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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Why doesn't "tbl_Combat" have an index on TargetID.
  2. If you want the GROUP_CONCAT() expression to remove duplicates, use the DISTINCT modifier -- the refman covers the syntax.
  3. I'm always wary of sharing tables within a DB that have nothing to do with one another -- you can leave your CMS code alone, use the same table names, etc., but have a different DB from each customer.
  4. Sounds like you just want to dump these rows into a table with an auto-increment field.
  5. I think you're asking for the row count without the LIMIT clause -- not without any clauses -- and if so, SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS is your friend.
  6. That doesn't make any sense -- opt can't be two different values at once. Shouldn't be anything -- are there any errors?
  7. Post EXPLAIN output.
  8. Oh -- well, short of a UDF (and there is a library of these that support regex), the lazy was is simply to compare the length of original string to a string where you've placed all of the occurences of '<p>' with '' (a blank string), and then just divide by the length of your occurrence.
  9. I don't follow.
  10. It's impossible to debug sql statements with placeholder variables.;
  11. 1.2 seconds? Then you added added the wrong index.
  12. That's because you're joining a many-to-many relationship -- by GROUP BY has a DISTINCT option, too.
  13. Not with that little information, no.
  14. You mean a JOIN?
  15. You're talking about stripping all of the html -- that's a different beast.
  16. You're mixing ORs and ANDs without parens.
  17. ENUM fields are great -- and the last time I checked, 64 values were supported -- but that makes it all but impossible to support multiple selections.
  18. You could join on an inequality, but it's better to just place it in the WHERE clause -- have you tried this?
  19. It's slow because you're not using any indexes -- it will be slower because of the RAND(), but that's a different issue entirely.
  20. Sounds like pretty basic PHP/MySQL interaction -- lots of tutorials and examples floating around on these boards and this site in general.
  21. MySQL has no arrays.
  22. Not surprised, I typed it from somewhere other than my dev machine -- I'll take another look. I don't think you've ever mentioned that before...
  23. Then cron is your only option.
  24. Use UNION.
  25. and eventTime is a TIME field?
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