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Everything posted by fenway

  1. It can't be equal to two things at once; you need to use OR, and the check the count in a having clause.
  2. What does an "image" row look like?
  3. Well, SELECT * FROM PtInfo WHERE Last_Name LIKE 'Fr%' will work....
  4. Yes, there were some incomptabile changes w.r.t timestamp....
  5. I'm not sure what you mean... you mean you want all matching pairs of (skillID, gradeValue)? That's not "all" criteria... unless you want only the ones where at least one row matches each one? Please clarify.
  6. Then that code isn't working or you're not calling it.
  7. First, use double-quotes for the outer string, and singles for the mysql literals. Second, echo the $sql variable.
  8. You can COUNT() the number of rows returned for each.
  9. OFFSET for LIMIT?
  10. Both, but time is more important -- unless the table really grows, and then index performance drops with increasing size.
  11. LEFT JOIN byrnjobdb.surveys ON byrnjobdb.jobs.survey_id_2=byrnjobdb.surveys.survey_idOR byrnjobdb.jobs.survey_id_3=byrnjobdb.surveys.survey_id
  12. Um, no.... read this.
  13. You can use OR in an ON clause.
  14. Did you change versions? There's no way that any DATETIME field will show the value you indicate.
  15. Maybe because you're missing the column type?!?!?
  16. Actually, that doesn't entirely work as advertised if there are non-matching items to be ordered...
  17. There is, but it's not pretty... there are all sorts of ways to cheat; the laziest is simply to throw out anything after the 4th.
  18. What's wrong with that query?
  19. You shouldn't use a minus sign in your column name -- underscores are much better!
  20. UNSIGNED will prevent it from being stored... but you'd have to catch the error when trying to set it (strct) or the warning (not strict).
  21. Yes, and that "button" triggers a form action that will get processed by PHP.
  22. Well, not multiple "ORDER BY"s, just separate groupings, is what I meant to say. For example, ORDER BY IF( t.topic_type = 1, 0, 1 ) ASC will always put topic_type 1 first. Then it gets more complicated...
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