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Everything posted by fenway

  1. No, square brackets are not ok.
  2. That's something called a "cross-tab".
  3. So you're trying to join those tables base on name and month/year?
  4. Not sure this is really a mysql issue...
  5. This looks like a double-post...
  6. That's a php error, not a mysql error.
  7. Solved how? This is a precedence issue.
  8. Doesn't matter at all... you can still put the pieces back together so that you use a date field properly.
  9. I don't even understand the question.
  10. Echo the query.
  11. I don't follow.
  12. Looks fine to me
  13. What's not working... show output.
  14. That's your browser displaying those characters, not the database. You can pad numbers in PHP -- don't make the DB do the work. And you can translate 0 and 1 easily in PHP.
  15. That's because you're using the same alias twice.
  16. Too little information...
  17. And what's wrong with that?
  18. You need to make sure "skip-networking" isn't on... and that you're listening & connnecting on the right port, etc.
  19. Are you sure the grants have been set up correctly?
  20. well, you could group-concat the events....
  21. Echo the query itself.
  22. I'm not sure I follow... and most comparisons are case-insensitive unless you picked a different collation.
  23. Are you just counting? A simple join would suffice.
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