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Everything posted by fenway

  1. That is, you should get all tasks regardless.
  2. You likely want a JOIN.
  3. I thought everyone knew that... then again, most of the "answers" are crap.
  4. Did you try both?
  5. Are you sure that's a mysql error?
  6. This doesn't sound mysql-related...
  7. I can't make sense of that outpu.
  8. How many subcategory level do you have?
  9. Can we get some sample output (i.e. current and what you want it to show)?
  10. Then where is the member ID in your SQL query?
  11. How are you retrieving these to put "something" in between?
  12. You want all managers for each roleID in separate columns?
  13. select approved_year, count(*) from <your-table-name> where state = 'perlis' group by state order by approved_year
  14. Why on earth are you price fields VARCHARS?!?!
  15. Then you'll need to issue the "opposite" query too, and UNION them.
  16. Why are you making a new table for each anything?
  17. There's an entire sticky on order by rand.
  18. Why do you have constants in your JOIN on clause? Move this to the where clause. Let's see the EXPLAIN before and after.
  19. or you could just do a count.
  20. What do you think "STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(y,'-',m,'-',d), GET_FORMAT(DATE, 'INTERNAL'))" does?
  21. What's buddy_buddy?
  22. If you mean can you join in another table, then yes... and FYI, group by does an implicit order by.
  23. Add a "GROUP BY Hiring_Small_Items.EventNo"
  24. Create database how? What's "all stuff"?
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