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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Error logs?
  2. Not sure what you mean by the "bottom".
  3. Not really.. you need a LIKE for each word.
  4. Relevant thread is here.
  5. Where are we now? Just catching up....
  6. Well, you're trying to make the same view over and over again.
  7. Have you consulted the refman page on fulltext indexing?
  8. I don't know how many times you've posted the exact same question. LOCKED.
  9. Show exactly the command you're using.
  10. Show a table structure.
  11. It is so very much NOT an alternative -- they mean completely different things unless there's only a single field.
  12. Seriously? You just posted about 20K of code. Please identify the 15-line code snippet that's not working.
  13. Sounds like you need a jon.
  14. Yeah, I see that now... obviously, you can tell that csc.header can only be one value at a time! You'll need to join in the header table once per header row entry value with the name in the on clause -- let me know if I've lost you.
  15. That's a php issue, now, isn't it?
  16. Just use a DATETIME field.
  17. And before/after each query would be waste of time.
  18. Sounds lke you're looking for an exact match...?
  19. You can't... one insert req'd per table.
  20. Don't mark a thread "solved" without posting the solution.
  21. Read the sticky on hierarchical data -- it's not trivial to recurse it the way you've stored it.
  22. It's like no one's ever heard of code tags.... yeesh.
  23. Looks fine, but echo the query.
  24. Until replication becomes a factor.
  25. Then use the last query and switch 7 to 60.
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