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Everything posted by fenway

  1. @teynon: If you never needed anything but the PK, you're not indexing correctly. PK is just a special version of unique key --- very special.
  2. Do you really have thousands of dollars per month in your budget for hosting?
  3. MySQL can average integers, and that's what times "are".
  4. Combine how? The results or the conditions?
  5. I don't understand what you want -- to convert fixed to dynamic?
  6. Sorry, I don't follow -- what's the problem/
  7. They all support triggers.
  8. See here.
  9. You want to get all threads, and just know if a given owner has replied? That's a job for EXISTS.
  10. Then you simply need to join back to the SKU->ID table twice.
  11. Sounds like you should be asking the mighysite developers.
  12. Assuming you're sending via HTTPS (or some other SSL-aware protocol), you don't have to worry about the data "in transit". That, of course, includes MySQL. Protecting the data in the database on the server side is a bit different. Assuming you're the only with shell access, and you've locked down the box properly, you don't have to worry about localhost vectors. That leaves with you with the user accounts that you use to connect to MySQL from the server (hopefully localhost or private network). MySQL does support AES encryption.
  13. That basically limits inserts/updates to only those rows that match the original WHERE clause.
  14. I'm guessing you're missing parentheses around some of those WHERE expressions -- matters with OR.
  15. BIGINT is crazy big -- INT will suffice, and is faster as a primary key index anyway (1/2 the size).
  16. That's up to you in PHP.
  17. I don't see an SQL statement anywhere.
  18. Reserved keywords come and go -- if you're dealing with an older system, you may have no choice but to use backticks.
  19. See here..
  20. I'll go further -- if you don't know where to start, and you want this done is any reasonable amount of time, there are literally dozens of shrink-wrapped, open-sourced tools to do this -- and I'm sure many can recommend specific ones. If you're asking for purely theoretical reasons, we can continue to go back & forth and discuss at will. In more practical terms, start out with something crazy simple, manually enter your limited user base, and hard-code the queries they can performed. Sure, a few checkboxes and input fields will help, but don't built anything dynamic right now. Get it working, and customize from there.
  21. If you asking about how to create a php script to edit a database, that's far too general a question.
  22. Well, since you're the one defining these relationships, you're the only one who knows how to look them up. Same goes for add / edit operations.
  23. Quassnoi's almost always right -- but without an index, mysql would have to build one first, and then it's hard to believe there would be a different -- but hey.
  24. Running "reports" should be the job of a custom PHP script -- assuming you're not letting users write raw SQL queries (which you shouldn't be). "user administration" pertains to your application, and likely doesn't overlap with mysql users.
  25. This screams out for "NULL". Not if the date is zero too.
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