_ssl_rsa_setup) ca-key.pem ca.pem client-key.pem client-cert.pem private_key.pem server-cert.pem public_key.pem server-key.pem Would anyone happen to know which of these and in which order I use them in mysql_ssl_set()? Please and thank you so much. No amount of Googling has lead me to the answer and I suspect it's due to me not understanding how the Encryption works OR not understanding how my webhost has configured their mysql-client.
  5. thanks man :) appreciate that.
  6. ahh. well thats what I figured I was gonna have to do unless there was some sort of command directive i could toss into apache. Ok well. if I do the documentroot thing it will run fine when i move it to the linux webspace right?
  7. but if I include a file that includes a file relative paths dont work cause they are all relative to the file thats including them in the first place. :(
  8. Ummm, that doesn't work either. I'm trying to make it so I can reference the webroot by just using / like I could on a linux box. Is this not possible?
  9. Ps. I dont want to have to put $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] everytime i wanna do an include.
  10. Hey there, I'm sure this has been asked a few times but I cant for the life of me figure out what the problem would be called exactly. I got php running on apache, and I see now that when i do something like require('/inc/file.php'); my script no longer finds the file. It seems to think that the / means c:\ ... is there a way to tell Apache to work like linux? lol. Any push in the right direction would be great.
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