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Everything posted by fenway

  1. yeah... but how? See here.
  2. FYI, it also depends on charset and if you ever sort on these columns, too.
  3. I don't click on links... some sample output, maybe?
  4. Don't hold your breath on Falcon... I'd check out Sphinx.
  5. Because '0' is not a valid date/time... does that surprise you?
  6. What's "not working" about it?
  7. USING is not "equivalent" to ON... there are some subtle differences depending on version that may or may not matter.
  8. Um... guess not... looked like more code to read, as opposed to a working query... my ba.
  9. UNIONs.
  10. Why not just JOIN them?
  11. mysql has no concept of next/previous. not sure why you need the level, can't you tell directly? also, why not build this structure in script?
  12. LIKE will work, albeit poorly.
  13. "simultaneously" doesn't make any sense... what do you actually want?
  14. Then PLEASE stop asking for code!!!!
  15. It's not great... duplicate issues, typos, etc... why bother?
  16. I don't understand.
  17. This is not a mysql problem... confirm and I'll move it. You're talking about printing headers!
  18. I gave you the only idea.
  19. No errors? If you have php questions, post in the appropriate section.
  20. This has nothing to do with mysql.
  21. fenway

    cross check

    If you're LEFT JOINing, you need to make any where clause conditions pertaining to the left join'ed table to the on clause.
  22. right.
  23. Then post the final working solution, please.
  24. Well, I suppose you could still "number" them somehow and then filter the "rank"....
  25. Sorry, going cross-eyed today, that looks fine -- I still don't see why you can't directly compare NOW() to start, though.
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