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Everything posted by fenway

  1. "multiple rows as one row" ==> either means you want group-concat or you want joins.
  2. fenway

    Index Help

    I'm not sure I understand why you have a group by with so many fields in the select list. Is is faster if you drop the group by / order by?
  3. Sounds like you're working with a non-normalized table design.
  4. Don't worry about one-to-one vs one-to-many at this stage... it doesn't matter for the constraints.
  5. Which one? Link to it.
  6. That's sounding very much like a description of XML.
  7. Same goes for H1 -- you don't need any CSS to get to do display differently than non-H1 text. Regardless, I've been building web pages since 1996, when CSS didn't even exist. And _before_ CSS came along, everyone was happily creating "presentation markup" with HTML alone. BTW, the last line of the intro wikipedia article on HTML reads: So even the W3C will concede that HTML allows for "explicit presentation markup". CSS changes nothing -- it just gives you yet another way to affect the presentation. The fact that everyone really wants to ignore that HTML still -- and will forever -- let you specify when your text is bold is just silly. I'm not suggesting that it isn't better to move the presentation layer to CSS -- just that HTML has such elements.
  8. Just because the "standards" suggest that CSS is the "presentation layer" doesn't preclude the fact that every single HTML tag represents a presentation element.
  9. Your SQL query is behaving exactly as you asked it to. You asked your query to GROUP BY id -- so it did. That means any other non-dependent column value is meaningless. Show us some sample data.
  10. FKs do not impose any restrictions that requires concatenating columns... please clarify.
  11. I couldn't disagree more -- the entire purpose of the markup is to convey presentation information. That's why everyone is so upset when people use tables for non-tabular data. Just because the browser displays it better as a <table>, doesn't mean it's a "table". The fact that CSS and JavaScript can inject additional instructions that modulate the underlying HTML markup is irrelevant.
  12. When I said "for the purposes of programming", I meant for comparison PHP to HTML.
  13. To clarify, write a select query with a GROUP BY on the programme, then JOIN that back using a derived table to get whatever else you desire.
  14. For the purposes of programming, I consider anything resembling a language to have syntax, not markup -- so HTML falls outside my definition. Frankly, I don't care how the "L" came about.
  15. It acts entirely like a templating system would. Where I come from, any markup is just a glorified template. Think about it. A bold tag can be thought as representing "replace these characters with bold characters". I have built many template systems that all work on the same principle.
  16. What was wrong with REPLACE()? TRIM() won't find embedded hyphens.
  17. That is the way -- and you already have everything you need.
  18. I always considered HTML more of a template.
  19. Sounds like a question for "one of your seniors". Anything is possible... but it's a bad idea.
  20. First you need to get a unique list of programmes... then join this back to the table of episodes.
  21. Yeesh... echo the actual query you produce.
  22. I still don't see why you just can't query each column separately.
  23. Absolutely... use DATE() or TIME(), or their respective format functions.
  24. I don't follow... what are you trying to do?
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