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Everything posted by fenway

  1. I would add a custom error handler, log all of the info, watch it for a while... this shouldn't happen without a proper DB warning.
  2. Well, you can SELECT INTO OUTFILE...
  3. fenway

    help ....

    Have you read this?
  4. How are messages / newfeeds related?
  5. I don't understand.
  6. Wow, that's a terrible table design... re-think this.
  7. More importantly, you're not quoting your string literals.
  8. That's not the first row... there is no first. That's a random row. If you want the first by date, ask for it -- WHERE yourDate = CURDATE() ORDER BY yourDate DESC LIMIT 1.
  9. How are you inserting/updating? Post the relevant code... but I still don't understand what you mean.
  10. So when does it happen?
  11. Names can be pulled by lookup the number, which I presume is unique for each team (though not across seasons). As for the time, decide which way to you want to store it, and the convert it back if you need to. The TIME field will be useful for this.
  12. access? you're in the wrong place...
  13. I'll try and work through this later on tonight... though the last statement seems to have %var% in it?
  14. Random numbers? Plural? What's the error?
  15. I'd prefer proper JOIN syntax, but that's the idea.
  16. Why empty the table when it resets? Why do the points have anything to do with the friends being added to a table?
  17. Argh... post your create table statement, as well as the insert required to produce the relevant rows. I'll see if I can produce sample output... I don't see any reason to pay for a single line of code.
  18. Too complicated... keep it simple, or the client will feel like you're trying to pull a fast one on them. Break it down by functional items ONLY -- e.g. e-commerce, user profiles, shopping cart, database backup, search engine optimization, whatever -- because there are the only things that they can translate into $$$ in their heads. No one cares that there's a database, or how complicated (or elegant) it is, or how their site is built to some magical spec / standard that doesn't affect them in any way, shape or form. I don't even mention any technical aspect at all... not even the technologies... because it doesn't matter.
  19. You keep turn on logging, of course... but your script can also handle this.
  20. I was talking about this code, testing on the post that you supplied: SUBSTRING(post FROM LOCATE('http://',post) FOR LOCATE(' ',post,LOCATE('http://',post))-1) AS url[/url] And it shouldn't matter where you test it from.
  21. Actually, you haven't been very helpful either.... all you've told us is that you have 300K magical records with 80 magical fields. And then you want to know how to store this. So I'm trying to get more information, but you're not forthcoming. Perhaps someone else on the forum is psychic. That's like saying "I need a good car to get me places... which one should I buy"? If you'd like specific details, provide some detailed information from your end so that we can assess your problem in a meaningful way. And if you don't understand why the number & type of fields you're storing matter, well, there's a lot of work to do.
  22. Then it might be a file path issue, don't think I've ever used it with UNC paths... did you try something local?
  23. Wow, I wish I had that much extra time ;-)
  24. The php aspect is of no consequence... I have tested the original code on your example in this version, and it produces the desired output. And yes, the threads were merged...
  25. I've never seen this before... what does check tables say?
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