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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Sounds like you need a JOIN.
  2. The best, period.
  3. Not sure why you chose TIMESTAMP instead of DATETIME... TIMESTAMP has all sorts of buggy unexpected "features". Huh? Why are you converting?
  4. Don't mix the two... just use the first one -- but you're missing the JOIN condition!
  5. I'm still very confused why you're confused... don't you get back the category as one of the fields?
  6. The reason you're having trouble is that your tables aren't normalized -- see the stickies.
  7. You need to use LOAD DATA INFILE.
  8. Does the event scheduler in 5.1 allow for this? I've never used it... so I'm just asking.
  9. How come we're talking about code that you haven't "stated"?
  10. Sounds like you need REGEXP and to replace * with %
  11. fenway

    Mysql query

    Where are these duplicates coming from? are there many to many relationships
  12. Don't double post.
  13. You were having other issues with SPs... what's the problem?
  14. How are you calling this? Do you have the CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS flag set?
  15. FIND_IN_SET() will work, but only with numbers, and it's not fun to edit.
  16. Please echo the actual query.
  17. Yikes! I think you mean UNION.
  18. fenway

    2 questions

    Let's see some sample data.
  19. No problem... enjoy!
  20. Well, that's one way...
  21. Hmm... I wonder if that's related to this?
  22. You think mysql has poor date functionality? Seriously??? Try working with mssql.
  23. Did you try moving it "up" the join list? Your table order isn't explicit....
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