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Everything posted by fenway

  1. * counts records; specifying an expression counts non-NULLs.
  2. What's the error?
  3. The varchar lengths are interesting choices -- also, how can you have a generic outlink?
  4. It's a rather sorry state of affairs, IMHO.
  5. Of course you can run multiple statements.
  6. Try here.
  7. Sounds like you want to group by some arbitrary time period....
  8. How about table structure and some queries?
  9. I don't follow.
  10. Or double-post. Topic locked.
  11. You're talking about php syntax errors, not mysql problems.
  12. Wait.. what doesn't work?
  13. MySQL has plenty of data types -- use the right ones.
  14. What's a "user field"?
  15. So? Use * or specify the fields you want... what doesn't work?
  16. If you're talking about php syntax, this is the wrong place.
  17. Yikes... you're missing a ON condition for your JOIN.
  18. I only see a single statement, so I don't see where you're getting back anything from a second table.
  19. You mean with MIN() and mAX()?
  20. Show us the actual query, and tell us what doesn't work.
  21. I don't follow -- you're asking why you're getting duplicate exhibitionname fields/
  22. Conditions can't be set up as anything -- it's your table that needs to support many-to-many
  23. And next time, don't post entire scripts unless you're asked to.
  24. Of course, %term% covers all 4 cases.
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